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Somehow It Just Seems....Well....Appropriate

Ashoka the Great


I was perusing Nordreich's forum a few minutes ago when I came across a notice that a certain 'Prince Albert' is now Chancellor of The German Empire.

First person to guess why this is hilarious wins a cookie.*


* - There is no cookie.


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Because Prince Albert was Saxon/German. However he never ruled anything but Queen Victoria's hart. He was however the father of the first German King of the U.K. Edward the 7th.

First German king of the UK? you need to read up on your British history mate, King George I (As in Mad George) was the first German King of the UK ;)

Oh the HORROR!!! My eyes!!!!

Lol, A couple of my good friends have that piercing...personally it is not my cup of tea :lol1:

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seems my link was rather rude, so to anyone else walking into this thread I was of course talking about the ''Prince Albert Piercing''.

That's the first think I think of when I hear "Prince Albert."


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First German king of the UK? you need to read up on your British history mate, King George I (As in Mad George) was the first German King of the UK ;)

You are correct and as a Yank from New England I should have known that! :wacko: lol I more precisely should have said the first of the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. ;)

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Kudos to my commie pals. Virtual cookies for both of you!

Also....I can't believe you posted that link, Cata. :lol1:

Tell me about it I got warned for it :blush:

.....also I stand corrected on Mad George :D

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seems my link was rather rude, so to anyone else walking into this thread I was of course talking about the ''Prince Albert Piercing''.

I'm so glad I don't know what that is. :mellow: When I saw Zog's comments I thought of the tobacco, I never even considered there could be other possibilities. They actually have names for all the different piercings??? Is there an Elvis Presley, and do I want to know where it is? :wacko:

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