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Rise of the Phoenix


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"All that is necessary for the forces of evil to win in the world is for enough good men to do nothing."

-- Edmund Burke

It was a small group of a few hundred thousand mostly the elite of the government with branches into the civilian and military sector, while their size would look insignificant the power they could exercise was not. There had always been a strong loyalty to the mythical bird considered so holy and reflected on almost every image of the Imperial Union. The Phoenix for some their love had grown so strong they considered her a god, the protector of the Imperial Union and the creature that controls all events on the world, but it had reserved a special spot in its heart a spot for the Imperial Union. A spot for the Empress a story so strong around a hundred million people believed in it making it the number 1 religion. Those part of the Holy Order of the Phoenix knew she was not happy with the fact there were so many believers in false gods in her home. They knew it had to be stopped. The Order had secured the Council, the Empress was already converted having abandoned Christianity all elements were there.


For the plan to succeed rapid change had to come normally they would have just slowly converted the population but they needed a faster solution, the Empress was willing to give it to them if the right preparations were made they had to give Buenos Aires a reason to strike down on the 2nd largest religion in the Imperial Union, Christianity.

A group known as the Holy Fist just gave them the required excuses. Officers from the Holy Order acting as Holy Fist members had secured a single Novichok warhead capable of hitting a whole city if not more their target Santiago. The 3rd largest city in the Union and home to several hospitals and orphanages. As a precaution Councilors and high ranking Officials had been recalled to Buenos Aires for an emergency meeting of the Parliament. At 15:00 it happened the warhead placed in a civilian center detonated and an artificially created video hit several pro-Phoenix blogs the stepping stone was laid now the hate had to grow and the government had to turn it to its favor, for this the Empress and Military Command called for a press conference on measures in response.

“People of the Imperial Union today a terrible event has happened, Christian fanatics have attacked Santiago with a Chemical Weapon the deaths are expected to reach hundreds of thousands. We can not let this go unpunished therefore I hereby initiate the Imperial Counter-terrorism Act. As of this moment all civil rights are suspended, a dusk to dawn curfew is in effect and a State of Emergency will be declared in addition to a press black-out and closed off borders. All foreign citizens residing within the Imperial Union have 5 days to leave costs to do so will be refunded. Should any foreigners still be within the Imperial Union in 5 days they will be trapped as all Civilian Aircraft will be refused access to Imperial airspace”

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Sarah turned off the television and ran her hands through her hair. For all accounts, she was as liberal minded as they came and even with a different perspective that the training in the special forces had given her, she was still very open minded, and she was still very Christian. So when the Empress and High Command had explained that it had been Christian fanatics had attacked Santiago with chemical weapons and then to pile insult on top of injury that the government had declared a state of emergency. Looking down, she pulled out the small golden cross that hung around her neck and held it tightly in her hands. The world had problems sure, but religious problems always seemed to be magnified much more than just regular social change. But she had hope for Nadine and while the suspension of civil rights seemed a bit too far, she would wait and surely things would improve.

"Damn." She looked down at the cross. "Things...Things will be okay." Turning around, Sarah looked at her SF uniform hanging up in the closet, with a small phoenix on the shoulder crest. "Things will be just fine."

Edited by Sarah Tintagyl
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The Malvinian Home Islands are now CLOSED to all Union refugees seeking safety until the Imperial Union can work out if the Chemical weapon is contagious, and if wind currents will spread the cloud over-seas.

Premier Barney had this to say

"sorry buddy, give us more info on the chemical and we will then open out borders for you to setup refugee camps until the area is no longer contaminated."

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Christians are, as usual not welcome in the Holy Imperium. The Inquisition would like to stress that any and all worshipers of Christianity will be politely asked to convert to the Imperial Cult, followed by forced deportation should they not comply.

OOC: What about New Englander Christians that are living in the Imperium? :P

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Empress Nadine Audrey Peacecraft got a peculiar delivery, an undecorated box and within was a chromed steel pendant of an Imperial Five Toed Dragon dancing among a Celtic weave, when she touched it the eyes glowed a moment a luminescent green then returned to its normal reflective surface. She could swear she saw images in the reflection that were more than just her own, but due to the meticulous and curvy nature of the Knots, it was hard to see what exactly was reflecting so strangely.

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After Nadine received the pendant and had a strange feeling from it she somehow knew she had to keep it but did not understand why and how a simple object could be so special and strong. Unsure about its meaning she hold it tight before putting it in one of her pockets before going to the temple for the daily prayers.


The days had passed and the Imperial Union was under a full lock-out now was the time to begin with actual military patrols. First the Empress was to give a speech in Buenos Aires in front of 200,000 Soldiers of the total 400,000 in the Army. In addition to soldiers around a million had assembled most of which were already residents of Buenos Aires.


I understand some of you will have troubles with your orders I understand some of you will have to go against their own believes. All of you however know this is the best for the Imperial Union, the upcoming months will be hard on all of us they will challenge all our believes and things we consider sacred. Do not let your guard down the enemy is a strong one, the enemy has existed for ages and the enemy will always exist. We are Imperials, we are the chosen people, we have a place in the afterlife directly below the Phoenix. May she watch over you all. Ad Infinitum”

The soldiers’ boots hitting the ground and the general salute formed a sound so loud it could be heard throughout the city, following it the soldiers proceeded to their locations either by foot, train or airplane.


While the soldiers had orders to protect all citizens they would ignore attacks on religious places not related to the Holy Order of the Phoenix to some points even promoting violence against non-believers. The combination of these had made sure the curfew was followed as no one would want to be on the streets, meanwhile those within Imperial Command not following the order yet were slowly replaced to serve insignificant commands or just be removed from the Armed Forces completely.

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"While this attack is despicable, we urge the the Imperial Union not to let this attack mar the reputation of the common man or woman who professes to be a Christian. Every fait, every religion, has its fanatics, and Christianity is no exception, but also, every religion has its honest, peaceful believers...including Christianity."

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With over 2 weeks passed since the full lock down Imperial Economy started to feel the consequences as a result both air space and imperial waters were opened up again to foreign tourists and trade, in addition to allow the next part of the plan all passports were revoked and all citizens had to request a new one. This one had several changes, in addition to fingerprint registration and a chip which linked to a government computer would provide access to other ways of identification, but the most important part. Those who were part of the Holy Order of the Phoenix received a small emblem on the passport in the form of a little Phoenix, while it officially only served for the Order to identify the followers at the temples unofficially those without it would be discriminated against on all levels from social security to buying a house.


While the government measures were against the principles of the Union compared to what the individual follower did were close to nothing this became most obvious in Buenos Aires where every Christian was considered a Holy Fist member and as such received a hard time from their fellow citizens. Church burnings, violence against Roman-Catholic clergy, Christians, etc. were a common sight across the city and Union in general, with the exception of one little island. The Western Falklands being reasonably isolated from the homeland had become a refuge as an alternative to the cold Antarctic Protectorate or dangerous Central Atlantic Protectorate, while Buenos Aires didn’t like it they would leave the island alone until the more pressing issues were solved such as somehow limiting damage to the capital which could easily be converted to other things later on.


Meanwhile Nadine visited the temple again upon entering she immediately bowed at the golden statue and proceeded to the central chamber where the High Oracle seemed away from the world probably in contact with the Phoenix, having waited around 90 minutes she came back and walked towards Nadine.

“Emissary, how can I help you today?”

“I have had a dream again and I can’t truly explain its meaning” Nadine answered.

“I see, follow me”

The 2 walked towards another chamber this one filled with a strange smoke that when inhaled enough from one would feel a bit lightheaded.

“Try to rest Emissary and make your head empty.”

Following the advice the smoke in the room increased as the Oracle went into an isolated room as to prevent similar effects. Due to the increased amount Nadine entered a dream state and saw the dream again. The Phoenix was watching over a destroyed town showing its approval next to it was a text in Latin writing about a golden age it looked reasonably futuristic suggesting it was indeed contact with the Phoenix at least that’s what she believed. The dream ended with a line from the Phoenix itself. Go on Emissary, go on

When she returned back to her normal state almost all of the smoke was away and she thanked the Oracle for her help after which she left the temple again bowing at the statue back on her way to the Palace though she would catch some sleep before going on with her work still feeling the effects.

Edited by Centurius
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OOC: Consider that I would have at least one spy or informer here... :P

IC: ***Classified***

Promised Land was aware of the discrimination against other faiths...particularly Christians. But at the moment, nothing could be done. This was an internal affair of the Imperial Union, and admitting to knowledge about it would be admitting to at the very least espionage.

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A whisper would dance around Nadine upon the winds.. seeming to come from a distant place. "Christian's aren't a threat, extremists are. Be wary that defense does not become persecution, lest one day the handle of the blade be in the same hands as the ones against who's throat you currently press its edge."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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OOC: I doubt there are any, and if so they're housed in foreign districts and politely ignored. :wub:

OOC: Ah, I see. :wub:


"New England watches the situation in the Imperial Union with grave concern. As a Christian nation, we must condemn the unwarranted attacks on Christians and Christianity. On that note, our borders are free and open to these wishing to escape persecution."

Edited by JEDCJT
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Even more weeks had passed and the situation was starting to turn back to normal again though all former measures were still in place with the populace somewhat at ease and around 120 Million having joined the Holy Order of the Phoenix by now but it still left an additional 100 Million disbelievers. The government in its unending believe in the will of the Phoenix could not left this be and would take more strict measures.

Imperial Act Regarding Dangerous Movements

By the holy grace of the Emissary representing the will of the Phoenix,

On this 19th of September of the year 2009 the Imperial Union hereby declares all other religions, communism and other rebel believes illegal within the borders as shown on the world maps of the Imperial Union. All provinces are to enact legislation to enforce this ruling. No violence is to be used until long-term disobedience is noted. Provinces who refuse will be considered in violation of the government and be considered facilitating dissidents.

Signed by the Imperial Envoy of Internal Affairs,

Adin Barnett

By now most of the involvement of the Empress had faded to the point where she hardly spoke in public something noticed by several higher officers, however she was still the most powerful person something that would not change fast.

To enforce the ruling all but 1 province had taken over almost all buildings of the groups mentioned sometimes using the soldiers placed there to enforce the ruling all of this was mostly still left out from the public with the press black-out in place. The province that still resisted, Atlantica(OOC: Western Falklands), would receive the consequences its Envoy Aretha Walker was arrested and consequently executed in the Buenos Aires Maximum Security Prison and all resources to Atlantica were cut off with ships being deployed to put it under a blockade a fully legal move as the province was within its territorial waters. However with the situation in Texas no ground force was sent, yet.

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By now the situation in Texas actually caused an opposite effect, Buenos Aires now had a reason to maintain the State of Emergency and ordered even more measures to separate the non-believers from the believers. Those who were considered a danger to the state mostly clergy and loud opponents of the regime were arrested and placed in prisons to face trial at a later date. As before all were put on trial for collaborating with the Holy Fist. The Phoenix by now could be seen everywhere, a symbol reminding everyone from the fact not only a holy creature was watching them but also the Central Government could know what someone was doing at any given time. Atlantica by now also suffered the consequences from the measures. The supplies they had in reserve lasted long but it’s population was too big for local food and clean water. The siege was working, the population was starving as such the largest offensive in Imperial History was prepared. 200,000 Soldiers of the Imperial Army would be transported around the clock. Supported by naval guns making everything outside the Border Walls lethal locations. Due to its remote location only Imperial press about the siege would reach the rest of the world showing a situation where locals were provided food and opposed the Provincial government for keeping them away from the mainland. Atlantica would fall soon, very soon.


With the supporters of the Holy Order getting a bit wary of the ‘big guns’ on the street too Buenos Aires decided to change to a more familiar way. Soldiers were moved back to their bases as riot police was called upon and actively being trained from those who had no real future due to their lack of education. These men also armed though only with smaller side arms would form the main line of defense against domestic trouble. A total of 100,000 were planned and with a lot of conventional Police Officers signing up they had already around half of them ready. The big guns would be replaced by smaller but effective ones. The Press black-out was partially lifted on the mainland with freedom restored on the state-run channels and commercial ones following in a matter of weeks.

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At this time the war had not begun yet and as such all attention was still aimed at Atlantica. The force that was assembled were ready for the next part of the plan.

Back in Buenos Aires the whole government had assembled in the war room deep underground to monitor the situation in Atlantica.

“Empress, the General Jansen is asking for a final confirmation”the Imperial Envoy of Defense stated. Nadine didn’t answer immediately as she was not too sure to go on, after being asked again she sighed.

“Final Confirmation given, Atlantica Prime is to be taken and all threats neutralized at all costs, both civilians and military resisting are to be considered rebels and consequently taken down” she felt sick about the orders but it had to be done. The Holy Order was successful in years the community wasn’t at peace in a way it was now, however even a single city vocally opposing it and getting away with it would inspire resistance everywhere. Atlantica had to be taken down.


When the confirmation was given the first stage begun. 2 Squadrons of Bombers accompanied with Fighter escorts from the mainland were flying over Atlantica Prime as they released their weapons. Rather than the expected bombs something much worse was released. The city was bombarded with incendiaries to already create chaos and destroy as much infrastructure as possible, behind the bombers was a single transport aircraft with camera to record the effects of the bombing as expected with the perfect wind the effects were as planned. All military and governmental targets burned. In addition some housed were affected but the hospital at the city edge was still save. As the chaos was at the maximum 2 cruise missiles were fired at the city gates to open them for an Imperial force. Once the gates were open part 2 began. 10,000 soldiers moved in immediately followed by more, at this point the general was no longer in effective command and the squad leaders were pretty much the highest officers in the chain. Days of fighting and thousands of casualties followed in the days after. 7 days after the initial attack Atlantica officially bowed to Buenos Aires and the city was placed under a Military government led by the politician Nikita Akhatova who would represent Atlantica as Imperial Envoy in Buenos Aires. Exact casualties were kept at 1,500 of which 100 civilians however more independent estimates stated at least 5,000-10,000 among which many Civilians trapped in the government buildings, houses or caught in crossfire. The attack had its effect however with the fall of Atlantica the last remains of resistance were taken down and the Imperial Union was officially back on its feet. As such the State of Emergency was revoked though the only press allowed to broadcast was still the state run ones.

OOC: The end.

Edited by Centurius
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