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Sceptor o Sordidness

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Everything posted by Sceptor o Sordidness

  1. I remember my first Poobah query like it was yesterday, and how he tricked me into signing up on your forums. I will never forget that, never.
  2. Congratulations friends, that sure is some glowing green goodness.
  3. This is a sham, you all will meet your fate.
  4. As everyone always says, it's damn fine to see friends solidify friendships between themselves. Sort of kicks up the heat in the circle of love. Congratulations to you both, it's about time!
  5. There are various qualities of reporting, and opportunistic reporting such as this would find itself far away from the weakest reach of light--at the bottom. Then again, that's what people find entertaining, right?
  6. Nah I read it, and just read it again to make sure I didn't miss anything. It's the good sort of 'confused' anyway, fun.
  7. It's been frightening and awesome seeing these numbers climb so quickly, bravo.
  8. That'd take forever, we're trying not to gain more than 0.02 a day, remember?
  9. Congratulations FOK! And RnR: I wish it hadn't happened like this. I'm sure you'll be hot on our tails.
  10. Definitely calkin, especially when he thinks he's actually from Japan. The guy calls me like 3 times a day. Wait, I think that last part is pieman.
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