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New Elysia


I have been thinking lately about GOD, and what he would do, but then I had an idea of empathy. What would I DO if I were God.

So like I think he tried to spread his word using prophets well I was watching this documentary one time on the history channel, and it showed me how violent he was

Well anyway me being GOD I would be like OH !@#$.

Well he kinda $%&@ed that one up (no offense to all Jewish people)

Well he tried it again but this time with his Son Jesus.

At the beginning I would be like YES! Its working.

Then telll Jesus to die and come live with me.

Then I notice medieval europe

Jews being murdered. $%&@ what have I done thats it nothing no sins nothing pure I am going to have a word with Mohammed

Well you know the story, he gets kicked out of mecca and rallys then attacks mecca. I am thinking, alright not as violent as moses.

Then a long time later


$%&@! now everyone Is hating Islam




Sikhs, YES finally


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He would stop Kids getting Aids if he had an ounce of compassion,he should have insured that the non aggressive peace loving religions became the dominating ones around the World.

Rather than the ones who forced people to believe and who intimidated and persucuted those who did not.

If I was God I would admit that the Bible ans the other's are all Bollock's.

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God does not need your acceptance. God however desires it. There is no mandate that people believe, but everlasting peace and paradise for those who do.

We are forced to live with the legacy of religious belief in as the majority of our Laws and Rule's are formed by it.

But I still think the Bible is a book of tales and legend that was used by,leaders too suppress and force the rest of us to obey them.

If there is a God why turn up only 2012 years ago when there was 4.5 Billion others to choose from

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He did, but he gave us freewill, meaning we could choose to reject him.

So you're telling me that there is this invisible omnipotent magic sky wizard who knows everything that has ever happened and everything that is going to happen. So why bother with humans and the whole Earth waste of time at all?

This magic sky wizard already knew exactly what would happen, he knew humans would reject him but he went right ahead and created them anyway so he could then burn them in hell for something he already knew they would do.

Sounds like a bit of a dick to me.

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Nobody has or will ever see God so where is the evidence he exists.

We all began as Space dust and evolution has brought us to where we and all living things on and including the Planet are at this Time,and we will return to a similar state we will only live on through our Cells,Nutrients and Elements being passed on through the food chain through decomposition or as food for what ever fancies us for lunch.

I have been put in a position where I have died due to an operation and did not see a thing.

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