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Rough night



Well usually I don't complain about afflictions but yesterday was.. well, wow. I felt a cold around midday on Friday, I thought it'd be something minor and continued about my day. When I got to clock out, I went outside and all of a sudden I felt my contacts begin to burn. Driving with an itchy contact isn't great. So I thought okay, just take off the contacts and at first it was okay.

So I decided to go to my buddy's house at around 8 p.m. and came back around 10 p.m. At that point I had become so congested from my cold and my eye was burning. On the way coming back I slipped on a patch of ice and hit the pavement.. I felt my head hit the pavement. Worse than the pain was the noise, I had never felt such a thing in my life. There is still a minor dent where I hit, it happened so fast I couldn't even use my hands to break my fall.

I was worried so I went to the hospital, told me it was a minor concussion and to try not to sleep. So I did just that, decided to hope on steam but whenever I try and play online in Napoleon I get the "Unspecified Error" thing so I can't.

I've never felt so much pain all at once. Both of my eyes are flaring, my head still hurts and I'm knocking back tylenols and my cold is.. well I've used so much kleenex's I don't know what to do with all of the used ones.

Never felt so awful in my life.


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This is your ankle getting back at you.

Hope you feel better, and jump on IRC that always does the trick for me.

This, You have an infection rooting from your ankle, if you had cut it off, you would have avoided all of this.

But seriously, hope you feel better soon.

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Then you came back, logged onto CN, and realized you were The MVP. What a !@#$%* end to a !@#$%* day.

Remember that time you were too afraid to fight The AUT so you ran behind CSN?

Yeah, so do I. I log in with the peace of mind knowing that every time, damn it feels good to be an MVP.

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