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Posts posted by BarbulaM1

  1. Meh, while I don't quite agree with the whole thing, GATO is more in survival mode (we've gone through periods like this before). But I will point out that almost none of the government that existed prior to and during GWIII remained after the fact. However much of the post-GWIII government survived through the most recent conflict, I find it to be a function of causes of the war rather than just cowardice of past leaders and not of present. I don't believe GATO attempted any power projection post-GWIII, I was a major part of the government at that time and nothing of the sort was discussed, on our agenda was always trying to make new friends in a vastly different world and getting rid of the Walfordesque stigma that people tended to associate with us. Needless to say we where just laughed at, even after achieving the internal success of sanction and massive growth. The outside world never listened to what we had to say during that past period, people have to listen to you before eve being able to project any sort of ideology to other alliances. Our main focus has been, because of that, one of internal development over external image.

    We are silent on the forums for the very same reasons, radio silence has existed since the Xander Doctrine, and has simply become tradition due to perceptions and reactions of GATO on the OWF. ;)

    On a side note, Democracy is what the people make of it, it isn't clean, and it is 100% up to the electorate as to how good the government is.

    All governments in CN are to an extent a Democracy, maybe not in name, their leaders all depend on the loyalty and support of their peoples, it just isn't expressed through elections.

  2. "The main school of thought in International Relations on the concept of State power, realism, is founded on self-interest and follows the mantra “might makes right.” The Realists believe that a nation should only act in a manner which enhances or advances its own national interest at all costs despite morality and the interests of other nations. A nation cannot successfully navigate the muddy waters of International Relations by waging war and imposing trade sanctions upon all of those who oppose that nation. " - Joseph Nye

    Since you posted, I felt compelled to post even though I think we came to a fair consensus on some odd grounds :P, replace nations with alliances, and there you have the real world of CN ! :o:P

  3. I guess all realists are narcissistic, tyrannical, and sociopathic.

    I am glad, however, that you find me to be repugnant. It amuses me to no end.

    Just to lighten the mood, wouldn't you being a realist mean that anyone who allies with you and believes the deal to be upheld in times of trouble be at fault? I mean a realist doesn't treaty for friendship, but treaties to further their agenda. In fact a realist really shouldn't treaty anyone, they shouldn't put their power at all in the hands of anyone else, so treatying a realist is a major folly, simply arrogant. :P

    Dilber, you are not a realist. (just had to correct ya on that one)

  4. Those without a spine hath no honour my dears. ;)

    No matter the alliance or its values, I commend the creation of, because the formation of an alliance and a central focus is an art that is very lost in the hyper-plural age of fear that defines "peace" the cyberverse today. I commend the creation of an actual Vox gov't, a serious step forward after many flaws in organization to achieve a goal, that although I do not completely agree with, adds much needed spice and tension to an otherwise deing game due to the same reasons that an alliance with a purpose is so hard.

  5. The number of players of the game has dropped while the number of alliances has exploded. The hyperpluralism of the CN world makes it foreign affairs very boreing and redundant, and recruitment becomes just that much harder after each alliance creation.

  6. GATO will probably outlive any other alliance on this game no matter what you do, so give up your lame attempt at opportunism

    GATO, I salute you through your perseverance of everyone trying to kill you always

    Aww shucks, :blush:. But seriously what is with the whole kill GATO thing, who would ever want to kill a poor kitty?

    On another note, good to see the issue resolved, private channels FTW it usually isn't my experience with AiD that they act in such a manner, there really isn't much need to hound on them either. After all mistakes do happen.



  7. I believe if Ivan Modalvi were to come back in another character, that other character wouldn`t be afraid to admit his true identity and would already be working/moving and shaking with alliance world leaders. He wouldn't be debating a pile of unfounded statements with Starfox and Revanche, that isn't his style.

    However, I doubt he would join the NPO as many expect, he would most likely start his own new alliance, and it would gain diplomatic strength very quickly.

    If he where to admit his identity, I doubt he would last long, NPO flip/flopped on him awhile ago. They don't seem all to fond of his way of doing things these days. And you should already know that unless you are completely arrogant, but hey, you do continue to amaze me.

    On a side note I'd like to proclaim myself as say... oh snap, Electron_Sponge! :o

  8. That is precisely the problem. They don't.

    But they should, it makes them sitting lame ducks if they don't. But I guess "should" is an operative. Spineless little ducks waiting to be shot if they do not play to win, it is folly of course on their part, but there is little anyone can do to change the styles of government of alliances in the world.

  9. I think it is pretty obvious that an alliance such as NPO, who plays to win, cannot possibly keep everyone in their pact that is currently there, you have to make them go away some time. It is realpolitik at its best, keep your enemies close, play them with you, build them up, make them your friends, it is possible when you have a image of supremacy and global backing of power. But that is not to say that the other alliances also do not play to win, that is what makes it interesting, it doesn't have to be NPO as the instigator of a war with another tC alliance. That is assuming of course that the other alliances are in it to win and if they see tC is merely a treaty of numbers as well, not as everlasting friendship, which would be a fault on their part, but hey, it has been said many times before. A treaty for friendship doesn't win a war or the game.

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