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Posts posted by BarbulaM1

  1. Global Alliance and Treaty Organization

    Strength in Unity, Honour In Justice

    The results are in and this was the most contested elections in the long history of our alliance. Some returning faces notably former Assembly Chairman Jsims8 as a Congressman. With that said I am proud to present to you the newly elected government of the Global Alliance and Treaty Organization.

    October General Election Results

    October-November 2007 Term


    Assembly Chairman: Arciel


    Minister of Defense: Kerschbs


    Minister of Foreign Affairs: Jacksonians


    Minister of Domestic Affairs: Magicninja


    Minister of Finance: Seanu92


    Congress October Term

    -Billy Shears

    -Esau of Isaac




    -Lord Rune


    Congratulations to all winners, and may you serve GATO well. You know I :wub: you all!

  2. El bruc, I will actually agree with you on that point. Major alliances will take politics serious again, as well as be more aware of their external apperance. Though I don't see this as a bad thing, I personally like joking about things behind closed doors of course, but when it comes down to how alliances deal with eachother it is better if they keep it more formal.

    On a side note this war will hopefuly have caused GATO to regain sanction status....

    *BarbulaM1 salutes

  3. Humm... Obligatory GATO

    *BarbulaM1 salutes

    I believe when I joined CN, most of GATO was still saluting (not saLUEting thank god), it is only recent that everyone has decided on the hail craze, I guess it is simply a lack of creativity. The Orders "Hail", GATO salutes, and Legion uses Ave. As for GATOans no longer saluting, it takes considerably more time to salute than to simply write "o/", though I hope that isn't the only reason.

  4. In other news, GATO has agreed that instead of $600,000,000 they will instead be supplying County Doitzel with 600,000,000 chocolate chip cookies. This can be confirmed by GATO, I believe.

    As the Deputy AC of GATO and with Jsims8 absent at this time, I invoke the executive right to confirm this. The Global Alliance and Treaty Organization will be sending 600,000,000 chocolate chip cookies to Doitzel. This means that the MoDA will be shifting it's ovens to cookie mode instead of the usual cake. (Oh and Congress confirms too)

    -BarbulaM1 Deputy Assembly Chairman of the Global Alliance and Treaty Organization

  5. As there are people that have yet to catch on to Doitzel's joke thread here is a full explanation to the events that occured in our public IRC chat room #GATO on the Esper.net server.

    Jsims8, otherwise known as Josh, the Assembly Chairman of GATO, was the channel founder of #GATO. He uses a set of scripts that were designed and employed by Chris_Kaos while he was still in GATO and channel founder of #GATO. They were passed on to Assembly Chairman (at that time Kevlar which passed to Randle and then to Jsims8 our current AC) of the alliance when Chris_Kaos was forced to resign his government activity as per the GWIII peace terms.

    Because Josh doesn’t like to leave his laptop on all night long, and all through the day, he made a secondary IRC account which he named “gatotron†to act as a bot. However, due to Josh’s limited knowledge in IRC, he configured it improperly and attempted to simply copy the scripts given to him by Chris_Kaos over to gatotron, which caused a number of loop errors.

    Basically what happened was neither jsims8 (main account) nor gatotron (bot account) recognized that the other had the ability to ban in #GATO, which resulted in one either banning or unbanning the other’s ban/unban as the situation called for it. Now, normally this wouldn’t be a huge problem, but there was an additional level of protection on #GATO through a script designed by Jason8 and formerly employed by Chris_Kaos, currently employed by Josh.

    This other script basically says that if anyone bans a specific address, in this case *!*@* (which is a completely universal address, thus it bans everyone), it will first automatically remove that address, then it will DEOP the perpetrator and add him or her to the AKICK list, and then it will automatically kick that person from that channel by activating the AKICK function.

    Now, because neither of Josh’s accounts recognized the other, they both AKICKed each other when Jason8 decided to test if his script he made for Chris_Kaos was still working.

    I know that’s a little complicated, but long story short: Josh didn’t configure Chris_Kaos’s scripts properly.

    It was at this time that Chris_Kaos, who was in #GATO at the time, texted Josh on his cell phone to get him onto IRC. Josh called Chris_Kaos back and gave him the channel password so he could fix the problem, as Josh was unable to get onto IRC at that time.

    Chris_Kaos was given this password because he is the one who employed these scripts in #GATO for the longest and knows them better than anyone else. He has no special access in #GATO beyond being a being a former member of GATO who knows his way around IRC.

    For the moment (until Josh returns), Kevlar has been given foundership of #GATO, and Josh’s two accounts have been banned from GATO until the scripts are properly reconfigured they work.

  6. Off topic: That wasn't to hide, really. Just a bit of fun. There's no way it actually helps you hide since if an alliance is prepared, they draw up target lists in advance. Besides, trying to conceal yourself isn't cowardice, it's a bit like wearing camouflage or some kind of disguise.

    And \m/ won't be coming back (unless it's some horrible lightweight version without any of the founders or people who made it what it was). Reunion tours never work out. Your comments towards \m/ though highlight something. I personally feel it's better to disappear like \m/ did than have something similar to (except much worse than) GATO's existence since GW3.

    The key is GATO still existed as a sovereign alliance and the government never failed, as a tribute to GATO's existence since GWIII is our current sanction status and our rapid growth rate. Simply because we were not active on the forums due to the Vincent_Xander Doctrine of no publicity is good publicity, does not mean we ceased to exist behind the closed doors of IRC or our own forums. It is more honourable for an alliance to stick it out and fight during a conflict than to runaway and hide under a cloak of disbandment. GATO's government is a testament to a stable government on the cyberverse, even after coup attempts and many wars, it has not yet failed or discussed disbandment of the alliance. It would be difficult to refute even if one dislikes GATO, or the various other original alliances of this game including NPO, that our governments are much stronger than the alliances that pop in for a few months and simply disband after a war.

    NPO, NpO, GATO, Legion, and GGA (also a few others) are institutions of Cybernations, not alliances that decide to disband. (VE was among these, which is why their disbandment and the attacks on them where a surprise to many, and why their reunion has been thus far successful)

  7. VE is a much different case than \m/ which I doubt the majority of the cyberverse would ever consider letting them reform. VE was generally honourable and disbanded on fairly stable terms with much sympathy from others. \m/, most people (from what I can see) are fairly happy are gone and they disbanded on rather dishonourable terms, and their cowardice is even more clear when it comes to the changing of AAs to hide.

  8. Ivan I completely agree. Also camaraderie and leadership are what a Great War tests on an alliance, the stronger the internal bond (out of respect) between the common member and their leaders the more likely an alliance will survive even the most harsh treatment. Frankly it's the power of the government within an alliance and that power comes from the alliance's members.

    Also a great war does a damn good job at cleaning out those that don't support the government, or the alliance. That is of course if the alliance government can take the beating itself instead of simply collapsing.

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