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Posts posted by BarbulaM1

  1. If I remember correctly, an alliance cannot force root admin on the forums of another alliance through in-game means.

    Also, I wouldn't worry about GATO. If they aren't released right away they can get rid of it themselves.

    These kinds of threads are counter-productive.

    Sadly that was willed by the admin after GATO's viceroy was inplace. Not only that but NPO believed (with obvious ignorance of internet intellectual property ownership and a nice spin in place) that because InvisionFree owned the boards that it was not actual property of GATO and not actual extortion because GATO did not "own" boards but InvisionFree did thus it wasn't extortion! Anyway they are past that to the point where their entire forums existance is based on the will of NPO, the whole forums are hosted by NPO currently (scary thought isn't it?)

    Anyway GATO can get rid of the viceroy theoretically if they please, depending on whether or not it would be advantagous of them (ie the whole being rolled for kicking the viceroy out, since the alliance does technically have the authority to pick who governs them). So really it is just counterproductive to kick them out now, unless of course the doom of NPO is around the corner, in which case it would be quite advantagous of them to shed NPO for fear of NPO pulling them unwillingly into a war on NPO's side. Some kind of class that would be.

    I mean really... if the situation gets hairy the whole property thing now would have to be delt with on a case baises with Kevin (admin).

  2. Happy Birthday GATO.

    Here here to the alliance that let me post underage nude photos of my kitten :P

    BTW GATO has the best IRC channels in all of coldfront. 32 peeps and its more jumping than some of the 100+ peep IRC channels.

    Seriously I have to vouch for this, most channels are deader than dead, when you enter #GATO on most occasions you are greeted with more conversation than channels with way more persons. Quality over quantity.

  3. Obviously well written, but we've seen it before and it is simply rehtoric. The fact of a philosphy in CN is a bit rediculus, "Francosim" seems to simply describe any successful government, it cannot be tested. Also CN is vastly different from RL, as there is a common set standard of morality in the majority of the world which tends to shape goals/actions in RL while they do not in CN despite some people wishing and complaining. (RL Morality =/= CN Morality)

    As for "Pax Pacifica", hegemonic stability theory describes it perfectly with the lack of will for any one other alliance to wish to be the number one in the game, it is apathy and lack of a tangeble goal.

    p.s. to the person from ODN that posted prior to me, GATO still exists as a representative democracy, thus we are still the oldest democracy in CN. Just a little gripe I have, we do indeed still exsist.

  4. For serious though I wouldn't harm a cupcake nor brownie in CN, I simply converse more with the brownies and I find brownies as a food to be more delicious than cupcakes. I mean, I still love the Moo, Doitzel, et. al., but the brownies just taste better and are simply superior to cupcakes.

  5. The ends always justify the means. I just hope there is possibly at least a common interm end or maybe that there is true honor (it is not really existant in CN any more), for now I only assume there is, but only the future can tell the real meaning of this treaty.

    Good luck both of you, may both your ends be met.

  6. Joined just before GWIII, tons of memories, and my only home ever in the Cyberverse, I <3 you so. I joined GATO because the name sounded official, then I was recruited to the forums (yes twas a ghost for like 2 days) by a person named Midget Porn. I couldn't resist officialness with some jokes and what turned out to be a large number of jokes but still able to get things done honorably and professionaly, we are a unique group and run in a unique way, and I would never leave. I've had a colorful career with GATO, as many of you know my most profound flounder reagarding one of GATO's most color personas C_K, but my stay here in GATO has been much more than that and I wouldn't change anything besides that mistake, I do not regret meeting anyone in GATO.

    o/ GATO to another 3 years!

  7. This whole thing is interesting. That is all I have to say, interesting.

    Vox stick to your own principles, just stop contradicting yourselfs it is starting to nullify your legitimacy. (writing charter and now willful violation of IC/OCC lines, if this really is Junka after.)

    Anyway interesting things keeps this boreing game interesting, keep it coming :).

    P.S. The state of nature is anarchy. Any nation that cannot escape the anarchy cannot achieve full potential, alliances where made to remove a nation from a state of anarchy, thus an alliance is only a true alliance if they can remove their nations from a state of anarchy successfuly. (Be it intelectually or game-wise). A bit more simple an explination I think :P

  8. Our place aint all bad.. But just remember, if anyone asks you to come down to the basement that, "They have something to show you," I wouldnt go.

    The basement is where the fun things happen though!

    P.S. Radio Silence, hardly; silence by consensus, it has been a way of life since GWIII. :P Back on topic now.

    I do think it is within Legion's right to delete (or close) any inactive foreign embassy, being sanctioned doesn't automatically make foreign relations a must, though you'd think a sanctioned alliance wouldn't let their embassies go inactive. Good job Legion on keeping things clean, though it is sad to see so many allinances going inactive... I guess they didn't have as much fun in the basement?

  9. So now are we done with NPO v NpO stuffs? I do believe this thread is about GATO's future not the past bickering of two alliances. Anyway, no matter how you put it, NPO attacked NpO (It was fairly obvious to bystanders), sorta like when GATO declared our fight with FOK was seperate from UJW when it most certainly wasn't and that was extremely obvious. ;) You are guilty by association with a conflict without any public means to midigate yourself from the conflict (such as repremand of allies for attacking NpO, praise was given instead, which is an attack on NpO).

    Anyway, back to the future of GATO... heck you can even talk about the future of NpO and NPO, but this thread isn't for digging up the past, it is for looking toward the future. The past is the past, the future is now.

  10. any comments on the FOK one?

    I must say I am quite impressed with the FOK, I didn't see it till you posted :P. Very clean.

    I would personally rather have something clean and classy (even if that means nothing) than crap next to my name and alliance.

    There are a few alliance tags that I find do not properly show the tradition of the alliances they represent, they simply do not do them justice, such as NPO and ODN.

  11. War makes things interesting. It also forges bonds and makes bonds greater, but can easily break weak bonds. War on an alliance scale is the most effective way of weeding out people such as ghosts and people not loyal to the continuation of the alliance. :)

  12. Ouch who made these new tags? :| Would consulting just a simple style website just be too hard?

    MXCA, the best.

    FARK... could have gone with something legible and a bit more classy.

    RoK... WTF, a bit too bubbly and just a bit lacking in the class department.

    VE, umm, that is a bit blurry it seems.

    TPF, Yep love the shadow tool! Your flag is awesome, I'd have expected much more from you than your flag with some text on top.

    NPO, just bring back the one from the old forums. Seriously, it was the best, classy and simple. Otherwise your current one is overly bubbly and just looks bulky.

    ODN, bulky. Plain and simple.

    Sparta, not too bad, but it is nice to see team colors in there... Im not sure how I feel about you looking like brownies! :P

    Glad to see they are back though!

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