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Everything posted by Dan2680

  1. [quote name='Sandwich Controversy' timestamp='1299995790' post='2662508'] Could you at least use Dumbhouse? [/quote] *sigh* If I must...
  2. [quote name='PinkV' timestamp='1299995068' post='2662492'] 1) It's Doomhouse. You may spell it DoomHouse, Doomhouse, or like I do : Doom House, however spelling it like Doomhut only compliments the amount of intelligence behind your posts. And believe me, it's not saying much. You may believe your oh-so-clever and witty remarks will help prove your point but to me it only ends up being more of an annoyance. Like someone double wrapping a gift only to unveil a box of clothing. [/quote] Oh, so its ok for LOLhouse to do it... but not for anyone else? That is nice to know, thanks.
  3. [quote name='MCRABT' timestamp='1298652995' post='2644795'] You are an Invicta member so the fact that you actually have the cognitive ability to think is in itself a minor miracle. I'd suggest that you don't post frequently until you develop the ability to post "intelligent thought", judging by your last post that could take a while so I won't be holding my breath. Kudos though on a relative milestone. [/quote] The whole "Invicta bashing" thing is quite old, and infact very childish. Likewise to Pansy
  4. [quote name='Cyber Nationz' timestamp='1298610297' post='2644471'] Dan2680 How about you come out of peace mode, and see if you even last 3 days. Oh I forgot, you sir are a Hippe Warrior. Defcon 1 in peacemode is your best strategy. [/quote] Got me! I am a "hippe Warrior". Why dont you try spelling correctly? That is a fun game.
  5. [quote name='Ludacrism2' timestamp='1298609722' post='2644461'] Ok, lolDan2680 it is then. [/quote] Havent heard that one before
  6. [quote name='Ludacrism2' timestamp='1298609469' post='2644458'] Wow, you fail buddy. EDIT: Sorry, I meant to say, thats nice coming from someone in peace mode. [img]http://www.revivolution-x.net/public/style_emoticons/default/NXemoti.png[/img] [/quote] Nice retort, try again though. LOL PEACEMODE doesnt count.
  7. [quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1298608690' post='2644443'] They declared war on us more than two weeks ago. [/quote] Two weeks longer than I thought they would last.
  8. [quote name='Amonra' timestamp='1297709899' post='2633135'] So to summerize your guys comments. Alchemy "Be civilized, no name calling" me "you named called in the OP" Alchemy "Cant take a joke?" FAIL Alchemy "Come out and fight us cowards" me "Here I am, got 3 slots for you." Alchemy "Um, dont tell us how to fight!" FAIL [/quote] This post is made of science, and win.
  9. Nice to see I still have some influence over NX... using my old avatar eh?
  10. Lol, I have to say good show on an amusing DoW. I called it right off the bat, in fact... if you hadn't of put those song lyrics in that would of been my reply... However, pretty low on the whole "rectum" thing... thats soooooooo 2010. Like geeeez. Come on... Also, haha I said low... and rectum...
  11. "And if a house gets in my way baby, you know I'll burn it down!"
  12. [quote name='Weirdgus' timestamp='1296104739' post='2604561'] Nice DoW speech, it somehow feels I have read that before somewhere Hail Regnum Invictorum! o/ [/quote] awww crap... really?
  13. [quote name='Biazt' timestamp='1296104087' post='2604509'] Let's dance. Herp derp. [/quote] I like your avatar, cause um... it suits this topic...
  14. [quote name='Locke' timestamp='1296103856' post='2604477'] !@#$@#$ finally; tear 'em apart, Invicta. Two questions though. First, did Jor write that? It reads like a Jor announcement. Second, pretty flag, but why so low quality? With all the little details it needs to be a lot larger. [/quote] Haha nope, actually I wrote this one Locke.
  15. [center][img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c256/NAscar8fanga/02c648a2.png[/img][/center] [center]*Official Regnum Invictorum Decree*[/center] "Doom house" and their myriad allies have gone to great lengths to destroy a single alliance, while we have gone to great lengths to protect it in this latest global calamity. Rather simply leaving well enough alone... these alliances have conspired to attack a neutral alliance out of cowardice. We wanted to cling to past glory by protecting this alliance, but it seems that now someone else wants to claim that very glory and power we so cherish... We have all thrown ourselves in the way, but despite our efforts, we have not succeded The alliance we shield, the alliance we cling to, and the alliance to which we entrust our safety and prosperity... and the alliance they wish to destroy - The New Pacific Order. We wanted to return the New Pacific Order to power. For years we ruled with an iron fist. We engineered a multitude of first strike "Curbstomps"... we never faced enemies that had a chance of victory. We were masters of the first strike attack... we could only beat down the weak. A first strike is deplorable when against a neutral alliance, even when one attempts to make sure their political situation is unassailable before doing so. Or, perhaps it is even more simple than that. Maybe it's just a matter of loathing. Maybe it is because we believe that Everything. Must. Dance. Maybe it is because we think you deserve to boogie. It doesn't actually matter. Whatever reason we decided to state, our foes would take their own, believe it, and attempt to spin it to their benefit. I welcome them to try. I wish them good luck, even, for they will surely need it. As for us? We always hear people saying "Do something about it!" with great bravado, so how about this? The Forces of Regnum Invictorum hereby declare war upon the Goon Order of Oppression Negligence and Sadism. Deal with it. [img]http://i.imgur.com/hCUyA.jpg[/img] Dan2680, Co President, Emperor of the Ice Cream Cabinet, Master of Right turns and Long Straight Aways Nascar8FanGA, Co-President of Invicta and Master of Left Turns ShotgunWilly, Chancellor of the Exchequer and [insert witty title here] Learz, Minster of Internal Affairs and Reader of War Poems Thrash, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Sarah Palin
  16. Yes, the forces of this "Doomhouse" have attacked NPO. This act of cowardice is completely unacceptable. NPO has Invicta's unrelenting support. o/ NPO o/ Invicta o/ To real honour
  17. [quote name='jraenar' timestamp='1295930236' post='2598306'] Might want to get your eyes checked, because I see four alliances. [/quote] Then 4 cowards. The more the merrier I suppose? Also, I love how you can nit pick on my minor mistake but you cant give a real responce.
  18. This is absolutely the worst DoW I have ever seen. Im not referring to the actual DoW and how it was written, dont get me wrong. All I see here is 3 absolutely scared alliances. Nothing more. Nothing Less. And do I even need to mention that there is absolutely no CB? Bringing in an alliance who had no intention of entering? Pathetic. Good luck NPO, flatten these cowards. o/ NPO
  19. [quote name='Cyber Nationz' date='06 March 2010 - 10:30 PM' timestamp='1267932932' post='2216590'] Nebula-X was also infected with a plague which lead to disbandment of the alliance, middle of last year. [/quote] Dont be coy zabee, that plague was you. First off, you left the alliance how many times? Four if I remember correctly. Also if I remember correctly... to which the charter had forbidden. Im not even sure why I allowed it... If I remember correctly, I never let you back into gov (due to a lack of trust in the loyalty department (due to quitting four times)) and that upset you so you dragged a bunch of people (including government members) out of the alliance (seriously diminishing active member count, gov count, activity level). And what was that about you recruiting from our member base after all of that had happened? Couldnt leave well enough along yet again? So, in short... it is Zabee's, oh no I mean "cyber nationz"'s, fault that the real NX isnt around today... Whats makes you think you are good enough for it this time around? Is it going to take you leaving another four times again to make people realise that? Dan2680, Former Emperor of Nebula-X
  20. This is actually a brilliant move. Fight for both sides, you cant lose!
  21. Its so nice to see all of my fans out and about, and putting their support in our topic <3
  22. Good luck Nordreich, I have never had the honour of facing you in battle nor have I had the honour of meeting any of you. With that said, good luck. Perhaps we can all share a cold one after this is all over? o/ Invicta! o/ Purple Unity!
  23. [center][img]http://i556.photobucket.com/albums/ss9/Invicta_Alliance/presflag3.jpg[/img][/center] [center]Presidential Flag of Invicta[/center] [center][size=7][b]Decree From the President of Invicta[/b][/size][/center] In the early hours of February 3rd the Government of Invicta learned that allies of the Complaints & Grievances bloc had attacked the sovereign alliance of Valhalla. In view of these wanton acts of unprovoked aggression, and in accordance with the military articles of the PEACE agreement, a.k.a. Poseidon, and the spirit of Purple Unity, it is my duty to announce that a state of war now exists between the alliances of Invicta and Nordreich. May the Flying Spaghetti Monster have mercy on our souls. /s/ Jorost of the Triune Republic, President of Invicta /s/ Dan2680 of Red Army, Minister of Foreign Affairs
  24. -82, -92 gives a percentage of 91 -81.72319, -87.18750 also gives 91% and -80.90067, -92.46094 gives 92%
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