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Everything posted by Randalla

  1. Just when we get rid of our raid policy, too. I kid, I kid. Good luck old friend.
  2. NG's the only alliance that's allowed to protect inactive AA's, didn't you know?
  3. Socialist cat is somewhat frightening. Welcome to the show!
  4. Clearly this is indeed terrible. Terribly awesome. We're very pleased to finally be able to take the next step in what feels like an ancient friendship. Cheers, friends.
  5. Oh hey, these are both friends of mine. We almost have those silly tree huggers where we want them... I mean... Congrats, dears.
  6. Most kind, and to do what we did, to fight the worthy opponents we fought, was an honor. An uphill honor, barefoot, in the snow, both ways, but an honor nonetheless.
  7. Now it's time to get down to business. I love my Steampunks. Especially my Amarynth. Cheers, lovelies!
  8. [quote name='memoryproblems' timestamp='1331174302' post='2935316'] Did the government of TSA request/approve this or not? If they did not, then it is most certianly an unauthorized takeover performed presumably against the will of TSA's government. Perhaps I'm missing something, but it looks to me as if this was done on the request of The Apparatus and not on the request of TSA. If that is the case, it paints a pretty clear picture that The Apparatus doesn't understand what the word "sovereignty" means. It might not be done in malice, it might have the best interests of TSA in mind, but if an alliance isn't active enough to save its own skin, even by being active enough to ask for somebody else's help themselves, then it doesn't really deserve to live. [/quote] Wow. You are definitely missing the broad side of the barn with that one. Why don't you shoot an inquiry to WP, yourself, if you think this was anything other than the way it was presented? We certainly didn't put in any special requests--TSA has been one of our longest standing allies since before they were TSA, and before we were The Apparatus. You obviously have no clue how The Apparatus operates and how much we DO value the sovereignty of other alliances, to take a blind wild stab like that. A look at how we regard our protectorates would be a good place to start. Asking us, or TSA directly would be an even better place to start if you actually care to learn more about our (TSA/TNoT/App) connections, or how we operate, or how this even came about. I'm always available to chat, clarify, answer questions, etc. A shame folks so rarely take me up on the offer before blowing off so much hot air. Leave the steam to the Steampunks, eh?
  9. Heya, since you're following up on this thread, I thought I'd expand on my PM reply a bit since I ... ran out of room. 1. Drama. We watch it from a distance, but we don't post much on the OWF because of it, and we haven't had to put up with it in the alliance itself. We're blessed with members who aren't afraid to debate, but in a respectful way. - Not a lot to add to that one, actually. I my folks. 2. We assist in finding tech deals and trade circles if needed, and try to help fellow members and friends first as much as possible. However, we have no restrictions on who to deal with. - Our Civics Corps helps to bring folks who need tech deals to my attention, and as a black team trade coordinator, I'm forever fixing trade circles. 3. Advancement is based on merit and activity, though we remain a "schedule friendly" alliance. There's plenty of room to assist, and to work your way up to being appointed to higher government. - We encourage and help interested newcomers to dive right on in and get their feet wet in the area of expertise of their choice. High government department heads will even be happy to take you under their wing. If you work for it, you will definitely be rewarded. And in time, you may even decide to run for Director. Watch out, Ernie! 4. We have an entire department devoted to auditing member nations and helping them with suggestions for growth. We have training, guides, and helpful mentors. - Even on your first day as an Initiate, you'll have helpful beginning information available to you, and our folks are ready to answer any questions you have along the way. The Initiate stage with us can be as brief or as long as you need it, it's at your own pace. There are no tests, but our Professor and his assistants will check over your nation when you're ready to advance, to make sure you're on the right track. Upon graduation from Initiate to membership, you'll have access to even more helpful information, which we are even now in the process of updating for accuracy and ease of use. After 30 days as a regular member, you will be considered a member of the General Assembly, with full voting (and other) privileges. You also made a good point about alliance size. We're still a modest sized alliance, I think. About mid-sized, some might call us, though it feels cozier to me because I'm familiar with every single member. I believe, since you've indicated that you are willing and eager to put the work into it, you will not have any difficulties at all advancing up the ranks with us. That, in its entirety, surely would not fit in one PM, and that's still not everything we have to offer. We actually have a few other areas touched on in our Frequently Asked Questions area of our forum, which you don't need to register to view: http://forum.theapparatus.org/index.cgi?board=welcome&action=display&thread=2825 Don't be alarmed: Yes, we are the premier Steampunk themed alliance in town, but we do have sane members who prefer not to wear goggles with their top hats. I actually opt to leave my goggles at home, because my sunglasses sit perfectly in that spot when I'm indoors. Anyway, I like that you're taking your time to do this the right way, and it sounds like you have quite a lot to offer the lucky alliance you ultimately choose. I'd be honored if it was The Apparatus, but if you have any other questions or want to get to know us better, let me know. I'll be happy to field any additional questions you may have.
  10. Gambona, my friend, you should know you can always bring concerns to any of us here. But to see this as hostile without knowing how extensively it's been discussed behind the scenes is hardly fair for either party. I can assure you and anyone with concerns, this is far from hostile. Come and chat if you like. Good move, friends, you know you have our support, TSA and TNoT.
  11. Pretty exciting times coming up for App! Battle tested, new government coming in, a new and improved charter and compendium, and some other plans in the works. Come and be a part of the next phase of The Apparatus!
  12. Wow, whatever cold bug it is that's going around lately, for the love of Lysol, don't catch it. Misery in a kleenex box. This, too, shall pass.
  13. [quote name='Omniscient1' timestamp='1328913080' post='2917978'] Someone noticed at least. I think the last time this happen the nations were off the PC AA. If I recall correctly, Asgaard and Amazon Nation were the ones who stepped up last time. Now Asgaard are dead, and I doubt The Apparatus has enough capital to save the AA. [/quote] My opinion about that incident hasn't changed since then. These aren't new kids on the block, 30+ members and 2 million strength isn't typically tech raid fodder except when bored parties are bored and want to try and push the boundaries of decency and respect for other established alliances. For all intents and purposes, they're about as neutral as neutral can get--but it's fine and dandy to raid *that* neutral alliance? Not Creole? Grey Council? TDO? And so on? Last time, AGW had folks who were able to communicate what was going on with us through other means. As this is still a relatively new development, I haven't heard from them yet, but have already sent notice to see what assistance they might need. I am hopeful that an amicable agreement can be reached quickly--and that it's recognized that AGW has the right to expect reparations for an unwarranted large scale attack on their long-established sovereignty.
  14. And I'm back in the thread, officially welcoming newcomers once more while our rebuilding continues. If you're not afraid to take an arrow to the knee for your friends, then WE WANT YOU!
  15. In before someone takes an arrow to the knee. All jest aside, I rather like the looks of this. Best of luck to you!
  16. I would actually like to personally apologize to both of these fine folks for the massive miscommunication that helped to cause a bumpier start for my BioHazard friends than was ever intended. I intended for all Apparatus protectorates to remain neutral despite our inevitable entry into the war. They are not obligated to offer assistance to The Apparatus in such a scenario as we find ourselves in presently. In the chaos of our rapidly changing news and fronts during these past several days, miscommunication took an even worse turn, obviously. Accidents happen, I stand by our friendship, and hope that they will be able to move on and flourish beyond this unfortunate incident. I will be happy to help at any time.
  17. My dears, good luck, and I wish we could have fought alongside you as we were meant to. Asgaard, the same: Thrawn, I will miss debating which of us will get to launch the next nuke. Next time.
  18. I thank those who recognize the reason we did what we felt we had to do without additional explanation. I also humbly thank all of our other friends and allies who understood the position we were put in after events unfolded the way they did. This was a heart breaking decision, because we did in fact find ourselves torn between multiple friends, on multiple sides. No matter which path we decided to march down, we knew it would be ...challenging. Very challenging. We don't expect this to be easy, but we will do our damndest. I hope not to disappoint our allies and our opponents, just the same.
  19. I'd like to offer a respectful nod to our opponents, and wish everyone luck on the battlefield. Any questions, comments or concerns can be brought to me privately, though patience may be required. I've not had this many queries in one evening in quite some time, I'm a little out of practice.
  20. Tower! Isolde! My friends, congratulations! I'm confident you folks will accomplish great things over there.
  21. [quote name='IYIyTh' timestamp='1323066004' post='2863431'] Call me crazy. [/quote] Well, if you insist....
  22. Don't do it, Maxman! I've already tried handling this guy civilly through private channels, and my eyeballs are still bleeding. Not worth the time and excedrin. Caption: Randalla and Amarynth, together at last--now get THAT out of your dirty minds, gentlemen.
  23. [quote]I have not been afforded the opportunity to have them addressed elsewhere so here will suffice.[/quote] I start to sound like a broken record after so many times, but like others who don't bother to take the time to come and talk with me in person, you could very well have come to me privately to address your concerns, as well. I could give you all the details you could possibly want, if you cared enough to straighten out those "facts" of yours. Instead, you insist on accusing us of repeatedly harming MHA (pun somewhat intended). We've done nothing of the sort, and have no reason or interest in harming anyone. Obviously the current MHA government and membership agrees with us, and we're happy to count the MHA among our friends. And that is all she wrote. If you're *truly* concerned, come up and see me some time. Till then, have a fantastic night.
  24. Alright, it was amusing getting to know the infamous "Myth" I've heard talk about, but this: [quote]I know quite a bit about your acts of aggression towards the Mostly Harmless Alliance...[/quote] ... is laughable at best. I'll put MY reputation against YOUR reputation any day of the week. Now, back to our previously scheduled round of celebratory nutsybolts.
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