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High Level Bloc Statistics


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Considering what was happening to every C&G alliance (except Vanguard) a year ago, we are doing pretty well.

FoB was lurking in the shadows but still managed to get beat down a year ago. :P

But really, we've existed only 328 days, fought 5 alliances, and havent lost a war yet. Its that kind of winning record that CnG coveted enough to bring us aboard. B)

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We only attacked nations that after several days of war had no other nations attacking them. They weren't fighting other Karma nations when we attacked them, so any damage we did would not have been done at all if we didn't attack. We also went first strike nuking an alliance (can't remember which) that first strike nuked Umbrella, our ally.

That is completely untrue.

Edited by Poyplemonkeys
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That is completely untrue.

He is referencing non-first strike nuke targets, which makes it 99% true.  Nemesis and TOP were both full nuclear on BAPS. :) I also believe he meant "fully engaged" several days after.

Edited by Dr. Dan
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He is referencing non-first strike nuke targets, which makes it 99% true.  Nemesis and TOP were both full nuclear on BAPS. :) I also believe he meant "fully engaged" several days after.

Ok cool. Apologies for misunderstanding, although it really could have been a lot clearer ^_^

Won't get into TOP's nuclear status with BAPS as per the earlier mod request.

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Won't get into TOP's nuclear status with BAPS as per the earlier mod request.

If you, or anyone else, want to discuss TOP's nuclear related action in the Karma war or our actions in the Karma war in general then you should feel free to open up a dialogue with us - Either at our boards or here in the OWF.

There's no point in letting issues fester into malcontent if decent folk who are open to being persuaded by an healthy argument have an issue with us.

We tend to relish the chance to correct (or at least have a damn good go at thrashing) the hackneyed opinion of Paradoxia that a section of our community seems to have, we'd have our best folks come and chat with you, no doubt.

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id like to see how much of the top 5% each bloc controls


any way you may be able to do this UE? :D

It takes a while to do such a thing, but I'll see what I can do.

For today, 2009-08-18 (around 1830 EST) it takes 63,259NS to be in the top 5% of nations.

Looking only at alliances in the top 202 (i.e., those with >=20 members). That's good for 19,213 of the 27,933 or so that exist in the game today.

Nations in the top 5% of NS (>=63,259):
SF:		  84/1,511   5.56%
Citadel:	205/  472  43.43%
C&G:		 63/  848   7.43%
Frostbite:   63/  840   7.50%
Chestnut:	60/  907   6.62%
Poseidon:	38/  981   3.87%
CDT:		 43/  859   5.01%
LEO:		 44/  604   7.28%


While I'm at it:

Nations with >=5,000 Tech:
SF:		  41/1,511   2.71%
Citadel:	158/  472  33.47%
C&G:		 36/  848   4.25%
Frostbite:   22/  840   2.62%
Chestnut:	20/  907   2.21%
Poseidon:	35/  981   3.57%
CDT:		 24/  859   2.79%
LEO:		 28/  604   4.64%

Nations with >= 10,000 Infra:
SF:		  86/1,511   5.73%
Citadel:	160/  472  33.90%
C&G:		 53/  848   6.25%
Frostbite:   60/  840   7.14%
Chestnut:	59/  907   6.50%
Poseidon:	42/  981   4.28%
CDT:		 42/  859   4.89%
LEO:		 33/  604   5.46%

Makeup of the blocs is as follows:

SF 'Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations','Random Insanity Alliance','FARK','RnR','Global Order of Darkness','Ragnarok','Monos Archein'

Citadel 'FCC','The Grämlins','The Order of the Paradox','Umbrella','Argent'

C&G 'Mushroom Kingdom','Greenland Republic','Vanguard','=LOST=','Athens','Federation Of Buccaneers'

FB 'New Polar Order ','Siberian Tiger Alliance','New Sith Order','The Liquor Cabinet'

Chestnut 'The Templar Knights','Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations','Random Insanity Alliance','Global Order of Darkness','Monos Archein','Coalition Of Royal Allied Powers','The Order Of Halsa'

Poseidon 'The Legion','Valhalla','United Purple Nations','Invicta','Boards Alliance Of Protectorate States'

CDT 'United Sovereign Nations','United Purple Nations','Invicta','Fellowship of Elite Allied Republics','United Commonwealth of Nations','Menotah'

LEO 'RnR','FOK','Orion','The International'

I did the percentages by hand, so if it looks wrong, let me know so I can correct. The number of nations in each bloc appears to jive with the data on my bloc stats page, so it's probably correct (the number fluctuate +/-5 or so since whenever the query ran to create the aggregate stats for my other thread was earlier than when I went through the alliances' membership pages).

Edited by Unspeakable Evil
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I'd be very interested in some <variable>/Casualties with pretty much every possible variable you've already used starting with NS and Ave NS, if you've got time or were interested yourself UE.

Edit: is it even possible to get alliance wide casualty counts? Total casualties of the current members flying the AA? If not this would be very hard to do... And if not we should get this statistic.

Edited by Statman
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I'd be very interested in some <variable>/Casualties with pretty much every possible variable you've already used starting with NS and Ave NS, if you've got time or were interested yourself UE.

Edit: is it even possible to get alliance wide casualty counts? Total casualties of the current members flying the AA? If not this would be very hard to do... And if not we should get this statistic.

Everything is possible if you have the time. What I did today was a pass of every page in an alliances membership view, for all the alliances with 20+ members. So anything on a page like this one I can do a query on. The database I use for my other thread has everything above the wonders/improvements on these pages; which includes some military data, but not casualties.

The more limiting factor is the daily click limit, which I am likely nearing.

Edit: And come on, if I'm brave enough to wade into the potential whine-fest that is any stats thread involving TOP, you can at least have the common dignity to post under your real name. Some of us are actually interested in the data for the data's sake, not for some sort of cheap political points-scoring.

Edited by Unspeakable Evil
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Nations in the top 5% of NS (&gt;=63,259):
SF:		  84/1,511   5.56%
Citadel:	205/  472  43.43%
C&amp;G:		 63/  848   7.43%
Frostbite:   63/  840   7.50%
Chestnut:	60/  907   6.62%
Poseidon:	38/  981   3.87%
CDT:		 43/  859   5.01%
LEO:		 44/  604   7.28%

The combined forces of every bloc excluding the Citadel make 43.27% of the top 5%, this is ignoring the large overlaps that are created between the blocs especially LEO, SF, and chestnut, which would bring that percentage down a lot. Citadel alone controls 43.43% of the top 5%, should be interesting to see how that pans out for them.

EDIT: wait everything i said here is wrong apparantly :(

Edited by Jack Diorno
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The combined forces of every bloc excluding the Citadel make 43.27% of the top 5%, this is ignoring the large overlaps that are created between the blocs especially LEO, SF, and chestnut, which would bring that percentage down a lot. Citadel alone controls 43.43% of the top 5%, should be interesting to see how that pans out for them.

Those are the percentage of nations in the bloc above that threshhold, not % of nations in the world.

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The combined forces of every bloc excluding the Citadel make 43.27% of the top 5%, this is ignoring the large overlaps that are created between the blocs especially LEO, SF, and chestnut, which would bring that percentage down a lot. Citadel alone controls 43.43% of the top 5%, should be interesting to see how that pans out for them.

You misread that. What it says is that 43.27% of Citadel is in the top 5%, not that 43.27% of the top 5% are in Citadel.

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Citadel is the undisputed power bloc in the CN. The only reason they don't lead CN is because they don't exert themselves as a political force.

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Those are the percentage of nations in the bloc above that threshhold, not % of nations in the world.


That greatly reduces my excitement that citadel might declare war on someone and all nations in the war eventually move out of range of each other due to the nation strength limits. That would of been good.

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