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Official Declearation and Apolofy by the Empire

Colerich Krieg

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The Empire of Krieg is making this statement in light of turn of events. This is an official doctrine of the Empire and will be added as part of our NEWLY formed constitution.



The Krieg Empire hereby accepts 100% full responsibility for all actions that happened today. This Includes:

1- The Scottish conflict. The Empire had no right to ask or inquire on the Scottish Procterate and will never have any intentions of asking or inquiring unless the Scottish are willing to give their opinion/stance personally.

2- The building of the Scottish Wall. This was directly influenced by the Arrogance of me and my government. I ask kindly that the Scottish please halt construction of this wall as it is Immoral as our citizens should be able to cross to visit friends and family. The people should not have to be punished for this Governments actions.2

3- The Near-Brink war in Europe. If not for the arrogance of myself and my Government, Chimairan would not have been preparing to Invade the Empire and start a war in Europe.



- The Krieg Empire asks ALL Nations who currently have refugees to please treat them with respect for they are your European Brothers. We are preapred to pay for any and all costs for hold the Refugees. The countries may also bring them back at their leisure.

- The Krieg Empire will begin discussions of a possible move. However this seems unlikely, due to numerous things:

1- It is not right to forcefully deprive my German and Spanish citizens of their Native European soil.

2- The Kreig Empire MUST Set an example.



The Empire recognizes mistakes on our part, and are going to take actions to prevent any conflict:

1- We are going to begin passing Centralist reforms. This does not mean we are abondoning our Fascist Idelolgy, however passing these Centralist reforms will Liberalize our country more, and set an example that we are NOT an Evil Fascist/Martencist regime. We also are retaining our Semi-Authoritarian/Republic system of Government and State Capitalist Economic system.

2- We will be reforming to ensure our foreign policy is as follows:

- Semi Isolationalist. We will not hold any offical Alliances, but we will maintain Friendships and trade with close countries.

- PEACE NO MATTER THE COST, WAR ONLY AS A LAST RESORT. We will use ALL means nessicary to maintain peace and use war ONLY in desperate situations. This cannot be stressed enough as the most important value we must set upon the European community. War in Europe MUST become a distant memory.


We hope these statements clarifies our current stance. We will post updates as needed.

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If the Imperator suffers one more migraine trying to translate butchered English into Imperial, somebody's head is going to roll. That being said, peace is a good alternative to war so long as conflict continues to allow the strong to succeed over the weak.

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OOC: Dude, you gotta stop making all these threads, no offense.... I've been here longer than you and I've made only 3! You could have easily posted this within one of the other posts you have regarding this conflict.

This was to clarify after the peace was declared, Its a necessary move to ensure that we all have a chance to make amends and start over.

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If the Imperator suffers one more migraine trying to translate butchered English into Imperial, somebody's head is going to roll. That being said, peace is a good alternative to war so long as conflict continues to allow the strong to succeed over the weak.

OOC Also, although I post in English, The Emperor is Bavarian is techniccly speaking german. I can easyily post in German but I cant be bothered to translate it and Im sure many people here dont speak german. ;p

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The Empire requests that all nations that helped in the time of conflict to please give their personal statement on:

- Refugees if any

- Stance on the Empire and the new Decleration

The United Netherlands still houses Kriegian refugees in the Congresgebouw in The Hague and the Jaarbeurs in Utrecht. They will spend two more weeks in the Netherlands as our guests while the situation returns to normal and they will be spread over the countless families that have volunteered to take them them in. After this holiday they will be repatriated by rail over Chimairan and Euzkadi soil.

The Netherlands has at this point no real stance towards the Empire but applauds their movement towards a more centrist and democratic system. We'd prefer to look at the situation with a certain distance before passing our final judgement.

Edited by DeRaadspensionaris
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The United Netherlands still houses Kriegian refugees in the Congresgebouw in The Hague and the Jaarbeurs in Utrecht. They will spend two more weeks in the Netherlands as our guests while the situation returns to normal and they will be spread over the countless families that have volunteered to take them them in. After this holiday they will be repatriated by rail over Chimairan and Euzkadi soil.

The Netherlands has at this point no real stance towards the Empire but applauds their movement towards a more centrist and democratic system. We'd prefer to look at the situation with a certain distance before passing our final judgement.

The Empire is very thankful for the Dutch support of Civlians.

Also just a precautionary, I would like to have some Military personel onboard with the Civilians as they pass through the Chimarian and Euzkadi countries. This is NOT due to threats from Governments - I see we all have a clean slate, this is to protect our citizens from being targeted by other anti-Krieg Empire civlians in these countries from attacking the trains in cold anger or hate due to recent Events.

If Military escorts on the trains arnt possible, at the very least we should have Government officals on board to ensure no violant actions against our people take place.

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The Empire is very thankful for the Dutch support of Civlians.

Also just a precautionary, I would like to have some Military personel onboard with the Civilians as they pass through the Chimarian and Euzkadi countries. This is NOT due to threats from Governments - I see we all have a clean slate, this is to protect our citizens from being targeted by other anti-Krieg Empire civlians in these countries from attacking the trains in cold anger or hate due to recent Events.

If Military escorts on the trains arnt possible, at the very least we should have Government officals on board to ensure no violant actions against our people take place.

Euzkadi and Chimaira have recognized our neutrality and that will be enough guarantees for a safe passage. So no Krieg officials, military or civilian, will be needed. But as a precautionary measure we will have some Dutch police on board. The bill for this escort will have to be forwarded to the government of Krieg Empire though.

Edited by DeRaadspensionaris
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Euzkadi and Chimaira have recognized our neutrality and that will be enough guarantees for a safe passage. So no Krieg officials, military or civilian, will be needed. But as a precautionary measure we will have some Dutch police on board. The bill for this escort will have to be forwarded to the government of Krieg Empire though.

Certainly. We appreciate the Dutch protection over the Innocent civlians caught in this mess.

Would the Dutch Nation require Money or Resources in compensation?

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We feel that money will suffice but our companies are always open to more trade. Our ports are in full development and Rotterdam has the ambition to become the world's largest port so any trade is welcome.

(OOC: only RP-trade- my slots are full).

The Krieg Empire will be happy to establish Trade as a Semi-Isolationalist Nation. We are resuming peacetime production of Ports and Naval ships to being exporting our Sugar and Water resources.

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Refugees from the conflict are beginning to arrive back to their homes via Plane and Ship:

Arriving from Carthage


Arriving from Malavia


Imperial Troops begin retreating from the Chimairan-Krieg Border and return to their stations. They will be informed of the new Peace first War as a last resort plan authorized by the government which was offered by the "United Germans and Spanish Citizens in the Krieg Empire for Peaceful exsistance" Group.

Troops moving away from Krieg-Chimairan border.


Citizens who choose to remain in the Empire are thankful for the peace resolution. Here we have Civilians thanking a local Troop for his dilligant actions at maintaing order in the unstable region, where citizens were expericencing panic attacks at the announcement of an Invasion.


Also at the announcement of Centrist reforms, Many German and Spanish Citizens are excited at their rights being expanded.

Here we have a picture of German citizens from New Berlin Cheering "Alles für der Kaiser!"


We also have a shot of Spanish citizens from outside Madrid:


Today marks one of the happiest reform days in Krieg, and has been designated as "National Peace and Reform Day"

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Scotland accepts this "apolofy" and is pleased to see the reforms taking place within Krieg. Regretfully, we do not feel this is enough at this time to fully stop what we have begun and we will not be halting the construction of the wall. We are willing to allow Spaniards to visit their families in friends within the Scottish protectorate by passing through proper border customs, applying for day trip visas, and presenting their Krieg passports.

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Scotland accepts this "apolofy" and is pleased to see the reforms taking place within Krieg. Regretfully, we do not feel this is enough at this time to fully stop what we have begun and we will not be halting the construction of the wall. We are willing to allow Spaniards to visit their families in friends within the Scottish protectorate by passing through proper border customs, applying for day trip visas, and presenting their Krieg passports.

OOC: It was a type "apolofy" >.>

IC: The Krieg Empire is sad to hear that the construction of the wall will continue, but recognizes the Scottish government's right to treat their citizens and land as they very well wish. We will issue specialized Passport stamps and documents to apply for passage to our German and Spanish citizens.

OOC again: Not trying to be rude but also apologizing would be a nice gesture. we both kinda flew of the handle with the situation, and I'm sure we and everyone else can see we can apologize and move on at peace.

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