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Posts posted by BarbulaM1

  1. headerlw7copyov7.png

    It is with a heavy heart that I make this announcement. My conduct as of late has been deplorable to say the least, and constraints with my real life have begun to take a toll. I will be frank with you all, it was never any intent of mine for us to fall out of favor with the orders, and in fact the opposite is true. I remained in this alliance after GWIII as a new nation with my ambition being to mend our relationships abroad. I wished to continue GATO’s path to greatness and modernize the alliance into a more modern state. I had quite a few plans for our grand alliance, but my plans where assumed on a continued period of Camelot.

    GATO's age of Camelot lasted for months on end, it allowed us to grow and become one of the greatest alliances in the cyberverse and one of the most powerful. This age is over, and it is by doing on my behalf. It was wrong of me to not let anyone know about Chris_Kaos, I admit that. I wronged our alliance and our allies by keeping silent on the issue. Though I stand by my account of the events, I do believe I committed a wrong and brought us into this war. We can blame Chris as much as we want, but in reality he was being himself, and I had the opportunity to act, and I did not. I simply, as it has been quoted many times around the cyberverse "turned the other way". Not only that I hid the information until other government members found out.

    Nations of GATO, I am deeply sorry I have gotten us into this. I am even sorrier for the way I have handled the current situation. My real life is no excuse for my actions, only an excuse for my absence. I believe you can find a better leader for this alliance than me.

    It is with that I resign from the post as the Assembly Chairman of the Global Alliance and Treaty Organization.

    Yours Truly,

    BarbulaM1, General Assemblyman

    Glory to GATO!

    My Deputies will be acting as Assembly Chairman until the election cycle is complete.

    Brotherlouie - First DAC, Acting AC





  2. You cannot remember which order the wars were fought in, yet you have the gall to callously assault my allies leadership for their lack of clarity in regards to decision making?

    They are powerful, you are not. That is all there is to the question. They are with us, you are not.

    I never asked you a question, unless you are answering your own question, in that case it is pointless.

    I'm not the one who keeps lying and twisting the truth, whether IC or OOC. The only one plaing charades is you. I am always 'chilled out'; maybe you should do the same.

    That is your specialty isn't Horde? Twisting of truth. Also Your posts also seem to be quite the contrary to being "chilled out", more rude and condescending with method.

  3. Interesting that you say this only after you're on the recieving end of a much deserved beating. Surely there couldn't be an agenda behind this feeble attempt at propaganda, could there?

    It is my own opinion on the issue being discussed and of course was the rhetoric that FAN and GOONS both cried out, yet (I forget which was first GOONS or FAN), didn't listen. As for this war, you must remember there are other things currently more things going in RL and even on the internet that require much of my attention, CN is secondary to other duties and as I said before, a game is a game. Of course I care greatly about my constituents in GATO, their nations ect.. and all that jazz, but you seem to think I hold an agenda? Maybe someone needs to spend more time off the internet, or at least off of CN, there more much greater things a person can achieve even on the internet. But then again, you seem to be on the slave-morality mentality, a follower.

  4. To answer the question asked in the subject/title of the thread: they've made it boring at long stretches at a time, that's for sure. But the blame is not only theirs, it also lies with the other alliances who are not doing anything to challenge them.

    Indeed, even though it is blatantly obvious to give foresight to the future of NPO's allies by looking at the fate of past allies, it is in vogue to still be allied with them. It is apathy and lack of will that gives NPO it's chance to reign, if their current allies took into account and stop saying "It won't happen to us" then the game would get more interesting. Yes, MCXA (one of the worst), IRON, Sparta, TPF, ODN (especially) and to an extent GGA whatever NPO says they do, they've lost a ton of sovereignty to NPO and lack their own image. Quite cowardly indeed. Look back on the past, look at an old MDP web, count how many of NPO's allies exist anymore, and then look at the battle that took place to rid them from the world, there isn't any descent. It is really just a group of alliance with cowardly leaders, with one alliance at their head.

    If their mentality doesn’t change, the game will not change. NPO has a stranglehold on apathetic cowardly leaders that only care about the current state of their alliance, when the chances of getting crushed in the future are quite high. (see: GOONS, old VE, \m/, FAN, are the biggies). If they do not coordinate together however, it makes the fate death.

  5. A game is a game. You win, you lose, and you get on with life. There are various people of whom I'd suspect live in their parents’ home at 30 playing this game, and to those I ask you to go get a better job, it will help stimulate the economy. Simply just a few people who cannot dare to have any semblance of authority elsewhere but online, of course they’d win, it does seem to be their life.

  6. Barb, can you do me a favor, and keep your lies straight?

    Here's the first one you told us.

    15[23:48] <Bakunin> You appointed Alexander Gladius to a government position and kept him in that position when you found out that he was Chris Kaos.

    15[23:51] <Bakunin> Do you deny that?

    [23:51] <Mary_the_Fantabulous> I believe the silence is speaking loudest.

    [23:52] <BarbulaM1[GATO]> He left as my Deputy once he told me, the rest of the gov't did not know.

    15[23:52] <Bakunin> But you knew.

    15[23:52] <Bakunin> And he didn't leave right away.

    [23:52] <BarbulaM1[GATO]> Only after his resignation (or rather silence and quick PM) did anyone else know.

    I was later corrected by a certain Chris_Kaos about my above statement, and later confirmed by my PM in box. Any attempts to correct my statement directly to NPO would have been feudal (I did attempt), as it is difficult to talk to someone with such arrogance. The conversation of which I had with you was quite late at night, the reason for my silence was attempting to remember what had happened 10 months prior, which obviously I recollected incorrectly.

  7. Most of the NPO hate is rather irrational at this point, and really has been in the past. If someone who understood diplomacy and kept irrational hated out of their motives formed a coalition that went up against the NPO and they were able to effectively control their members, the NPO would fall just like all their enemies did. The only thing is that most people that fall under that particular category are already IN the NPO or are close allies, which tells you something about the people they attract.

    People who can do, do. People who can't, teach. People without lives do it online.

  8. I wasn't aware I stood on any side of any issue; this is certainly not South Web vs. North Web ZOMG stuff... Obviously that is long gone; anyone who believes that my alliance, of which I do speak for in full, follows the same feelings as the past (by past I mean pre-GWIII, which I wasn't even a part of) is quite flawed in their reasoning. Hit me up on IRC if ever you have any questions, I personally am quite open to the foreign world and random query questions regarding our policies . :P

    As the leader of GATO, I request this topic closed. This is not a thread to flame or argue, merely a thread to show that we have signed a treaty, if you want to give me commentary on our foreign policy PM or query me most likely I will respond.

    -BarbulaM1, GATO AC

    ps, this is a slight treaty upgrade from a PIAT. And any treaty these days is useless, because alliances so rarely follow through on them; any treaty is worth its weight if the parties behind it are willing to uphold it. Lack of decency in treaty follow through is what has caused the perception that treaties are useless.

  9. I am quite happy with the signing of this here presented ODP. Though it may seem as a minor upgrade from our prior PIAT, it is certainly a step in the right direction towards being closer friends. To many in the outside world people simply think GATO and Legion are historic friends, when in fact, the opposite was true post-GWIII. Legion and GATO moved away from each other quite fast as our governments began to reform and create new policy in the post-GWIII era. GATO had little to do with Legion for quite awhile (and vice-versa), and many member nations of both alliances still hold hard feelings over the wars we've had together.

    It is because of our changes over the past year, this treaty to me is important, not because of long ago happening. This treaty is the work of friendship making in the present day.

    Being rather new during GWIII, it is easy for me to let go of past feelings since I do not have them, but I ask that you do not judge our relationship on the past or our governments or foreign policy, the present in our alliances is much much different.

    Glory to GATO!

    Ave Legio!

  10. I wasn't around during the political party reign of GATO, but I hear it didn't end well at all and nearly led the alliance to a split and government failure. A political party (or faction) defeats the goal of most alliances and the reason most form, unity. And since everyone and their mother wants an alliances these days (micro alliances) it has led to hyperpluralism were each and every little faction can have their own government, why would they deal with conflicting ideals?

  11. headerlw7copyov7.png

    Foreign Affairs Dispatch

    As the Assembly Chairman of the Global Alliance and Treaty Organization I am proud to present this treaty of mutual defense between the member nations of GATO and The Confederacy. Our history with many of these members is long, and we can only hope for the best for their future. Long Live Brown, Long Live GATO, Long Live The Confederacy!

    Insert Catchy Title Here

    GATO-The Confederacy MDP


    In recognition that the Global Alliance and Treaty Organization (hereby known as GATO) and The Confederacy agree to an extraordinary friendship and to grow and support each other as time passes.

    Article 1 - Non-Aggression

    No member nation of either signatory alliance may attack a member nation of the other signatory alliance. Any violation of this will result in immediate reparations equivalent to the damages done. Refusal of the violating nation to pay reparations can result in severe punishment from the alliance they are affiliated with, and the reparations will be paid by another nation of the aggressive alliance. Both alliances also agree to peace between each other until a point in time when this pact is canceled with just cause.

    Article 2 - Mutual Defense

    An attack on one signatory alliance is officially considered a direct attack and act of war against the other alliance. The other signatory body will come to the defense of the attacked alliance. This is not optional unless the attacked alliance requests that no defense be made or the pact is terminated with just cause. If the partner of the attacked alliance refuses to defend, this pact may be canceled properly.

    Article 3 - Intelligence

    Any information picked up by a signatory of one alliance that may contain information leading to hurt/danger towards to their signatory partner must be given to the government of the partner alliance as soon as the information is picked up. Any other information or intelligence picked up by one signatory alliance may be given to the other signatory government, but there is no obligation in this case and it is completely optional.

    Article 4 - Aid

    If either signatory body is need of financial assistance, the other signatory body is obligated to aid what they can or what is needed to resolve the issue that requires the finances. If the alliance that has received the request for aid does not have the finances to satisfy the partner, they are obligated to aid as much as they can.

    Article 5 - Termination

    This treaty may be canceled if one of the articles given in this pact is not met or one of the signatories has done something that shows ill-will towards their partner alliance. Unless both alliances agree to termination, there must be a 72 hour notice of cancellation before the termination takes complete effect.


    Both GATO and The Confederacy agree to abide by the terms stated in this treaty. By the signatures placed on this pact, both alliances agree to constitute this into alliance law for both alliances.

    Signed for the Global Alliance and Treaty Organization:

    BarbulaM1, Assembly Chairman

    Laserwolf, Minister of Foreign Affairs

    The 15th Congress of GATO

    Signed for The Confederacy:

    Mayuri-sama, High Commander

    General Shepherd, High Commander

    Destructiox, Director of Finances

    Komachi Onozuka, Director of Internal Affairs



  12. Dear CN,

    Gato is a PARATYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! and your all invited.. Chocolate cake for all! XD Bring your friends,


    R.S.V.P. Asap @ #Gato


    The Gato Party Crew

    p.s. Do wear your "Birthday Suit" to the party.

    I approve this message :awesome:, can't wait to see ya'll there.

  13. Well considering capitalism isn't a form of government; it is abit irrelevant to compare it to forms of pure government. Looking at Cybernations from a larger standpoint as Bob Janova pointed out is really the only way I see capitalism being relevant to CN since it is really quite difficult to have capitalism without any real liquid economy... a nation can be liquid, but that is really it. Now as for ideologies, yes most of CN is based on charity, which can be "communism" but as stated above it is really investment in a fellow ally (whether it is intra or inter alliance).

    And would it be completely wrong of me, the leader of the current largest democracy to describe us as a Social Democracy? or quote Mussolini as a part of my rhetoric? - "The state is guarantor of security both internal and external, but it is also the custodian and transmitter of the spirit of the people", rhetoric like this is simply comes out of a mature alliance.

    The tech market is a dumb model to use, anyone that is serious to buy tech would find it at about 100-150 tech for 3mil (still usually 150 inter-alliance), is just an ignorant person who would spend anything beyond that, since there is a constant supply of newbies, especially in the large alliances. The price of tech is nearly constant, since the value of the currency never changes, the only way it would go up is if the registration was closed and the supply of cheap tech died.

  14. Hope you enjoy your vacation Slayer! I am sure it is well deserved, running an alliance can be quite stressful and time consuming.

    I am sure you all are in good hands.

    *starts planing his own coup of himself

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