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Everything posted by KeyStroke

  1. I think this is the case. Also, our egos are writing checks that our ability cannot cash. Everyone thinks "Hey, I can be a better leader than.... (name your despot here)" and they think that this is sooooooo obvious that everyone will flock to their alliance if they go and start one. ....... then they go around in IRC begging for some bigger alliance to give them a protectorate agreement.
  2. Requiring a hand-written paper is being prejudiced against those of us who are disabled and cannot produce legible handwriting anymore.
  3. I read the OP. I read half the responses on the first page. I stopped reading. I agree with the OP about 98% - very well written (if a bit wordy). It reveals the truth, and discourages the lies. NPO abused their power and both committed moral atrocities as well as encouraged (or enabled) others to commit moral atrocities. this post provides a great summary of the offensive acts that NPO have done, or have encouraged/enabled. In short: Let the punishment fit the crime. Let the terms set against NPO be as harsh as any terms they have ever set (or allowed to be set) against others. Let there be justice.
  4. Well, I got 'shark bit'. I was in GPA at the time. I was chatting in the GPA IRC channel. I forget about what. The GOONS member who was there decided that what I posted that he could categorize it (put the right spin on his accusation) so that he could attack me 'because of shark week'. No, it wasn't what they make it out to be..... it wasn't forums cleansing..... it was being bullies (more like ethnic cleansing if you ask me).
  5. The event of a bully beating up another kid because that kid voiced his opinion on some matter is only funny (if funny at all, to anyone) to the bully.
  6. History of Cyber Nations; Part 16: The Road Less Traveled
  7. TPF characterizing the League of United Armenians (LUA) as Nazis simply because they were chained into fighting on the side of NoV by honoring their pacts. Not many people noticed this, or cared, but those of us who did notice feel it is the largest injustice committed by an alliance against another.
  8. You may need to study the history of the Continuum-GPA War. There certainly is history that backs up this as a precedent.
  9. KFG; It's nice to have you be in a prominent position in alliance affairs, now. It's also nice to call you an ally again.
  10. Hail to SWK, honorable foe! You know I like ya.
  11. Yup. I'm ambassador to CCC from NpO. Congrats to CCC and TGE!
  12. Wasn't this message put after it was discovered that it was down?
  13. I believe our Ministry of Truth is still on the job. I doubt that their work is complete, yet.
  14. A wise recommendation. I wasn't at GPA when the Woodstock Massacre (War on Peace) took place, but it still hurt. It's just emotional momentum, I guess, to keep holding on to a desire for vengeance for what happened. I know I did, for too long a time. If the GPA, itself, can put the War on Peace behind them, then the rest of us Ex-GPA should do so as well.
  15. Please keep us informed about how this works out for you.
  16. Can this be put into the Forum FAQ ?
  17. Alliance: Cranky Christian Crusaders (CCC) Forum URL: Sub-forum of http://z7.invisionfree.com/CCC_Forum (requires ambassador access to parent forum and password) IRC Channel/server #Cranky_Christians on ColdFront.Net
  18. We are the Cranky Christians. We are now on CN-TE. If you are a christian, if you are cranky, if you know that crusades will happen on CN-TE then consider joining us. At this stage of the game, just set your AA to 'Cranky Christian Crusaders'.
  19. Christian Coalition of Countries have changed our IRC chat to #CN-CCC (on coldfront)
  20. The CCC trying to establish a trade ring for the yellow sphere. The bonuses this trade ring will achieve will be: Beer, Fast Food, Construction and Scholars (hence the title 'Good Will Hunting'). An added bonus will be the inclusion of Urainum so that once your nation gets above 5% you can build nukes. Please come to the CCC forums and register at: http://z7.invisionfree.com/CCC_Forum Once you get registered ask for a diplomatic mask so you can see this forum: http://z7.invisionfree.com/CCC_Forum/index.php?showforum=77 Trade bribes may (later) be considered if there is a rare combination we need. Check the thread for any details that may arise about that.
  21. This is what I predicted. I'm in a multi-colored alliance but I'm still green. This is because I am in a resource trade ring extablished on the public forums of the GPA. If one of those should drop, I'll consider going to a different color.
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