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Everything posted by hertugen

  1. Another fitting Will Rogers quote: Seems to be one or two ignorant people in this thread.
  2. I am not.. Joined on 1/4/2007 8:15:01 AM (788 days old) As for the poll; It is not an obligatory comedy answer. I honestly don´t know how much time I spend lurking around various forums. The honest to God answer would be "too much time".
  3. Yes. Poll fails because of lacking options.
  4. Get out your torpedos, man the battle stations. NpO has got your back GR.
  5. Wait, what? Dude... the Bi-Polar Accords man... We can TOTALLY hijack their boat...
  6. I believe this belongs to Polaris. Also, can I join the cruise? Do they serve drinks on the boat?
  7. Don´t listen to him... He is a nutkase Also: hope this will be worked out.
  8. I know this dude kobiashiy. He would fit right in to your alliance. EDIT: could not spell "kobiashiy"
  9. Maybe Planet Bob is the wrong place for you Kobiashiy. You seem to make wrong political moves all the time, I think you will be a "for the lulz" raid target. Clam down for a while.. Join the red sphere for protection and learn the ropes before you start a new alliance. I feel sorry for those who put their future in your hands by joining HALO 2. When you screw up as an alliance leader, you screw up for everybody flying that AA. This is just some helpful advice. I would however thank you for bringing me and the population of Salernoland lulz. There is a picture of Master Chief on the front page in todays "hertugen´s tribune".
  10. From Wiki: obedientiary Anyway. Good luck.
  11. Trust this man, for he knows what he is speaking of.
  12. Wait, I am confused. Do we like them or don´t we? Anyways. Happy Alliance announcement day WAEhalla.
  13. Oh dear... Get on IRC and beg someone for forgiveness. I heard Z'ha'dum, a Pacifican, is in a good mood these days.
  14. I heard that VOX are looking for members.
  15. Now you don´t really believe that, now do you? EDIT:spelling
  16. Oh God, I hope you are kidding.
  17. Have my babies? And, yes, without the mighty MCXA, Polaris would TOTALLY win the last war...
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