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The Bear Cavalry

Cybil de Blanc

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Cyneriice Northan National News Service (C3NS)

"Your world, your news, your number one station for all and everything Northanic."

Cyneriice Northan Revives the Ancient Tradition of Cavalry...With A Twist

(An Inuit woman appears on the screen, sitting at a desk in a burgundy business suit and black tie.)

"Good afternoon, Cyneriice Northan - I'm Elsa Bourne with your news update at three. Breaking news from Castle Northanholde today, and such that has the nation in an uproar: temporary Queen and Lady-General Yuralria Torklurarpok has called an order for a new type of cavalry. Normally, one would think of cavalry as soldiers on horseback, but due to the conflicts within Cyneriice Northan as of late - including the tragic death of Queen Selena Rosario - Queen Yuralria has introduced 'The Ice Claws'. Instead of a traditional cavalry - which, in the Northanic case, would involve reindeer instead of horses - polar bears will be trained as rideable mounts. We go to our field reporter, Mike de Lacroix, for the rest."

(The camera cuts to another Inuit man, standing in front of a pen with several polar bears and their handlers in the background.)

"Thanks, Elsa. As you can see behind me, the newfound 'bear cavalry' is already underway, with former show animals, donations from bankrupt zoos and orphaned cubs being used as the first mounts and breeding stock. The goal is to raise a sort of shock troop/morale buster/front-line offensive force that takes advantage of Cyneriice Northan's limited resources in such hard times. Now, this program has not been without its controversy - concerns over the welfare of the animals have been raised, as well as people questioning why the country's large, tame reindeer population is not being used instead. Officials had this to say - "

(Scene cuts to a Northanic officer with his face blurred for security reasons.)

"The Ice Claws are the first step to Cyneriice Northan's new force of special ops. While a reindeer-based cavalry is in planning, we are in need, at the moment, of something that will give us strategy. These bear cavalry - once armoured up and with the proper training - will be a bane to infantry. We also plan to move past the cavalry stage - however, I cannot tell you any more than that. Do not worry about how the animals will be treated - we of Cyneriice Northan respect all life, and will do our utmost to treat these creatures like our own royalty."

(Scene cuts back to Mike, who is now standing in front of a polar bear, with a thick leather collar around its neck that is attached to a chain, the chain itself attached to a rock.)

"The Ice Claws Program is expected to cost roughly 400,000 Northans to be completed, and should be ready by 2012-2013 Northanic time. For C3NS News, I'm Mike de Lacroix. Back to you, Elsa!"

Edited by Cybil de Blanc
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New Eden condemns this cruelty to the polar bear and demands they be set back into the wild, or reintergrated with their own kind before behinh released.

It is Inhumain to use an endangered animal as part of your army, nevermind a frontline shock unit.

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- Inside Castle Northanholde -

Everyone in the Grand Council thought she was nuts. They didn't agree with the decision at all - in fact, they were all seriously considering throwing Yuralria into the nearest body of water. Who in their right mind would train polar bears, of all things, as shock troop mounts? Yuralria was brilliant at keeping the country's military together, but Cybil's disappearance and Selena's death had done something to her head. Never mind the fact that Yuralria had let the second Queen die on her watch - she had a protective complex that constantly nagged at her, egging her on to do whatever it took to defend Cyneriice Northan. In her mind, if they had to terrify the enemy by using one of the north's most majestic, most threatened creatures, so be it.

If it had to be explained in terms an avid gamer would use, the woman was borderline "Lawful Stupid". Of course, with how reasonably she acted to the public, no one would ever think that, now would they?

- Somewhere Else in the Arctic -

Cybil watched the news report in horror. Among the swirling thoughts and entities that clouded her strained mind, she could hear herself screaming, saying, "Don't do it! Stop! What are you doing?! STOP!" However, since her kidnapping and the subsequent torture by Tintagylists, she had gone mostly mute from trauma. In fact, she wasn't quite sure how she could still move, as she wanted to curl up in a corner most of the time. All she knew was that it was something else manipulating her - something that had existed in her mind since Hank had placed that ring on her finger.

"You should be watching something else, kiddo," said a woman to the right. She was one of Hank's comrades, quieter and more mentally stable than most. "Here, there's a good soap on - The Showing Lantern. Agatha's just about to propose to Danny's father, James!"

And so, the channel was quickly changed to that of an Australian soap opera, Cybil quietly joining in watching the drama that unfolded around Agatha and James's marriage...whoever they were.

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New Eden condemns this cruelty to the polar bear and demands they be set back into the wild, or reintergrated with their own kind before behinh released.

It is Inhumain to use an endangered animal as part of your army, nevermind a frontline shock unit.

"Training, armoring, and riding a bear into actual combat against actual soldiers with tanks will be far more disastrous than if you simply asked another nation for help."

"Disparu agrees with both New Eden and the Sarnungian Republic. Creatures who are vulnerable from being driven to extinction should definitely not be used for armed combat. Heck, even non-endangered animals shouldn't be used for combat. If Cyneriice Northan needed an actual military force, they could've just asked for help from their fellow CAN nations."


The area around the Disparu-Cyneriice Northan border was immediately placed on high alert, just in case someone from the north attempted to steal polar bears or reindeer from Disparuean territory. All Disparuean zoos and animal shelters were also alerted to be on a lookout for suspicious people looking for polar bears and reindeer.

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"This is why we need a democracy. That, or someone needs to pull Queen Cybil out of a hat."

"Please note, world - we are all not this crazy. Something must be in the water - Radiation from Helzan???"

"What's next - penguin infantry? LOL ROXORZ BOXXORZ"

- Random Northanic bloggers in countries around the world

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Uberstein sips his drink in his study whilst reading a newspaper, "Bear calvary? I remember when I tried that....wait...no, it was canceled due too insanity. Oh well." He folds the newspaper, gets up, and starts to browse his DVD library.


The Republic of Finland condemns this militant use of an endangered animal.

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The Emperor mumbled to himself while browsing the paper. "There are all sorts of nasty creatures in the Amazon; I wonder how much gene-engineering it would take to make one kill a polar bear..." He dismissed the thought as idle fancy and turned to the more important task of approving the execution of 50 highly dangerous infant orphans.

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In the capitol, Kintober face-palmed at the news from his Arctic neighbors.


*Official response to this announcement*

If Cyneriice Northan is in need for fast cavalry to traverse their nation's icy terrain, the Eggman Empire government is more then happy to sell them some S/SAV CC-6 Pitbulls at a discount price. They're proven to work exceptionally will in snow covered terrain.

-Blyzar Dreth; Ministry of External Affairs

Eggman Empire



Hank entered the room where Carrie and Cybil were watching a Soap, his arms full with bags from a hardware store. "Sup sweet-cheeks!" He said cheerily to Carrie. The ex-happy smiler flipped him off and continued to watch TV. Hank dropped his bags on a nearby table and scurried over to Cybil. "I must say, when I do get a break, I think I'll stop by Cyneriice Northan. The place seems more screw loose then me!" He giggled. "Besides, I always did want to fight a polar bear." Hank grinned. He acted like he was boxing and made his way back to his bags and picked them up. A box of nails and a hammer fell out of one.

"Trying to start a carpentry business?" Carrie asked, eyes still glued to the TV. Hank burst into a cackle fit.

"No." He said between giggles. "Just getting a few 'party-favors' for our eventual guests." He picked up a nail and tapped it against his forehead. "The memory of our little 'get-together' will be embedded into their skulls forever!" He burst out laughing after that. Carrie rolled her eyes at his dramatics.

Edited by DrKintobor
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If your venture proves successful with this bear cavalry, the NoN would like to enquire about the possibility of Hyena Cavalry. A joint program of training these vicious mammals in a well regimented society would be fascinating.

"That's not a Hyena, that's some kind of African wolf-bear...Hyenas are much smaller."

Edited by BaronUberstein
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Because, Takeo, when war elephants and horses were used we didnt have TANKS or any kind of internal combustion engine.

Even in world war one, tanks did not appear till almost the end.

And Horses are not endangered, elephants are endangered now in some areas of the world from poaching.

The other nations who used War elephants such as India, beleived them to be holy animals and so treated them with care and used them in war to smite their enemies.

Comment from New Eden Historian

Edited by Zoot Zoot
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Because, Takeo, when war elephants and horses were used we didnt have TANKS or any kind of internal combustion engine.

Even in world war one, tanks did not appear till almost the end.

And Horses are not endangered, elephants are endangered now in some areas of the world from poaching.

The other nations who used War elephants such as India, beleived them to be holy animals and so treated them with care and used them in war to smite their enemies.

Comment from New Eden Historian

"All's fair in love and war. War these days is all about who can have the most fearsome, and most amount, men and vehicles. It matters very little about the animal anymore. Why everyone is making a big deal out of it, is beyond me," commented Takeo.

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"All's fair in love and war. War these days is all about who can have the most fearsome, and most amount, men and vehicles. It matters very little about the animal anymore. Why everyone is making a big deal out of it, is beyond me," commented Takeo.

"War also means how effectively your army can fight an enemy. Polar bears and elephants won't last very long against high explosive or semi-armor piercing high explosive shells. Gore showers anyone?"

Edited by HHAYD
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I can see your reasoning, however, the polar bear is an endangered animal, and using them in war agianst tanks/aircraft and men with machineguns, well it speaks for itself.

"Technically speaking, when comparing Humans to say, Bacteria, Humans are an endangered animal. We use tanks, aircraft, and machine guns against ourselves. What's your point?" commented Takeo.

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We arnt bacteria.

We are... self aware, we have build ourselves a civilisation of an advanced level.

Not to say bacteria is not advanced, but we have things such as mathematics, science, we have reached into space where to our knowledge, bacteria does not live.

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"Technically speaking, when comparing Humans to say, Bacteria, Humans are an endangered animal. We use tanks, aircraft, and machine guns against ourselves. What's your point?" commented Takeo.

"Humans are not in danger of becoming extinct. Endangered status of animals is not relative."

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We arnt bacteria.

We are... self aware, we have build ourselves a civilisation of an advanced level.

Not to say bacteria is not advanced, but we have things such as mathematics, science, we have reached into space where to our knowledge, bacteria does not live.

"Apparently we don't have those things, if you think Bacteria isn't alive."

"Humans are not in danger of becoming extinct. Endangered status of animals is not relative."

"Humans are in danger every day - why is it that we don't value our lives as much as we value a primitive animal?" commented Takeo.

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I never said bacteria isnt alive so stop splitting hairs.

i said it doesnt have maths, science, cant go into space unless its inside a space craftand even then its hitching a ride courtsey of yours truley, the human.

Bacteria is not endangered.

Humanity is not Endangered seeing as we are sentiant species of Bob.

Polar bears ARE.

end of discussion

now I suggest you go and read up more on planet Bob

Edited by Zoot Zoot
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