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Posts posted by BarbulaM1

  1. Well there is a reason the Order cannot be a Democracy, a successfuly democracy requires at least a bit of an intelectual and informed electorate... apparently the Order lacks this fundamental principle of western tradition.

    Though oddly I feel the same about leaving during warfare or during times of severe duress, I cannot say that the extreme duress is of the same level experienced by former allies and comrades, thus NPO saying they are traitors is a bit harsh given the war is most obviously controlled.

    o/ TWiP (I look forward to it every Monday after a long first day of the wee).

  2. The purpose of an alliance is to remove a nation from the state of nature, that is the reason for RL "social contracts" and the like, an alliance is simply CN's version of an RL concept. A nation forgoes some freedoms for protection (such as randomly being able to attack anyone), but the line at how much freedom should be taken away is a bit iffy, to define an alliance as free or unfree when the definition of an alliance includes a loss of freedom is a bit conspicuous. Though you can easily define freedom as democratic vs. authoritarian, they both take away absolute freedoms to an extent, just one more so than others.

    Dominance in the game it self is simply a lack of will to be better than others, lack of politicking around for an alliance to become #1, apathy by the game's current leadership. But that is whole different story not related to freedom.

  3. Ivan you have become what Chris_Kaos is to GATO is to Pacifica. Defaced by ones who wished to keep power from the ones that seek too much.

    Maybe you can rebuild your image? Nevertheless, welcome back to the Cyberverse in true name, your presence I can assume will be interesting, which is something that, apart from what Vox provides, we need in the political landscape these days.

    Shall I call back your good friends? Walford, Chris and the gang?

  4. Nice to see some progress, but it is well overdue for GATO to post anything and you posted it as if elections just ended to form a new government. Only one election concluded, late actually, and the rest of the positions are appointed... not exactly very GATOan to post such an announcement of appointed positions :\. And the MoFA? I was selected to be a "consul", over a month ago, really over a month to set up a ministry?

    The AC Line of Succession, BrotherLouie -> DragonsPhyre -> Kevlar -> Morte -> MTTzela

    Viceroy Line of Succession. Koona -> Vladimir -> Trotsky's Revenge (SDRD is merely a deputy Viceroy, but he seems to be the more administrative and actual doer of them all)

    For clarification, given not much was ever said in public between DragonPhyre up till now. The circumstances of some of the transfers where not exactly under the best circumstances either. Might as well be transparent when making the first announcement in a very long time, the only two great things I see in this post are the 2 million mark (passed awhile ago, a non-official post was made on it) and the election of one office. Now get on recruiting! The numbers haven't changed in any significance since I left.

    Maybe make the ministries accountable to the GA, it gives more incentive.

    Nevertheless, o/ GATO I have no doubt that you will clear these things up and succeed in the end, just some minor hicups, nothing the alliance in the past couldn't handle.

    I still :wub: you.

  5. So what if he's Sec of State or President for that matter? Vox is supposed to provide amusement, and everyone can pay a visit and have some good times :D

    and you know more about IRON ideals than one of IRON's most veteran members? Why don't you apply, with your deep knowledge of IRON , I'm sure you can make it to the President's seat :P

    By the way, you forgot to write internal Q drama in past tense... + every bloc has some sort of internal drama and if it takes only this much and such old drama to create so much excitement, then like I said in earlier post, its all good, and TWiP actually helps lower the boredom and acts as a source of stability and peace, hence in-line with the goals of 'ebil' hegemony.

    Internal drama happens everywhere? Even involving our mighty infallible Pacifica!? Blasphemy!

  6. Shact, I must say another engrossing issue of TWiP, quite possibly the most interesting one yet! (Actually I am pretty sure it is the most interesting).

    Here is to Vox et. al. for keeping the rest of us on our toes and the world as a whole interesting o/

    btw, is that someone suggesting that transparency be exercised instead of blatant counter spying on possible foes, yet also possible allies? I thought we got rid of formal alliance spying back after the collapse of the GATO Security Council led by Chris_Kaos? At least Vox is keeping the seemingly willful back alley (a ritzy back alley with lots of powerful leaders) not willfully transparent!

  7. No. Requests by foreign powers on a public forum for the workings of our foreign policy will met by evasive answers. GATO knows what we expect of them, and that's all that matters. Pardon my frankness, but the rest of the world doesn't, in this regard.

    With all due respect Cortath, I am not actually sure GATO does. The only political matter currently at hand that I know of in GATO is the charter convention and for some reason I doubt the viceroyalty will end at that, which is coming to an end here soon. The MoFA is still very NPO controlled, the MoD is as well (very much so in a fail way might I add) and the High Court is so interwoven with NPO that it doesn't make sense. It is like NPO does not want GATO to govern it self, you don't let it in any capacity except lowly work.

  8. From personal experience from what I have seen within GATO under Viceroyalty is the deconstruction of GATO's value structure and ridicule of any process that formerly happened within GATO’s government and political system. The culture of GATO and the structures that were in place prior to NPO's occupation where certainly in the position to recover on their own, it has, after all, done it in the past. The only error I believe that was in place in our pre-war period was prejudice of the cyberverse not the internal workings of GATO. GATO is one of the few alliances to be sanctioned twice, that does not come about by unwillingness to work nor did it come about by incompetence or lack of know how. The attitude of the current administrations of viceroyalty is fairly condescending towards anything workings before the war even though it was not GATO's internal workings that were the problem. NPO is trying to turn GATO into an alliance that cares only about numbers and the game, it isn't GATO culture to do that, focusing only on those aspects NPO has alienated many in the alliance and prevented the amount of growth that GATO saw between GWIII and the most recent war.

    Creativity, activity and the like was on a massive decline when I was kicked out of GATO, from what I've heard it hasn't gotten much better. Don't get me wrong there are some helpful NPO peoples at GATO, Cortath, despite the obviously bias rhetoric he has posted above for instance has been very good at removing himself from the cultural aspects and simply sticking to the MoF administrative work (though it took way too long for anything to get started, a very inefficient program development process). But there are massive amounts of ideological differences between GATOans and the people from NPO that NPO has not reconciled and just seemingly wishes to roll over and change, even though they are part of the groundwork that has enabled GATO to run successful internally in the past and are GATO culture.

    The free thought aspect of GATO is not embraced will by the fascistic NPO and without free thought GATO might as well just become another alliance in the herd, nothing special, nothing different, why not merge into NPO?

    Releasing them so that they may reach their full potential I feel would be the best course of action, to prevent any further tensions between GATO and NPO and reduce the possibilities of war in the future. I mean you don't alienate and expect people to be future allies or at least non-hostile, Europe did that to Germany in WWII, it didn't turn out well.

  9. It's not disassociation (having read MTT's and Manis' post). They were pointing out and correcting several errors or misconceptions that had ocurred.

    For example: I was not wholesale banned. I was first removed from my position, after attempting to solve the issue in private over irc I defended myself on the forums. Each time the thread was posted it was promptly deleted for some reason or other, after the third or fourth time I was banned. It was at this point that Moo stepped in and reviewed everything that had taken place. After a day or so in limbo, the ban was lifted and I was allowed back into the alliance. This is not to say I agree with that whole mess, but I was allowed back into the place I love and it was better than nothing.

    But you were banned for trying to clear up the fact that you got removed from your position for little apparent reason, that is being wholesale banned. It required the intervention of Moo, who at the time was not our Viceroy, GATO answered administratively to Vladimir who was not active... GATO was really left just hanging without any NPO there except to do anything we needed NPO's permission.

  10. The entire GATO war was started with a spy from NPO's side of the house inside GATO's government channel, spying is legal when one has a big stick. Now we know that either you carry a big stick and it is legal OR you carry none at all and it isn't punishable.

    As for the abuse of power within GATO, would one be so kind to explain? I do :wub: my Morte so.

    Mind thee, Queenie TPF?

  11. Again, there is a difference in saying he was an applicant in the process of becoming a member and saying he was a member of the NPO.

    If you can not see the difference, then there is nothing here to discus more,...

    We want to do tech deals with non NPO red team members.

    They are all welcomed to join our open tech market and do business.

    It is beneficial to the red sphere as a entity.

    Now, we arent really psychic, to be able to sniff out re rolls aimed to harm us, and the red nations aimed to make some profit. The space of abusing an Open market is always there.

    It really doesn't say anything much about our members, as much as the desperation of our enemies to actually consider this little simple stunts as victories to be recognized.

    You did think GATO was psychic, I guess that just means you expected more from GATO than you did NPO. ;)

  12. Both logs are clearly edited to serve the poster's objective, really... two edited logs. It happens. But nevertheless interesting. Though Moo's is most likely the most real, I mean why the hell would he tell anything to Monkey?

  13. The pure and simple that cannot be debated is so sweet, GATO still around and with something that no other alliance can possibly take from it no matter the oppression released on the alliance, GATO will be forever the first alliance in the Cyberverse.

    In other news, I am very suprised to see so many old alliances still around!

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