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Everything posted by iamthey

  1. All of my claims are correct and accounted for.
  2. We urge our neighbors in the Atlantian Federation to resolve the matter diplomatically and hold off on a military engagement that will only end in the destruction of stability and the national infrastructure the people of Mexico use in their daily life. America is supposed to be a continent of brothers, unified internally to the outside world; not one which bickers among itself and in this case brings harm to itself. This leader clearly is supported by the Mexican people; think about their interests not just the interests of a group of elites who rule the nation. Take time to see if a compromise can be reached; if by then you are not satisfied then take further action. EDIT: OOC: Oh lol nvm he doesn't have a nation...
  3. Agreed, other than for military applications, and government use the Imperial Alliance doesn't allow personal vehicles. However we appreciate the innovative nature of this new policy and hope that the new roadways will be safer.
  4. *Classified* The Imperial Alliance Naval Taskforce Alpha has armed its FOAB ICBM's, Osiris Guidance systems have been initiated, and targets have been selected. *To Fasci* If Fasci takes action against the IA it will soon find itself in a bath of fire... literally.
  5. OOC: I think there is a lot of open land right now, and even if there isn't there are plenty of protectorates. Just find a white space you want to claim and do so/ask the owner. Idk if they are accepting new claims though they are still trying to rebuild it.
  6. OOC: That is what happened eastern Riechland is a generalization for the claims made by the individual NC members post war as well as the NC protectorate.
  7. While the Imperial Alliance is a friend of the NC, we are going to have to say no. This is only for socialist/communist nations. EDIT: OOC: That was to Malatose.
  8. We vote yes to that flag as well. The Capital shall be located in the North Western Saharan territory in the Sub Administrative Zone's capital of New Lausanne if that is fine with the rest of the GS. We also vote yes to sending aid to help the victims of the Reactor accident.
  9. Raritan you almost have my claims right. The North western siberia claim is the only thing missing.
  10. After exiting the main administrative center of Sub Administrative Zone Four, Vladimir had begun to feel uneasy. He felt he could trust Devereaux, but he hadn't ever claimed to understand the man. The Administrative Center was more of a palace than it was an office, it sat on a raised foundation which like a pyramid was visibly one level stacked upon another. In this regard the layers formed a cascading set of steps leading up to the main building. Suddenly he noticed something, the military police who normally stood vigilant and guarded the center were derelict of their duties. Without announcement a black van pulled up ten meters from Kaine, and five armed men climbed from its rear. Each of them wore a mask and each was indistinguishable from the others. Behind him he suddenly felt someone shove him, and shortly after his vision blacked out; the easily deduced product of the thick nylon bag pulled over his head. Dragged into the vehicle Vladimir was helpless to stop them...
  11. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news :/... However, the African territory still needs to be swapped to match my Romanian territory (the land south of the gibtar isn't mine, mine is directly south of it. (Its some kind of darkish blue right now) Also my north western Siberian territory is missing. Below is the picture for the first level administrative boundaries. Everything else is correct though. EDIT: Picture was screwed up.
  12. Yeah that's what I have always considered the general rule to be, and I also try to stick by it.
  13. OOC: Heh welcome back shan. IC: The Alliance will send food stuffs straight away.
  14. We welcome the HCCP. OOC: When did they get banned?
  15. OOC: Interesting take on third way economics.
  16. OOC: Lol IC: First of all the Imperial Alliance doesn't control north Carolina we control a small part of it (norfolk), second of all no.
  17. Arguably said projects are more beneficial to their economy than harmful, as long as they maintain a steady supply of resources such projects create a constant flow of wealth from the state thereby stimulating the economy. Its tantamount to building a massive highway or going to total war. This is just an ambiguous way of redistributing wealth from the state to the people through construction labor.
  18. Your nation and people have our sympathies. OOC: Heh, the allusion to Chernobyl is funny .
  19. There is no up coming war the matter was resolved, moreover we are a nation who's ideals are reflected in this bloc. We obviously can't join commintern due to said connection however if this bloc is neutral as it says it is then there is no reason why we cannot be allied with the communist nation the CSSR, and this bloc as well. Yes
  20. Eh, I don't see that in the treaty; all it does is recognize that communism is expanding, which it is; and promise to unify and defend those with similar versions of this system under a common umbrella. Its no different than if a bunch of democracies, or empires decided to bloc together.
  21. The Alliance would be happy to host the GS headquarters in any of its territories. We might suggest our centrally located African territory as a possible province for establishing it. Of course if anyone else would like to offer we wouldn't object.
  22. OOC: Will there be a discussion thread?
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