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Death, Death and More Death....And a Party

Ashoka the Great


After my wife and I were married we lived with her parents for a year. It wasn't about saving money or anything like that. Both my in-laws had just taken early retirement from teaching, were in 'fragile' states and needed some help. We continue to live in the same area to this day. My mother-in-law died three-and-a-half years ago. My father-in-law still needs our help. But I digress....

Across the street from us lived a couple with three children: two teenagers and a young son who is/was the same age as my step-daughter. She and this boy have been in the same class nearly every year since she was in kindergarten.

A week ago, this kid's father was driving home when he had a heart attack just a couple of blocks from his house. His car went off the road and crashed, but by then he was already dead. He was in his mid-50s. I've no idea what sort of provision he made for his wife and son, but I'm not optimistic. (Protip: I'm almost never optimistic.)

A couple of days later, our cat had the kittens we'd been expecting for a few weeks. My wife and I acted as midwives. I held the cat and comforted it as much as possible while my wife helped at the....er....'other end'.

The entire litter was stillborn.

I don't know if it's possible for a cat to 'mourn' over such things, but she's been extremely needy the last few days. I can't go anywhere in the house with her following me. If I stop she'll lie down on my feet, perhaps to prevent me from moving any further.


Yesterday was my youngest son's birthday party. I spent the afternoon entertaining five-year-olds.

Life begins, life ends, life goes on. Just another week.


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My 2 cats delivered litters within a week of one another. The first cat's kittens were fine; the second cat's litter of 1 (very odd) didn't survive past 3 days. The second cat's instincts to 'mother' were still working and she nudged in on the first cat's job. She'd nurse the kittens when she got the chance and clean them and do everything a momma cat should do. They ended up sharing the 'mothering' job.

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I feel bad for you because of all of the deaths that happened in such a short period of time. :(

Don't feel bad for me. Death doesn't bother me at all, whether it's someone else's or the prospect of my own.

Hmmm....I think you've inspired my next blog post.

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Don't feel bad for me. Death doesn't bother me at all, whether it's someone else's or the prospect of my own.

Hmmm....I think you've inspired my next blog post.

Wherein Kingzog effects a murder-suicide, and is not bothered.

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