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Everything posted by raskull

  1. Banning characters is a pretty crappy way of avoiding injection attacks. Any programmer worth his salt should be able to properly escape/htmlencode things where necessary. Of course, I've done the same thing in a pinch (and the customer also complained) so I guess I really shouldn't be calling the kettle black...
  2. Begovic - I believe the remaining jumps are: 0-4: $500, 5-7: $600, 8-14: $750 (but those are unconfirmed results I got from a small nation a while back).
  3. If your nation was created after 12 noon you get your birthday a day late (366 days).
  4. I vote for the ISO Date Notation. I'm sure it'll never happen though since we Americans are always right and everybody else is always wrong.
  5. So he logged into his nation, using your laptop, from a hotel in Orlando. Now you want to create a new nation with your laptop from home in Ft. Lauderdale. In this case there is no problem. You would've had a different IP address in Orlando. As long as he hasn't logged in from your home in Ft. Lauderdale you're good. Edit: Bah... Delta1212 beat me.
  6. While no env penalty is nice, the problem with Oil and Uranium (the OP's resources) is that they really only fit well into the 5BG trade set. The 8BG set is an option but it requires sacrificing fish for uranium which is a tough sell. That being said, you could do much worse. (I've got a buddy with Rubber and Wine...)
  7. whoops, wrong tab, mods feel free to delete
  8. Your bookmark is probably wrong. Try re-bookmarking your view my nation page.
  9. Yep, exactly. Your environment is also hurt by one point for choosing the government position supporting nukes (of course, the power plants option carries this same penalty, so switching from power plants to nukes won't worsen your environment).
  10. You can pay with an e-check via paypal, or send a paper check or cash via admin's PO Box (address is on the donation page).
  11. Are you sure you didn't loose a few pop boosting resources? Wheat, Cattle, Pigs, and Sugar would put you right up around 39k, where you were.
  12. Totally off-topic, but you want to go to: http://forums.viridianentente.com/
  13. There is also a 3 week (21 days) anniversary (+2 hp).
  14. Admin can magic money out of nowhere, there is no bank. You could try asking admin to magic some money for you, but I doubt you'll get too far.
  15. What? No, it's not. If you want to think so go for it. I think what he means is buying more land benefits him more than buying more infra, as the upkeep cancels out most of the increased taxes at his level.
  16. They hurt your environment by 1 point if you import them (which is actually an increase in your environment value). Native resources have no environment penalty. Nope. Uranium always hurts your environment by 1 point. Choosing option 2 or 3 hurts your environment by an additional 1 point but take this hit even with the NEO. Quick comment, you need another border wall. Double-check that this actually does increase your taxes, but it should. Your environment will improve by 3 points. 1 for each of Oil and Uranium (Coal is native), and 1 for the NEO itself. You'll be able to destroy all your border walls (including the one I just told you to buy). As far as taxes go, the UHC+3BW has a slight edge, bringing in an extra ~180k over the NEO+0BW, but the NEO's infra upkeep reduction makes it more beneficial, increasing your net profit by ~200k over the UHC+3BW.
  17. Right. The +$3.00 will increase your income slightly more than the +1.5 happiness, meaning it will have the same effect on your ability to increase your tax rate. Of course if something weird happens at negative happiness levels this may not be the case. Come to think of it I don't think I've ever stumbled across a nation with negative happiness. I'm assuming the happiness just takes away from base income rather than adding to it when it is negative.
  18. I think this would be useful for more than just war declarations. Maybe trade drops/sanctions too. I'd even go so far as to suggest an (optional) email notification for all in-game PMs. This would probably have to be a job than runs every hour or so and batch sends all unread messages, to avoid dozens of emails when you get quad attacked.
  19. Ah, sorry. I obviously didn't read you post closely enough. Are you sure you didn't get the +1% citizens? You citizen count actually looks dead-on to me. Assuming nothing else has changed in your nation it should have been ~29,188 before the event, and ~29,481 after (which it is). BTW - set your government position on nuclear research to the "we oppose all research" option. It'll improve your environment
  20. These are listed on the wiki somewhere but (sadly) I can rattle them off faster than I can find the wiki page: 1, 2, and 3 weeks: +2hp 1 and 2 months: +2hp 3 months: +3hp 6 months: +4hp 1 year: +5hp and there are no bonuses after that (you don't get the +5 every year or anything).
  21. This has been posted several times before: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=37291 http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=35197 http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=29607 without any response from admin so far. I figure why look a gift horse in the mouth, so I'm not making a big deal about it. In addition to population, the bug also affects the 2:1 infra:land ratio environment bonus. Your post-event land area is used for the population density happiness bonus though (I *think*, I got this information from another nation and haven't verified it myself). So basically unless you're dangerously close to 70/120 population density these land events don't hurt you at all.
  22. You should always go with Option 2. I don't see what tax rate has to do with it...
  23. See the "Infra Questions" thread in the Game Mechanics forum on the VE boards for a more thorough description of infra jumps.
  24. You aren't actually in bill lock. You're only in bill lock when your daily taxes aren't enough to cover your daily bills (which isn't the case for you). You're just choosing not to collect taxes (and therefor don't have money to pay bills). As others have stated, you should've stopped paying bills the second you lost your iron trade. Paying bills without iron is nearly as bad a collecting without an income booster. You should definitely stop paying bills now. The interest penalty is nothing compared to the increased infra bill you're paying now. While an Iron and Water trade would be ideal, if you can't find that easily I'd suggest (at least temporarily) going for Iron and another income booster (Fish, Gems, Silver, Wine, Sugar, etc). This will get you back on your feet, and give you another 20 days to continue searching for that Iron and Water trade.
  25. One rationalization I've heard is your citizens would probably be a lot less freaked out with a bunch of rent-a-cops with flashlights and tazers walking the streets than they would with the same number soldiers with automatic weapons.
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