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Bleak Outlook

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Everything posted by Bleak Outlook

  1. Oh this is b-e-a-utiful! Shan Revan: I've had Foster's several times. Believe me when I say you're not missing out on anything too special. I'd put it as a hair better than most of the American light beers. Maybe. Anyway, I found your angle of including their advertisements to be unique and interesting. Kind of makes me take a second look at the beers I drink! MCRABT: Newcastle is wonderful! Also, I must agree with the sentiment in this thread that the pictures of Grolsch make me thirsty! Nice review of some fine beers that I will now have to spend weeks and dollars trying to find in the states. I salute you both! O\ Hali?
  2. Joke's on you. I eat meat for breakfast!!!
  3. In celebration of this monumental stance on bacon sovereignty, I have taken the time to write a haiku marking the occassion. Enjoy. Oh sweet Fark bacon maple, plain, or hickory No, RE. Not yours.
  4. Dude... did you just censor real life? Awesome! Treaty is pretty great too! O\ Hali?
  5. Yes, but you never said how he tasted??? I lol'd at your review, so I, for one, have no problem accepting in in lieu of an actual bacon review. If you're going to not do a report, this is the way to go about it! Also, fear the bacon-o-lantern!
  6. Awesome, simply awesome! I will drink to celebrate. Hali? O\
  7. Matt Miller, you rock! From your list I've had Boddington's and Blue Moon. Boddington's is pretty good. It has a thick, full-bodied flavor that leaves you feeling full and a little buzzed. I like the little device that carbonates the can when opened. I've never managed to pop a Boddington's without it overflowing! Blue Moon is also a wonderful choice. The light citrus flavor of the beer really comes out when you add the orange slice. It's pleasant and relaxing. Oh yes we do! Shiner Bock is one of my favorites! I still need to make a trip down to the Spoetzl brewery in Shiner, TX to take the tour. Also, WTF is up with Bay? That was a light-hearted term meant to be fun and to give everyone an excuse to drink beer. "And just what do you think you're doing? We've got a lot of work to do around the house!!" "Sorry, sweetie, this is for the good of the alliance!" ***TSSSSSCHOK!*** (sound of beer opening)
  8. O\ Hali? Every announcement is baked with love... and booze. Lots of booze.
  9. Great to see this! Cheers, to IPA and congrats to IAA!
  10. In this thread, Admin says: He says deleted after 20 days of inactivity, so the deletion would occur at the end of the 20th day. This guy put a year into building his nation and playing CN. He logged on at the start of the 20th day to find his nation gone. That seems to be too harsh of a punishment considering the vagueness of the policy. How about it? Can we have him restored and get the policy clarified please?
  11. Someone who logged in this morning showed the trade with my friend still active. I thought deletion takes place at the end of the 20th day, not the beginning?
  12. Greetings, A friend of mine was saving collections for his one-year anniversary. He attempted to log in this morning and it says his nation was deleted. He tells me that this morning (2/14/08) was supposed to be the 20th day of inactivity (not 21st), and has asked me to see what went wrong, as he is not registered on these forums. Can you please check Nation_ID=106418 and let me know: was he was over the time limit, or did something else go wrong? If he was not over the limit for inactivity, can his nation be restored? Thanks for your assistance!
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