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Posts posted by BarbulaM1

  1. A man is likely to mind his own business when it is worth minding. When it is not, he takes his mind off his own meaningless affairs by minding other people's business. - Eric Hoffer

    Most tend to simply mind the business of NPO, thus a great reason for so many threads concerning them. However as many have already stated, power is only a temporary state. Dispite some flaws in the absolute power, still a wonderful read. It has been quite some time since something worth reading or debating has been posted on these forums.

  2. o/ GATO tis mai love child.

    o/ NpO, the mighty polaris and now mighty friend.

    o/ To all of the hard work put into GATO by all GATOans over the past few months in terms of friendships abroad and at home.

    *BarbulaM1 salutes NpO and GATO.

  3. flagsmallqk3.png

    Global Alliance and Treaty Organization Announcement

    Public Statement of a Condemnation

    We regretfully are here to announce that former General Assembly member Sparten (http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...Nation_ID=44745) has been removed from the ranks as of December 26th, 2007 from the Global Alliance and Treaty Organization General Assembly. His intent of going nuclear rogue breaks the unwritten code between alliances which exists in order to maintain peace. His actions are not sanctioned by The Global Alliance and Treaty Organization, and will not be tolerated. Henceforth Spartan is an enemy of GATO, any alliance or nation of which he attacks may request help from GATO and we will comply. The nations of the Global Alliance and Treaty Organization do not support the unwarranted usage of nuclear weapons, nor does it support aggressive unwarranted attacks upon nations or alliances.

    On Behalf of the Assembly Chairman, and the General Assembly,

    BarbulaM1 Deputy Assemby Chairman

    EDIT TITLE: Rogue*

  4. It is my belief that any breach of terms without the alliance who's members broke them attempting to reprimand those who knowingly broke the terms, is indeed in fault. Speaking as a former minister for GATO during post-GWIII just as the terms expired, trust me it is indeed possible. FAN, as an alliance you could have prevented this. As for Leftwingliberal, I would suggest some restraint on your part while flying the GATO AA.

  5. Between numbers 2 and 3. I do not favor absolutism, since I am an advocate democracy. However, with the options presented a Republic with out a head leader is not something I would advocate since an alliance does need some direction from lead figures. Allowing members say within an alliance is a method of moral boast and high government activity rate with the general members. But having them also elect their leaders. as many alliance on CN have shifted towards, allows for even greater activity, but with the downside of the possible lame duck ruler. Still the leader is allowed to make quick decisions in most cases, but still does run an almost entirely republican system.

    John Locke is the best.

  6. flagsmallqk3.png

    An Announcement from the Global Alliance and Treaty Organization

    The Global Alliance and Treaty Organization are proud to present this treaty of Mutual Defense with the New Order of Independence, our great allies of the brown sphere.

    The Chocolate Covenant

    Preamble - Recognizing that the New Order of Independence (NOI) and the Global Alliance and Treaty Organization (GATO) both aim for the continued peace and prosperity of their member nations, and that a pact of mutual defense is beneficial to both alliances, NOI and GATO herein agree to the following terms:

    Article I - Upon ratification of this Covenant by both parties, this doctrine of mutual defense will be perpetually binding and effective immediately, unless one of the signatories participates, or has nations participate, in hostile military action against the other. Should one of the signatories find any reason to terminate this Covenant, they must inform the other four days prior to any military action being taken against that alliance. Mutual defense shall not be limited to military matters.

    Article II - If either signatory is attacked by a third party without just cause or provocation, the attacked signatory has the option of formally requesting assistance from the other. Such an attack will be regarded as an attack on both signatories. Failure to respond to a formal request of assistance is grounds for immediate dissolution of the Covenant.


    Conclusion - This Covenant and its statutes are hereby entered into law for both signatory parties.


    Global Alliance and Treaty Organization

    Arciel, Assembly Chairman

    Kevlar, Minister of Foreign Affairs

    10th Congress of GATO

    New Order of Independence

    Arturion, High Chancellor

    Mahasoor, High Chancellor

    Kalus, Minister of Reese's Pieces

    Bionic redhead, minister of mars bars

    Pyroman, Minister of Hot Tamales

    Stealth assasain, minister of 100 Grand Bars

  7. Can you make that sentence a bit more awkward?

    Yeah that was an odd sentence, lets try...

    The Global Alliance and Treaty Organization supports the OTF Alliance in this annoucement. We hold alliance soverignty close to our hearts and believe the OTF Alliance's soverignty has been infriged by the "name stealers" as well as the close to name stealers. :blush:

    Anyways, brilliant move OTF.

    *BarbulaM1 salutes

  8. Being from an alliance with a long history of eloquent speakers at its helm, I do of course support the long and drawn out. A document with true meaning, one that you can delve into for legal reasons is a real treaty. Real politics, asshatery politics is out, I have put my suit and tie back on in this post war era to approach foreign and internal politics with a zeal and eloquence.

    Tl;dr should only be made as a supplement to a treaty's announcement to help some better understand what the treaty is, but not in the treaty itself, as the treaty itself is a legal document binding two alliances together and should be written in a proper and loophole free way.

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