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Everything posted by admin

  1. Thanks for the details. Please try once more.
  2. Try again, if you get an error please provide the full error message that's shown.
  3. I made a small change. Have them try sending you the foreign aid now. If they continue receiving an error message, ask them to post in this thread with a screenshot of the actual error they are getting.
  4. Who is trying to send you tech?
  5. The account was reactivated on 9/22 but since their alliance status is pending a log entry was not generated.
  6. This behavior is by design in order to conserve system resources during update time.
  7. Try trading with the nation now.
  8. I'm down. Let's gather ideas in the TE suggestion box for Round 65.
  9. As a test I was able to change your government positions without issue. Your problem might be caused by an extension running in your web browser. If you are using a translator maybe that's causing an issue, but I'm not sure why it would do that. Try using a different web browser with no extensions running as a test and see if that helps.
  10. Go to this page and try changing one government position at a time. If you find one that's not changing let me know which one.
  11. Bill are not paid automatically. You logged into the game yesterday 4/27/23 at 7:23:57am game time and your last bill payment was 4/27/23 7:24:02am game time, less than one second after you logged in and afterwards you posted this bug report. Do you have some kind of script running on your machine?
  12. Try it again. You should get a code number if you get another denied message. Let me know what code is displayed.
  13. Your streak will pick back up tomorrow at 522.
  14. I see the error in my calculations. You'll be at 418 at next update.
  15. Your daily login streak will continue at 414 beginning tomorrow and I've awarded everyone's nation who logged in today that missed their streak an appropriate amount of compensation. Everyone who logs in between now and midnight will receive their normal streak bonus, where applicable.
  16. The world was cold and dark, for the sun did not rise on that fateful day. All the inhabitants of the land lay still during the time that became known as the Great Outage. They waited and hoped. Should the sun rise once more, what glory might await them? For before the Great Outage the land was peaceful and calm. There was hardly a whimper of war or conflict to be spoken of. Should the sun rise again, would it bring about the utopia that they all so seemingly craved? But the one they called Admin knew not only that the sun would rise, but he knew that it was a certainty, for he had information that the others did not possess. And with that knowledge he saw possibilities. While the others awaited a bright new day, he stirred. And while their gentle souls lay calm in that good night, he plotted…
  17. admin


    Everything appears to be running stable. Thanks for everyone's patience during this extended outage. I'm going to be working on some alternate hosting as I'm not happy with how long this outage lasted. More to come on that later, but for now if anyone has any issues with the game (other than that noob Electron Sponge) please make a new bug report or contact me via PM.
  18. admin


    I was trying to correct this, but ended up doubling Lyanna's casualties instead. That's ok right? 🙃
  19. admin


    The servers are back up.
  20. admin


    Update from the hosting provider 4/6/23 7:15AM CST: There is an ongoing issue with the cluster that hosts the Cyber Nations game servers. They are working to move us over to a new cluster to get us back up going again. No ETA on resolution yet. I am still able to access the servers and have backups of everything in case we need to move to a new host entirely, but I'm holding out hope the current host is able to resolve the issue soon.
  21. admin


    Apologies for the extended outage. Still looking into the issue.
  22. I've made a change in the code. Let me know if you're still having the problem. Screenshots welcome.
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