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OOC: Blarg, tell that martens and his coilguns. I just used something that sounded reasonable. Anyways, editing to something realistic to appease the nitpickers.

OOC: Various kinds of sensors capable of sensing a bullet ~10 m away, find out where approximately it'll impact and stiffen the carbon tubes there in less than the time that the bullet needs to fly these 10 meters, which is ~800 m/s, so the suit has .0125 seconds to react. More than enough with modern micro-computers. These sensors can be a kind of radio- or microwaves, or a movement sensor or whatever reasonable you can theoretically think of. I didn't take the time to find out what exact kind of sensors are needed, but it's certainly possible.

OOC: Hmm ok just I cringed at the word sensors as the idea of Star Trek/Star Wars sensors come to mind <_<

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OOC: Nice sensors. So, can it sense a bullet at 1700m/s?

And yes, I should have pointed this out to Martens. Coil guns you can fudge the bore a bit as the projectile is not the same width as the barrel, as it contact-less. Its just easier for everyone if people use the Energy ratings.

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OOC: Nice sensors. So, can it sense a bullet at 1700m/s?

And yes, I should have pointed this out to Martens. Coil guns you can fudge the bore a bit as the projectile is not the same width as the barrel, as it contact-less. Its just easier for everyone if people use the Energy ratings.

OOC: I'm assuming 800 m/s. The bullet needs .0125 seconds to travel 10 meters, which is enough time for light to travel from the bullet to the suit, be registered and get a response. Most of the stuff within the suit happens at higher speeds than the bullet travels. But I can also make it 30 meters of 50, if you like that better.

Edit: And the railgun's been edited to 40 mm.

Edited by Lynneth
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After pondering about it for a while, the Chairman has decided that a super-heavy tank-design shall be build, although only three factories will be dedicated to its construction.


The Mammoth Mk.I tank is more than twice as long and wide as the Leopard 3A1, yet only 1.5 meters higher. It has two railguns, each with the same caliber as the 3A1, additionally to two mounted rocket-launchers, each with 7 180 mm anti-helicopter/anti-infantry missles and two extractable anti-air guns that can also be used to mow infantry down, which use a similar firing mechanism as the AISR, the Saborian standard infantry arm. The Mk.I has the same armor, though thicker, as the 3A1 tank.

OOC: More than twice as long and twice as wide = four times the room for engines, ammo, etc.

Edited by Lynneth
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OOC: Hey, Vent, no offence but, seriously, only you and like probably some other guy can understand all those Mathematics stuff...I just try to use things that sound about right and doublecheck with Bruno, Sumeragi and Lavo to make sure I'm not doing something retarded... x_x


"Those are some interesting vehicles right there...can you bring a couple of each for testing purposes? Your nation like ours is indeed advanced I can see when it comes to Genetic Engineering. It would be good if you could drop by some of your Minds over here, we have very large research facilities that you will find interesting. You can bring DNA samples so we can study your current work, too."


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[Response to Nordland]

"Yes, half a dozen of each vehicle can be brought to Nordland, although only the Leopard 3A1 can be shipped immediately. The first Mammoth tanks are currently being built, and each takes more than thrice as long as a regular 3A1, so I hope you understand that it'll be a while until you can test those.

As for scientists, I will only bring my lead scientist in genetics, Fjodor Leclerc, but if he deems the facilities in your country equal or better than ours, then we will surely send scientists to you for cooperative research. I will also tell Leclerc to bring a few DNA samples.

That leaves a last question, namely that of when we can meet.


Chairman Lynneth

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OOC: Hey, Vent, no offence but, seriously, only you and like probably some other guy can understand all those Mathematics stuff...I just try to use things that sound about right and doublecheck with Bruno, Sumeragi and Lavo to make sure I'm not doing something retarded... x_x

Its cool, I just try to help. Mainly just physics things.

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[somewhere in Saboria, in a highly secret location]

[Extremely classified]

"Hello there, little lady."

"Hi, uncle!"

Almost all subjects knew Fjodor in one way or another. To most, he was the 'Uncle', some called him 'Daddy' and a few didn't call him anything, too afraid of the man who constantly tortured them.

The girl he currently was talking to was in several ways similar to 411Y, Amy. She had both cat-ears and a -tail, was of similar apparent age as Amy when the reader saw her the first time.

One of the biggest differences, however, was that this subject - 4NN4, or Ann - was completely covered in brown, white and black fur, like a 3-colored cat. Her face too was different from that of a human, having slightly bigger, cat-like eyes, a mouth that would be considered cute by most people (like this: :3 ) and was basically a cat's mouth and a nose that was a compromise between human and cat noses The nostrils were slightly bigger as to allow for better breathing, while the nose bridge was slightly wider than one may expect.

She was one of the most heavily modified humans, although thanks to the extensive genetic modifications, she was almost an entirely different species, unable to reproduce with humans. There were several others like or similar to her, perhaps dog- or bird-traits instead of that of a cat.

"How are you today, Ann?"

"I'm fine, meow~."

The girl smiled wide and sincerely. She didn't have to endure many experiments until now and thus was one of the happiest, least-scarred/-traumatised inhabitants of the facility.

Unlike most of the other subjects, she wore no clothes, but had no need to. Fur covered everything that needed to be covered, quite similar to a full-body suit.

"That's good to hear." Leclerc began petting her head, making the girl smile even wider, which exposed a few quite sharp teeth. Additionally, she actually began purring, one of the few things that could make Leclerc smile sincerely. Usually, he just faked it to make the person standing before him feel better or safer.

"Why're you visiting, uncle?"

"Oh, no real reason, aside from needing a new blood-sample."

"Again, meow? You took the last one a week ago."

"Yes, yes, I know. But this sample will be used for something else, my girl."

"Oh." She smiled and nodded. "Well, that's okay, meow!"

Ann slowly got up and immediately climbed onto the scientist's back. She was suprisingly light, weighting only 60% or so of what one would expect from a normal girl at the age of fourteen.

"Let's go then."

Fjodor walked out of the room and towards the nearest unoccupied laboratory to take the blood-sample. It would eventually be one of the DNA-samples that Nordland had requested.

Edited by Lynneth
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Private Message to Saboria

We have become aware that you have began genetic engineering projects within your country, though the scale and classification of them is unknown. We would like to puchase some of your machinery used for this, and their respective owners manuals. Our current genetic engineering program consists mainly of throwing large pieces of radioactive material at people, and yields little more than cancer. We would greatly like to increase the results of these costly experiments.

Edited by Emperor Aureolus
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