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Sign Up for GATOween event Numero Uno


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Hmmmm I may have to think up something special here for GATOween.........

I'm MoD right? Maybe a little wargames to spice up the action. A contest.....yeah a contest............hmmmmmmmm.

Get your friends/and or alliance mates together. Get you a strike team assembled. 3 folks. You get one update worth of quads(If you manage it right?) Attacks can happen anytime between half hour to update to half hour past update. 3 teams will be chosen. Upward limit of 90k NS. Low limit of just being able to declare on me range.

No Spies, No Nukes, No Navy.

Scoring is easy. (Your Infra Damage Done - My Infra Damage Done) + (The Tech You Looted - The Tech I Looted) + (Land You Looted - Land I Looted) + 50 points if you Anarchy me -100 pts each if somehow you let me Anarchy you = score Screenshots of each attack will be taken by me to verify so no one cries they were cheated.

Read as (240-260) + (35-42) + (340 - 396) +0 - 200 = -283 because I'm gonna stomp your @#$% k? Team with the highest score wins 100 tech each paid for by me and delivered by my sweet little tech sellers.

We'll have to do them in 3 day splits leading up to the finale on GATOween night. Hey I wanna do quads to.

Each Member of your team must register on the GATO forums to participate in GATOween merriment at www.gato-forums.com.

To Apply send me a PM with participating Nation Ruler, Name, and and link. Rosters will be announced on Oct. 18. First Battle the update between the 25th and 26th.

Other rules and restrictions may apply as I think them up and hell something may come up on my end and I'll have to cancel but I really want to do this so I'll do everything I can to make it happen. Rules suggestions may or may not be ignored.

Just a taste of the excitement GATOween will bring. Be prepared.

Edited by magicninja
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