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CN is losing players!



CN had at least 25,000 players at the beginning of last month. I might be wrong about the exact number, but it was at least 25k. Now CN only has about 22k players. We lost 3,000 players in a month! When I first started playing CN, I remember it had at least 40k players. More and more people are losing interest in CN, and I think I know why.

There haven't been any major updates in a long time. When was the last time a new resource, improvement or wonder has been added to the game? The Moon and Mars wonders were added about a year ago, but that's the only big update that I remember. When a game doesn't get updated for a long time, it gets stale and people lose interest in it. When people start playing and see that the game hasn't been updated in months, they think it'll never be updated. The developers need to update the game on a regular basis if they want people to stay interested in the game and keep playing. CN developers, if you're reading this, add something to the game so it doesn't go stale and so people won't lose interest in it. Add a new improvement, resource, wonder, religion, government, ANYTHING. You can say it takes time to add stuff to the game, but you're going to need to add something new if you want people to stay interested in the game. If the number of players keeps falling at this rate, CN will cease to exist!




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I don't necessarily agree. There comes a point in time to when people should just accept the game for what it is. I think the players themselves ruin the game more then the lack of new features.

This isn't Chess or even Risk. Actually even Risk eventually evolved some non-traditional, alternative rules. With a game of this sort, periodic reviews of the game mechanics and fine tuning are required at minimum (remember this game is still technically in beta), ideally some new innovation or significant revision happens at least once every several months, but IIRC the last one was Moon and Mars colonies, and neither of those do anything for the vast majority of players except give them something to shoot for one day.

Come to think of it, my nation is still trying to figure out how to build rehabilitation centers for over the past three years. <_<

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It takes 25 days for a nation to delete, they'd have to have lost interest mid summer for school to affect the numbers at all.

Or they simply lost interest at the end of a backcollection... but no one ever considers that AT ALL, because no alliance puts backcollections as part of nation guides... right?

Seriously, the guy in this blog is right, we need updates.

Admin knows it, the Mods know it. They just don't know how to implement it without a whole ton of whining and complaining from every player that these numbers are off or those additions suck, or we need this, not that.

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People complain a lot that there is NOTHING TO DO, and that wars are too far apart. 0-10k infra levels should be cheaper to facilitate much faster rebuilding and therefore more wars!

And we have a winner. However, the complaining from the 10k infra nations would be unbearable if new nations can start buying the infrastructure for cheaper. However, it simply shouldn't take a year just to get a nation into a fun war range. That's just too much.

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At the end of the day, it's all matters of scale. Three years, you could have a great war, and rebuild to pre-war levels in days and weeks. Two years ago, you could have a great war, and rebuild to pre-war levels to weeks and months. A year ago, you could have a great war, and rebuild to pre-war levels in months and years.

See a pattern?

A newbie has zero chance of creating a nation that can compete with the big boys the way this game scales. The game's economic system was never designed with the idea that nations would spend years building up, and though wonders and other high-infra goodies have been added, the foundations of the economic system are still one where perhaps at best only a couple thousand infrastructure were ever contemplated.

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Has anyone looked at the competition this game has now? there wasn't anything like the wide flora and countless browser games we have the option of playing today as oposed to 2006, the fact is that everyone who is interested in this kind of game has had a turn at playing CN and quit because this game has had NO major update since its release, spies, navies, wonders, etc. are all minor additions, the game looks feels and plays the same as when it came out.

The only solution in propagating the game is to move it onto facebook

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Perhaps admin could try skewing the normal growth progress of new nations, making it possibly up to 10x faster to get to 4999-5999 infra and make the growth of top heavy nations(10k+ infra) even slower, making it 10x slower.

Newer nations would be able to get nearer to the top nations in a short time, rebuilding would also be much faster, eventually all the infra levels of nearly all nations would be close to each other after a global war or two. That can only be good for the game.

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I would like admin to ban or cap reps as a consequence of losing a war(The precedent is there with viceroys). This is the single biggest factor that is choking the life out of the game. The lenth of time it takes to pay off reps and rebuilding time after reps are paid is staggering. Remove the reps and perhaps alliances would be less concerned about the consequences of stirring up some drama.

At the very least it is a starting point without any major changes to the game.

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Or we could stop: beating the crap out of anyone new, making them feel silly for daring to start an alliancebefore being brainwashed by an established one

I considered quitting around the same time last year because of this. Several of my friends have quit because of this. One that still plays sits in peace mode and grows at a snail's pace because of this. :awesome: , isn't it?

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