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Question for Ex-Vox People: Why'd you sign up?

Chief Savage Man


I'm just wondering what your personal motivations for signing up with Vox were. I did it because I had just been unbanned and people in Vox were responsible for helping me get unbanned in the first place. I stayed in Vox because I wanted to unseat NPO. That was it. I don't subscribe to any higher standard of morality and I never have. NPO had been on top too long and I thought it was killing the game. So anybody else want to enlighten us on why they signed up?


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Technically I didn't "Sign-Up", but I'll tell you why I helped form it.

I had recently rejoined NPO when Doitzel posted his De Profundis. Upon reading it, I realized it fit with what I knew (and at the time, I was fairly close with Doitzel and trusted his word fairly highly), so I expressed my support for him in the thread. Upon doing that, I realized I'd been ejected from Pacifica.

I turned and moved to Polar with the rest of the folks who felt NPO was heading down the wrong path, and hung out there for a while. Then as a bunch of people were leaving, Starfox decided to reform Vox Populi as a terrorist organization. He approached four or five of us, and then we brought in a few more until there were eleven founders.

Then we did it.

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I had a falling out with Pacifica several months prior. I disagreed with them going against Polaris, and they way they were retaining power, which I could see wasn't going to last. They did it rather incompetently. I was also marginalized which led my retirement from government. Things became personal so I took up the mask of an anti-Pacifican crusader. I was the PZIed after attempting to lead a revolution inside of the NPO (despite not being a member). I quit, and then rejoined after Starfox approached me about Vox. I didn't stay for long though, and I don't see myself as a Voxian despite being a founder. I was there for just a month. Then I got bored with the fact most people in this game were wusses so I decided to bide my time, get off PZI, get an MP, and then nuke some people.

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I had a disagreement with Genesis government at the time. And.. Vox was hot at the time. I talked to Doitz and Starfox briefly, I think maybe even Cheyenne and they told me of this plan on the eve of the war. Although I wanted to stay in Genesis, I had a long list of issues with them before the war even began; I was there for a good year prior to the war. We got attacked by MHA but I remember IRON attacked me as well. I didn't understand it, however I asked Genesis leader, Templar, to come out of peace mode and help me out yet he couldn't/didn't want to. That angered me and I left that night for Vox.

Was never able to fit into Vox though. Never felt right so I ended up just leaving the game after running around the OWF posting log dumps and lolReyne posts. I remember sending my logs of ironchef's conversation to Doitzel though.

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Same as Cheyenne, I didn't sign up exactly. I was one of the (admittedly less prominent) people that quit the game in early August, most of whom ended up helping found Vox. One evening, someone (I think it was either Chickenzilla or Doitzel) told me to join a channel which had Doitzel, Starfox, etc., in it, at which point I was informed they were going to declare war on GGA and Valhalla the next day. So I said what the hell, sounds like fun, and climbed aboard. I don't think anybody at the time had any belief that it was some sort of righteous crusade or that it would turn into something meaningful, it was just a way to go out of the game with a bang.

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I've always been the type to side with the underdog. Since I was not around before Pacifica was the top dog, it just seemed natural to me to fight the system in place rather than go along with it.

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I wanted to take my stabs at a few alliances, harass people, etc. I even tried to say things that would get me canned but that didn't play out as I thought it would so as a result here I am, still around. Can't say I regret it though, being able to stick around has proven to be far more entertaining than being smited by the powers that be.

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Blast from the past.

I deleted along with Doitzel, Starfox and others on Manic Monday. I had been kicked out of TOP and they wanted 1,600 tech before I could join another alliance, I had spent a year as a Hidden GOONS but GOONS had just disbanded, so all things considered I said "screw it" and quit.

Of course, an awesome war started like a week later. <_<

So, I created a nation so that I could have posting abilities and throw a fit all over the forums during the war. But then Starfox tells me he's reforming Vox Populi (Vox had previously been a standard alliance which was disbanded by Slayer99) and that a bunch of megatrolls were going to use it as a vehicle to rip on anything and everything. I was definitely down for that, so, I joined.

A lot of people think that we were this super-organized group that had been plotting for weeks or months. Some people went so far as to claim that the Manic Monday quits were even part of the plan. Furthest thing from the truth, and I think that's one reason it is so special and singular in history.

Went digging, here's the first several hours of Vox Populi for those who are interested. It's basically a bunch of people being more excited than anyone will ever be again. (I had to strip out a lot of emoticons because of emote limitations.)

Session Start: Wed Aug 13 21:22:36 2008

Session Ident: #vox_private

[21:22] * Now talking in #vox_private

[21:22] * Topic is '<Bob_Sanders> did you Polar really too stupid to read? | As He died to make men holy, let us die to make men free!'

[21:22] * Set by Doitzel on Wed Aug 13 04:57:54

[21:22] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> o/

[21:22] <Starfox[Vox]> Then post later

[21:22] <Moridin> welcome Schattenmann

[21:22] <Starfox[Vox]> Hey Schatt

[21:22] <Schattenmann> ;)

[21:22] <MegaAros[Vox]> Alright!

[21:22] <Cheyenne[Vox]> Hello Schattenman

[21:22] <Starfox[Vox]> You want in?

[21:23] <Starfox[Vox]> We're about to announce

[21:23] <MegaAros[Vox]> You'd better want in.

[21:23] * Moridin sets mode: +ooo Cheyenne[Vox] Kassad Schattenmann

[21:23] <Rebel_Virginia> Hey Schattenmann

[21:23] <Schattenmann> Hey RV

[21:23] <Schattenmann> Yeah sure

[21:23] <Cheyenne[Vox]> Also, Doitzel, you aren't allowed to ever mention how I stay around after qutting ever again.

[21:23] <Cheyenne[Vox]> lol

[21:23] <Starfox[Vox]> Yeah I cant either

[21:23] <Moridin> lol

[21:23] <MegaAros[Vox]> lol

[21:24] <Rebel_Virginia> lol

[21:24] <Starfox[Vox]> I would be gone were it not for this war

[21:24] <Schattenmann> Yeah Doitzel way to lead me on you ponce

[21:24] <Moridin> I never mentioned it, but I sure as hell thought it

[21:24] <MegaAros[Vox]> I did too.

[21:24] <Starfox[Vox]> Pick a target

[21:24] <Starfox[Vox]> GGA

[21:24] <MegaAros[Vox]> Woo!

[21:24] <MegaAros[Vox]> I got mine!

[21:24] <MegaAros[Vox]> XD

[21:25] <Moridin> Might it not be better to actually strike at update?

[21:25] <Cheyenne[Vox]> I already am at war with one!

[21:25] <Moridin> We can declare now

[21:25] <Doitzel> >_>

[21:25] <Starfox[Vox]> Doesn't matter

[21:25] <Kassad> Well, everyone. Here's to unplugging the dams clogging people's minds.

[21:25] <Starfox[Vox]> We're hitting noobs

[21:25] <Moridin> we can also see if they attack us before update

[21:25] <Starfox[Vox]> Indeed, Kassad

[21:25] <Cheyenne[Vox]> Yeah, this'll be mindblowing.

[21:25] <Rebel_Virginia> Indeed.

[21:25] <Moridin> oh, you guys are

[21:25] <Moridin> that's right

[21:25] <MegaAros[Vox]> Right, those noobs have idea what's going on.

[21:25] <Cheyenne[Vox]> Doitzel, Starfox and RV are opposing NPO.

[21:25] <Cheyenne[Vox]> OMG!

[21:25] <Cheyenne[Vox]> lol

[21:25] <MegaAros[Vox]> lol

[21:25] <Kassad> And me. And I'm still NPO. xD

[21:25] <MegaAros[Vox]> I am too!

[21:25] <Rebel_Virginia> You know what the consequences of this will be, right everyone?

[21:25] <MegaAros[Vox]> Don't forget me...

[21:25] <MegaAros[Vox]> guys...

[21:25] <MegaAros[Vox]> lol

[21:26] <MegaAros[Vox]> Oh yea.

[21:26] <Rebel_Virginia> Good.

[21:26] <Rebel_Virginia> You Cheyenne[Vox]?

[21:26] <Schattenmann> <Rebel_Virginia> You know what the consequences of this will be, right everyone? <---Uh, that I delete again as soon as the war is over?

[21:26] <MegaAros[Vox]> I plan to just fransjosef at the end of all of this.

[21:26] <Kassad> The infrastructure they damage will be nothing like the alliance they've destroyed.

[21:26] <Starfox[Vox]> Perma Zi

[21:26] <MegaAros[Vox]> True that.

[21:26] <Jonathan_Brookbank> I plan to [redacted due to rules].

[21:26] <Cheyenne[Vox]> What about me?

[21:26] <Jonathan_Brookbank> Until [redacted due to rules] opens.

[21:26] <MegaAros[Vox]> lol

[21:26] <Moridin> lol

[21:26] <Jonathan_Brookbank> And then quit.

[21:26] <Schattenmann> ^

[21:26] <Rebel_Virginia> LOL

[21:26] <Moridin> get those 9 line sigs!

[21:26] <Rebel_Virginia> lol bakunin

[21:26] <Kassad> Dude, !@#$%* will be awesome.

[21:27] <Cheyenne[Vox]> Needs moar less sig.

[21:27] <Schattenmann> LOL Bakunin

[21:27] <Doitzel> what, I'll get pemra-ZI'd?!

[21:27] <MegaAros[Vox]> lol

[21:27] <Rebel_Virginia> Well then, let's do this.

[21:27] <Doitzel> well I'm out

[21:27] <Doitzel> screw that!

[21:27] <Rebel_Virginia> lol

[21:27] <Moridin> What about Bakunin?

[21:27] <Cheyenne[Vox]> If I was worried about my pixels, I wouldn't be at war right now.

[21:27] <Cheyenne[Vox]> Especially considering I'm worse at war than MCXA.

[21:27] <Starfox[Vox]> Chey

[21:27] <MegaAros[Vox]> Here, here.

[21:27] <Starfox[Vox]> Get a V avatar

[21:27] <Starfox[Vox]> You as well, Schatt

[21:27] <Cheyenne[Vox]> ?

[21:27] <Cheyenne[Vox]> >_>

[21:27] <Kassad> Oh, you're doing V avatars?

[21:27] <Jonathan_Brookbank> What's your current avatar?

[21:27] <Cheyenne[Vox]> JR is not amused.

[21:27] <MegaAros[Vox]> Yea.

[21:27] <Jonathan_Brookbank> I'll add a V to it

[21:28] <Schattenmann> <Moridin> What about Bakunin? 9-line sig

[21:28] <Kassad> I have the cover of Atlas Shrugged set. >_>

[21:28] <Moridin> ah

[21:28] <Moridin> lol

[21:28] <Cheyenne[Vox]> Gimme a sec to get V

[21:28] <Doitzel> I have Oscar Wilde

[21:28] <Kassad> The official Rebel Randroid.

[21:28] <Doitzel> >_>

[21:28] <Jonathan_Brookbank> Just give me your current and I will add the V, Cheyenne[Vox].

[21:28] <Cheyenne[Vox]> Actually

[21:28] <Cheyenne[Vox]> Sweet

[21:29] <Cheyenne[Vox]> http://www.music-videos.duncans.tv/images/Johnny-Cash-Hurt.jpg

[21:29] * Rebel_Virginia is now known as Rebel_Virginia[Vox]

[21:29] * Schattenmann is now known as SchattenEssen

[21:29] * Cheyenne[Vox] is now known as Cheyenne

[21:29] <SchattenEssen> When are you announcing?

[21:29] <Kassad> I hope you guys are okay with me being here, even though I'm technically not making my stand just yet, I expect to do so very soon. I want to make an impact in the Order.

[21:29] * Cheyenne is now known as Cheyenne[Vox]

[21:29] <Moridin> fair enough

[21:29] <MegaAros[Vox]> Good enough.

[21:29] <Starfox[Vox]> Soon, Schatt

[21:29] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> Kassad

[21:29] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> I understand.

[21:29] <Moridin> I'll put the tag on once announcement goes out..

[21:29] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> Make as much of an impact as you can.

[21:30] <Kassad> I'll try. One of those times I just wish Franco were here.

[21:30] <Jonathan_Brookbank> http://i116.photobucket.com/albums/o39/Jonathan_Brookbank/VChey.png

[21:31] <Jonathan_Brookbank> Anyone else need one?

[21:31] <Jonathan_Brookbank> Or want a copy of that sig?

[21:31] <Starfox[Vox]> I'm posting it

[21:31] <Starfox[Vox]> Ready?

[21:31] <MegaAros[Vox]> Ready!

[21:31] <Star> nooo

[21:31] <Star> lol

[21:31] <Moridin> Ready

[21:31] <Kassad> Star, god damnit. lol

[21:31] <Star> 2 mins.

[21:31] <Moridin> you can declare later Star

[21:31] <Starfox[Vox]> damn star

[21:31] <Star> 2 mins. <<<

[21:32] <Moridin> bah

[21:32] <MegaAros[Vox]> lol

[21:32] <Cheyenne[Vox]> POST NOW.

[21:33] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> Aye.

[21:33] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> So, SchattenEssen

[21:33] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> You in?

[21:33] <Moridin> He's eating

[21:33] <MegaAros[Vox]> lol

[21:33] <Starfox[Vox]> He is

[21:33] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> Cool.

[21:33] <Starfox[Vox]> any small nations need soldiers?

[21:33] <Cheyenne[Vox]> M

[21:33] <Cheyenne[Vox]> ME

[21:33] <Star> ready

[21:33] <Cheyenne[Vox]> I think I have 0.

[21:33] <Cheyenne[Vox]> OR something like that.

[21:33] <Cheyenne[Vox]> :o

[21:33] <MegaAros[Vox]> lol

[21:33] <Cheyenne[Vox]> Announce

[21:34] <MegaAros[Vox]> Alright, lets do this!

[21:34] <Starfox[Vox]> ok

[21:34] <Starfox[Vox]> lemme send 2k


[21:34] <Cheyenne[Vox]> For what it's worth, I'll just lose them again.

[21:34] <Cheyenne[Vox]> I fail at war, and all ingame CN goings on.

[21:34] <Star> lol, I am awesome at war

[21:34] <MegaAros[Vox]> lol

[21:34] <Starfox[Vox]> meh

[21:34] <Star> but not at like 5 NS.

[21:34] <Doitzel> I'm horrible at war

[21:34] <MegaAros[Vox]> <_<

[21:34] <Jonathan_Brookbank> I'm pretty good at war.

[21:34] <Cheyenne[Vox]> I think I once got to 6k

[21:34] <MegaAros[Vox]> I'm good.

[21:34] <Starfox[Vox]> sent chey

[21:34] <Doitzel> DEFCON4 DOITZEL

[21:34] <Cheyenne[Vox]> Between now and may 06

[21:34] <Cheyenne[Vox]> Thanks

[21:34] <Starfox[Vox]> accept so i can rebuy

[21:34] <Star> wait wait - everyone got stuff typed up?

[21:35] <Star> what they are going to say?

[21:35] <Doitzel> I have nothing

[21:35] <Doitzel> lol

[21:35] <Kassad> Moo just came back from away. Do it now, he'll want to see this.

[21:35] <Starfox[Vox]> heh

[21:35] <MegaAros[Vox]> I have nothing.

[21:35] <Star> I am just going to hail mindlessly

[21:35] <MegaAros[Vox]> lol

[21:35] <Star> wait wait

[21:35] <Cheyenne[Vox]> approved

[21:35] <Star> everyone quote bob sanders

[21:35] <MegaAros[Vox]> That was my plan.

[21:35] <Star> everyone quote bob sanders <<<

[21:35] <MegaAros[Vox]> LOL

[21:35] <Star> who has nothing

[21:35] <Kassad> I have like, four Ayn Rand quotes in my rant.

[21:35] <Star> if you got something to say, just say that

[21:35] <MegaAros[Vox]> Nice.

[21:35] <Cheyenne[Vox]> I'll write mine later.

[21:35] <Kassad> And a line from a Gorillaz song.

[21:35] <MegaAros[Vox]> lol

[21:35] <MegaAros[Vox]> I do enjoy the Gorillaz.

[21:36] <Kassad> Their D-Sides album is amazing.

[21:36] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> Sorry about not talking. Still reading through all of this...

[21:36] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> Packing still

[21:36] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> kinda

[21:36] <Cheyenne[Vox]> I might *gasp* quote Honny Cash.

[21:36] <Starfox[Vox]> Ok

[21:36] <Cheyenne[Vox]> *Johnny

[21:36] <Starfox[Vox]> I'm posting

[21:36] <Cheyenne[Vox]> LINK

[21:36] <Kassad> Link when done.

[21:36] <MegaAros[Vox]> Indeed.

[21:36] <Moridin> I'm hitting F5 repeatedly

[21:36] <Starfox[Vox]> http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=30981

[21:37] <Star> posted

[21:37] <Kassad> lol at V quotes.

[21:37] * Moridin is now known as Moridin[Vox]

[21:37] <Cheyenne[Vox]> SECOND!

[21:37] <Moridin[Vox]> fourth!

[21:37] <Star> image shack is !@#$

[21:37] <Star> need to reupload my sig

[21:37] <MegaAros[Vox]> Made it!

[21:37] <MegaAros[Vox]> Woo!

[21:38] <Jonathan_Brookbank> Cheyenne[Vox], better change yours before you get reported.

[21:38] <MegaAros[Vox]> lol

[21:38] <Doitzel> omg thank you RV

[21:38] <Doitzel> I needed that trade

[21:39] <Star> RV got trades?

[21:39] <Star> I need trades..

[21:39] <MegaAros[Vox]> lol

[21:39] <Star> also uploaded damn sig to my own server

[21:40] <Starfox[Vox]> Many of your soldiers lives were lost in this battle, even more than your enemy, but at the end of the battle your army was victorious. In your victory your forces captured 1.843 miles of land from scotlandiom. They also destroyed 20.032 infrastructure within scotlandiom. There was no technology stolen in this battle. The value of your equipment abandoned in the battle was $0.00. Your forces looted $253,414.11 from the nati

[21:40] <Starfox[Vox]> Government Type:

[21:40] <Starfox[Vox]> [Anarchy]

[21:40] <Starfox[Vox]> - Anarchy

[21:40] <Star> lol people are hailing us

[21:40] <Jonathan_Brookbank> away_srqt[PG13], what happened to PG13?

[21:40] <Starfox[Vox]> i win

[21:40] <Star> lol people are hailing us <<

[21:41] <MegaAros[Vox]> lol

[21:42] * Cheyenne[Vox] is now known as Cheyenne

[21:42] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> lol at Androflmeda tell us we'll get owned.

[21:42] <MegaAros[Vox]> lol

[21:42] <MegaAros[Vox]> I saw that too.

[21:42] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> Star

[21:42] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> I got lumber sugar/

[21:42] * Cheyenne is now known as Cheyenne[Vox]

[21:42] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> I'll take anything.

[21:42] <Star> awesome, will offer in a sec. i got cattle and pig

[21:42] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> So, anybody, should I maybe try to get FAN to help $%&@ up their lower ranks with us?

[21:42] <Star> I could find good trades but I am lazy

[21:43] <Cheyenne[Vox]> <Cheyenne[Vox]> Dear Mr. Grey, Statesman28, and honourable members of Andromeda and their respective (if not respected) allies:

[21:43] <Cheyenne[Vox]> <Cheyenne[Vox]> Go $%&@ yourselves.

[21:43] <Cheyenne[Vox]> <Cheyenne[Vox]> Good night.

[21:43] <Moridin[Vox]> <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> lol at Androflmeda tell us we'll get owned. /// I responded

[21:43] <Doitzel> lol

[21:43] <MegaAros[Vox]> lol

[21:43] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> lol

[21:43] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> Nice one Mori.

[21:44] <Starfox[Vox]> We may have grown apart since the cancellation of our treaty, but not publicly insulting us would be appreciated. Thanks.

[21:44] <Starfox[Vox]> lmao

[21:44] <Star> lol

[21:44] <Cheyenne[Vox]> * You were kicked from #Andromeda by statesman28 (you're a !@#$)

[21:44] <Starfox[Vox]> <Steodonn> Any Vox nations want 3mil my last aid slot. I have this epic warchest yet I can only hold so many troops

[21:44] <Kassad> LOL

[21:44] <Moridin[Vox]> <Steodonn> Any Vox nations want 3mil my last aid slot. I have this epic warchest yet I can only hold so many troops

[21:44] <SchattenEssen> Meeeeee

[21:45] <Kassad> Doitzel?

[21:45] <Star> I'll take it..

[21:45] <Star> lol

[21:45] <Star> but Schatten said it first

[21:45] <Kassad> Does anyone object to the presence of Doppelganger?

[21:45] <Doitzel> wha?

[21:45] <Doitzel> Dopp is ma homie

[21:45] <Moridin[Vox]> Doppel's awesome

[21:45] <Kassad> Invite him in.

[21:45] <MegaAros[Vox]> That works.

[21:45] <Star> I don't know...

[21:45] <Star> He's NPO to the last.

[21:45] <MegaAros[Vox]> He was quick to go back to them.

[21:45] <Starfox[Vox]> <banned member> HAIL! o/

[21:45] <Starfox[Vox]> <banned member> you can add banned member to the list

[21:45] <Starfox[Vox]> <banned member> ;)

[21:45] <Doitzel> no he's not, trust me

[21:45] <Doitzel> lol

[21:45] <Star> ya right lol

[21:46] <Kassad> I promise you, he is not.

[21:46] <Starfox[Vox]> Dopp is fine by me

[21:46] <Cheyenne[Vox]> Doppel is Moo loyalist lol

[21:46] <Starfox[Vox]> If he's fine by you

[21:46] <Kassad> Me and him have been !@#$@#$ with NPO government for a month now.

[21:46] <Kassad> No, he isn't.

[21:46] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> <&statesman28> im the real badass part of andromeda

[21:46] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> Andromeda has a badass part?

[21:46] <Star> Ok, if you want to, it's cool.

[21:46] * Cheyenne[Vox] was using sarcasm. Opposite of what's true for comedic effect.

[21:46] <SchattenEssen> What about KingZog, he's bored

[21:46] <Star> Not like anything secret goes on here

[21:46] <Kassad> I promise you. We've been saying what an insult he is to Francoism in the last two months.

[21:46] <Kassad> Doitzel, invite him in.

[21:46] * SchattenEssen is now known as Schattenmann[Vox]

[21:46] * Star is now known as Star[Vox]

[21:46] <MegaAros[Vox]> I trust him I suppose.

[21:46] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> <Michael_Scott> Whats your IRC chan? XD

[21:46] -frozen.coldfront.net:@#vox_private- Doitzel invited Doppelganger into the channel.

[21:46] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> #vox_populi

[21:46] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> <Michael_Scott> FYI, Im joining you monday

[21:46] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> Awesome.

[21:47] <Starfox[Vox]> oh, cool

[21:47] <Starfox[Vox]> This is what I hoped

[21:47] * Doppelganger has joined #vox_private

[21:47] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> King Zog was telling me about how he was going to sell infra and tear their middle ranks apart.

[21:47] <Star[Vox]> k, for those of us retarded, who is Michael Scott?

[21:47] <Starfox[Vox]> Hello Doppel.

[21:47] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> Some guy.

[21:47] <Doppelganger> Sup

[21:47] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> Hey Dopp.

[21:47] <Starfox[Vox]> Michael Scott? Co-Pres of Guns of Glory during GW3

[21:47] <Schattenmann[Vox]> Michael is an ex-CIS duder

[21:48] <MegaAros[Vox]> Sup Dopple.

[21:48] <Doppelganger> lol, thats Sanders quote

[21:48] <Cheyenne[Vox]> <Pheo> Your all true pillars of the community.

[21:48] <Doppelganger> sup

[21:48] <Star[Vox]> trade offered btw RV

[21:48] <Jonathan_Brookbank> Michael Scott is Mum2005

[21:48] <Cheyenne[Vox]> Apparently now I'm a pillar.

[21:48] <Star[Vox]> ah, Mum2005

[21:48] <Jonathan_Brookbank> He's rolling with us as soon as he gets back from vacation.

[21:48] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> <BudLight[LX]> Hey RV

[21:48] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> <BudLight[LX]> You have a minute?

[21:48] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> Sure.

[21:48] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> <BudLight[LX]> I'm trying to secure permission to leave my alliance.

[21:48] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> <BudLight[LX]> Would I be allowed to join the ranks of Vox Populi?

[21:48] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> You need permission?

[21:48] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> Yes.

[21:48] <Doitzel> I'm giving a FAN nation uranium to nuke NPO

[21:48] <Doitzel> lol

[21:48] <Schattenmann[Vox]> Anyone oject to this avatar? http://i240.photobucket.com/albums/ff246/cndump/staticGOONS.gif

[21:48] <Cheyenne[Vox]> BudLight idolizes basically everyone in Vox

[21:48] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> lol Doitzel

[21:48] <Starfox[Vox]> Yeah he wanted to fight

[21:48] <Star[Vox]> if I had epilepsy, I might

[21:49] * Lavo has joined #vox_private

[21:49] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> Star[Vox]

[21:49] <Starfox[Vox]> Nope it's fine Schatt

[21:49] <MegaAros[Vox]> lol

[21:49] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> I mean Starfox[Vox]

[21:49] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> Lavo wants to talk to you.

[21:49] <Kassad> lol Doitzel.

[21:49] <Starfox[Vox]> Hello Lavo

[21:49] <MegaAros[Vox]> Lavo eh?

[21:49] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> lol

[21:49] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> still reading

[21:49] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> but I posted

[21:50] * Moridin[Vox] sets mode: +oo Doppelganger Lavo

[21:50] <MegaAros[Vox]> God we are awesome.

[21:50] <Doitzel> we are so epic it's ridiculous

[21:50] <Doitzel> lol

[21:50] <Cheyenne[Vox]> Tell Lavo to go $%&@ himself.

[21:50] <Cheyenne[Vox]> >_>

[21:50] <Doppelganger> Lavo?

[21:50] <Lavo> Shut it Chey

[21:50] <Lavo> Not Vox, here for SF

[21:50] <Star[Vox]> query him, Lavo.

[21:51] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> Yay

[21:51] <MegaAros[Vox]> Right.

[21:51] <Jonathan_Brookbank> lmao at whoever the $%&@ Lord Valleo is

[21:51] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> I finished reading the last 3 hours of conversation

[21:51] <Star[Vox]> NPOer

[21:51] <Star[Vox]> I think

[21:51] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> Hail Vox

[21:51] <Star[Vox]> I am not reading the thread yet lol

[21:51] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> We rock

[21:51] <Star[Vox]> too busy trying to find a target

[21:51] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> viva revolution

[21:51] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> and such

[21:51] <Lavo> I already am Star.

[21:51] <MegaAros[Vox]> Woo!

[21:52] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> I need a target

[21:52] <Lavo> Also Doppel, aren't you NPO? O_o

[21:52] <Star[Vox]> k, why join this channel if you're not vox?

[21:52] <Cheyenne[Vox]> http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x126/tylerldavies/Untitled-13.png

[21:52] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> They want us

[21:52] <Lavo> Cause this is the only place SF is in

[21:52] <Lavo> blame RV

[21:52] <MegaAros[Vox]> lol

[21:52] <Doppelganger> Yeah, I am

[21:52] <MegaAros[Vox]> Then why are you here?

[21:52] <MegaAros[Vox]> Spy?!

[21:52] <MegaAros[Vox]> Oh noes

[21:52] <MegaAros[Vox]> All our planning

[21:52] <Doppelganger> but, a little unhappy with its current situation

[21:52] <Doppelganger> I'll say

[21:53] <Star[Vox]> DAYS!!

[21:53] <Star[Vox]> hell, years

[21:53] <MegaAros[Vox]> lol

[21:53] <Lavo> Not surprised

[21:53] <Star[Vox]> years of planning

[21:53] * Jonathan_Brookbank is now known as Jonathan_Brookbank|VOX

[21:53] <Jonathan_Brookbank|VOX> Whoops

[21:53] <Jonathan_Brookbank|VOX> Need to link this first

[21:53] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> All that planning...

[21:53] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> Gone

[21:53] * Jonathan_Brookbank|VOX is now known as Jonathan_Brookbank

[21:53] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> How do I link a nick again?

[21:53] <MegaAros[Vox]> Just dammit.

[21:53] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> I need to do it too

[21:53] * Chickenzilla{Vox} is now known as Chickenzilla{NpO}

[21:54] <Cheyenne[Vox]> ./ns link nick

[21:54] <Lavo> ./ns link *Nick8

[21:54] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> SO Doppelganger

[21:54] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> What brings you here?

[21:54] * Chickenzilla{NpO} is now known as Chickenzilla{Vox}

[21:54] * Jonathan_Brookbank is now known as Jonathan_Brookbank|Vox

[21:54] <Doppelganger> curiosity

[21:55] <Doppelganger> I think you know my stance on all this

[21:55] <Star[Vox]> hi Umbrae

[21:55] <Star[Vox]> just in case.

[21:55] <Doppelganger> wut

[21:55] <Doppelganger> lol

[21:55] <Doppelganger> no

[21:55] <Doppelganger> I'm not an Umrae fan

[21:55] <MegaAros[Vox]> lol

[21:55] <Moridin[Vox]> <Kahn> btw Vox better not hit low NS Valhalla members so help me God I will go after you instead

[21:55] <Moridin[Vox]> <Kahn> Their last page has SSX written all over it

[21:55] <Star[Vox]> give logs to anyone in NPO, they end up in his hands so I am always safe by just saying hi Umbrae

[21:55] <Doppelganger> I'm not logging

[21:55] <Lavo> lolmoridin

[21:56] <Star[Vox]> cool Dopp ;)

[21:56] <Lavo> Their last page has my dudes written all over them

[21:56] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> Dopp is a cool guy.

[21:56] <MegaAros[Vox]> Good.

[21:56] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> Believe me.

[21:56] <Cheyenne[Vox]> http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x126/tylerldavies/vladimir.jpg

[21:56] <Lavo> I mean lolkahn

[21:56] <Lavo> XD

[21:56] <MegaAros[Vox]> lol

[21:56] <Doppelganger> Doitzel, I hope that FAN nation tends to hit an Officer, at least

[21:56] <Starfox[Vox]> Me and Dopp used to always fight lol

[21:56] <Star[Vox]> my sig is more epic than all of your sigs

[21:56] <Cheyenne[Vox]> No, mine.

[21:56] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> http://img383.imageshack.us/img383/7913/highcommandswarguidenewwv2.jpg

[21:56] <Doppelganger> dont think a BR member deserves a nuke, frankly

[21:56] <Kassad> I hope you all trust me in my statement that Doppelganger is a loyal advocate of Francoist thought. He is no supporter of Moo, Umbrae or anyone currently oppressing the Order.

[21:56] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> NPO war guide.

[21:57] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> I believe I should have access to it.

[21:57] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> What about Koona?

[21:57] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> I wrote it after all.

[21:57] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> Koona

[21:57] <MegaAros[Vox]> That's good.

[21:57] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> Do you hate him too?

[21:57] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> $%&@ him.

[21:57] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> lol

[21:57] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> http://img383.imageshack.us/img383/7913/highcommandswarguidenewwv2.jpg

[21:57] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> Post the NPO war guide

[21:57] <Kassad> $%&@ Koona.

[21:57] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> make it public

[21:57] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> Use this guide to fight for what is right.

[21:57] <MegaAros[Vox]> lolKoona.

[21:57] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> Starfox[Vox]

[21:57] <Doppelganger> Koona is a good guy OOC, we differ on IC !@#$ though it seems

[21:57] <Kassad> Ooh, RVs got a spai!

[21:57] <Lavo> awesome RV

[21:57] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> Should I make the guide public.

[21:57] <Lavo> thanks

[21:57] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> Kassad

[21:57] <Star[Vox]> that guide is good, I learned some from it when I joined originally

[21:57] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> Yes I do.

[21:57] <Starfox[Vox]> If you want

[21:57] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> I think I will.

[21:57] <Kassad> Good. I'm glad to hear it, honestly.

[21:57] <Lavo> though, getting you under 20% soldiers doesnt anarchy now

[21:58] <Cheyenne[Vox]> RV: Please tell me you didn't write the NPO guide that teaches them all to think they own the world.

[21:58] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> Lavo

[21:58] <Lavo> people*

[21:58] <Kassad> Rape them for everything they're worth. Franco would be ashamed of us.

[21:58] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> It is a little out of date.

[21:58] <MegaAros[Vox]> Meh.

[21:58] <Lavo> True

[21:58] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> post it anyway

[21:58] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> I blame Umbrae for editing it.

[21:58] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> But it is still mostly in tact.

[21:58] <MegaAros[Vox]> lol

[21:58] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> Doppelganger

[21:58] <Kassad> It was edited, but I believe it's mostly the same.

[21:58] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> I agree.

[21:58] <Doppelganger> RV

[21:58] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> Koona ain't bad OOC.

[21:58] <Moridin[Vox]> Ooh

[21:58] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> Most of them aren't.

[21:58] <Moridin[Vox]> Dilber posted in the thread

[21:58] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> But IC, you're right.

[21:58] <Kassad> Koona is horrible IC.

[21:59] <Kassad> He's an elitist pig when you question anything.

[21:59] <MegaAros[Vox]> lol

[21:59] <Doppelganger> I still think you're a i am lame, Starfox

[21:59] <Doppelganger> ;-)

[21:59] <MegaAros[Vox]> XD

[21:59] <Cheyenne[Vox]> Doitzel, I've just had a thought.

[21:59] <Kassad> But... I thot ArrVee and Doitzll were trtors?

[21:59] <Moridin[Vox]> Food time

[21:59] <Moridin[Vox]> back in a bot

[21:59] <MegaAros[Vox]> lol

[21:59] <Cheyenne[Vox]> If I'm YOUR prophet, then shouldn't I be predicting this stuff, not you?

[21:59] <Moridin[Vox]> bit

[21:59] <MegaAros[Vox]> Food!

[21:59] <MegaAros[Vox]> At a time like this!

[22:00] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> This is the best alliance to ever exist

[22:00] <MegaAros[Vox]> Did the forums get really laggy for anyone else?

[22:00] <Doitzel> who knows

[22:00] <MegaAros[Vox]> Yes it is.

[22:00] <Doppelganger> anyone know what that NR post meant?

[22:00] <Doppelganger> I was like, uh.....

[22:00] <MegaAros[Vox]> His essay?

[22:00] <Doppelganger> yeah

[22:00] <MegaAros[Vox]> It's like we have to sacrifice to win, or something.

[22:00] <MegaAros[Vox]> Ignore it.

[22:00] <MegaAros[Vox]> lol

[22:00] <Doppelganger> I mean, I think the jist was "npo sux" but I dunno

[22:00] <Star[Vox]> seasonsoflove is so nice.

[22:00] <Lavo> RV would agree that the order for attacks should be: CMs, Aircraft, Ground Attacks?

[22:00] <Star[Vox]> in that particular post, anyway.

[22:00] <Kassad> Seasons is a $%&@er.

[22:01] <Doppelganger> I hate that guy

[22:01] <MegaAros[Vox]> Yea, it was NPO sux.

[22:01] <Lavo> Mainly due to the anarchy stuff

[22:01] <Star[Vox]> Lavo - no

[22:01] <MegaAros[Vox]> That too

[22:01] <Kassad> He spouts the party line out his piss hole.

[22:01] <Star[Vox]> it depends on if your target is in anarchy or not

[22:01] <Doppelganger> $@! kissing social climber like 75% of the BR

[22:01] <Lavo> Star, I mean if your target is not in anarchy

[22:01] <MegaAros[Vox]> lol

[22:02] <Doitzel> should I let sponge in here? lol

[22:02] <Kassad> Sponge just served Vengashii.

[22:02] <Doitzel> omg ooc attax

[22:02] <Kassad> Just !@#$@#$ owned him.

[22:02] <Doitzel> I know

[22:02] <Schattenmann[Vox]> link?

[22:02] <Schattenmann[Vox]> chan?

[22:02] <Star[Vox]> Lavo - then no. reverse order is correct

[22:02] <Doitzel> in our thread

[22:02] <Star[Vox]> wait

[22:02] <Star[Vox]> if target is not in anarchy

[22:02] <Star[Vox]> and you want to get him, that's the correct order

[22:02] <MegaAros[Vox]> lol

[22:02] <Kassad> Top of page 4.

[22:02] <MegaAros[Vox]> Sponge eh?

[22:02] <Star[Vox]> if you want to anarchy, ground attacks first

[22:03] <Cheyenne[Vox]> <statesman28> is by far schat

[22:03] <Cheyenne[Vox]> <statesman28> by far

[22:03] <Cheyenne[Vox]> <Pheo> Lol

[22:03] <Cheyenne[Vox]> <Cheyenne[Vox]> I don't think Ephie will like that.

[22:03] <Cheyenne[Vox]> <Cheyenne[Vox]> You completely forgot your leader!

[22:03] <Kassad> Veng making fun of you for the V stuff and putting the V on pics. Forgot that Umbrae did that to Sponge's avatar.

[22:03] <Jonathan_Brookbank|Vox> lmfao

[22:03] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> lol

[22:03] <Jonathan_Brookbank|Vox> It's cool.

[22:03] <Lavo> Im confused Star

[22:03] <Jonathan_Brookbank|Vox> He can hate all he wants.

[22:03] <Lavo> >_>

[22:03] <Star[Vox]> if you don't want to anarchy, ground attacks first

[22:03] <Star[Vox]> fixed

[22:03] <Star[Vox]> sorry

[22:04] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> Get me a target

[22:04] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> Star

[22:04] <Star[Vox]> I haven't found my own yet

[22:04] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> want to join my fire team?

[22:04] -subzero.coldfront.net:@#vox_private- Doitzel invited electron_sponge into the channel.

[22:04] <Star[Vox]> too busy reading thread

[22:04] * electron_sponge has joined #vox_private

[22:04] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> o/

[22:04] * Star[Vox] sets mode: +o electron_sponge

[22:04] <Doitzel> hai baby

[22:04] <MegaAros[Vox]> Sponge

[22:04] -> [electron_sponge] PING

[22:04] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> I'm reading it too

[22:04] <MegaAros[Vox]> Here he is.

[22:04] <Doppelganger> LOL wut

[22:04] <Schattenmann[Vox]> HEy pal

[22:04] <electron_sponge> <Bob_Sanders> did you Polar really too stupid to read?

[22:04] <Doitzel> LOL

[22:04] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> <Bob_Sanders> did you Polar really too stupid to read?

[22:04] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> It doesn't get old

[22:04] <Lavo> kk, thanks star

[22:04] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> ^_^

[22:04] <Kassad> Doitzel owns Dilber... oh God. It's so beautiful.

[22:04] <electron_sponge> it's really doesn't

[22:04] <MegaAros[Vox]> <Bob_Sanders> did you Polar really too stupid to read?

[22:04] <MegaAros[Vox]> Nope, still fresh.

[22:05] <electron_sponge> Dilber is not especially clever

[22:05] <electron_sponge> he is pretty easy to pwn actually

[22:05] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> Hey Sponge.

[22:05] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> http://img383.imageshack.us/img383/7913/highcommandswarguidenewwv2.jpg

[22:05] <electron_sponge> sup everyone

[22:05] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> Use it for good.

[22:05] <Schattenmann[Vox]> Dilber relies solely on your fear of him, if you're not afraid to reply to his posts, he can't really do anything

[22:05] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> Yes, I have a spy in the NPO.

[22:05] <MegaAros[Vox]> lol, I had never noticed that.

[22:05] <MegaAros[Vox]> lol

[22:05] <Star[Vox]> there are no clever IOs in NPO

[22:05] <Kassad> Supa Spai.

[22:05] <Star[Vox]> at least in terms of wit

[22:05] <electron_sponge> Bakunin is sharp.

[22:06] <electron_sponge> he's the dangerous one

[22:06] <Jonathan_Brookbank|Vox> Hey, it's Sponge.

[22:06] <Star[Vox]> I've never argued with him in public actually - so dunno

[22:06] <Kassad> Hey! Sponge is here!

[22:06] <Starfox[Vox]> Hello Sponge

[22:06] <Jonathan_Brookbank|Vox> I've argued with all of them at once.

[22:06] <electron_sponge> also hello

[22:06] <Jonathan_Brookbank|Vox> Which is why I got booted.

[22:06] <Kassad> You have no idea who I am!

[22:06] <MegaAros[Vox]> You people need to notice things faster.

[22:06] <MegaAros[Vox]> lol

[22:06] <Star[Vox]> JB - so did I after I left NPO

[22:06] <electron_sponge> I have argued with the whole lot of them

[22:06] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> Sponge.

[22:06] <Star[Vox]> but it was short and I got booted too

[22:06] <Jonathan_Brookbank|Vox> That's what first made Random and I friends.

[22:06] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> I aviod argueing with Bakunin

[22:06] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> He is way too quick

[22:06] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> I'm going to PM you a chat i had with a friend.

[22:06] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> Send it to Grub.

[22:07] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> It's meant for him.

[22:07] <Jonathan_Brookbank|Vox> He queried me to say he appreciated me having the balls to stand up to them.

[22:07] <Star[Vox]> hmm, I am going to have to try Bakunin

[22:07] <Star[Vox]> I had like a 5 hour query with him, but it wasn't arguing

[22:07] <MegaAros[Vox]> Interesting.

[22:07] <electron_sponge> heh, one of those "what are you wearing" queries?

[22:07] <electron_sponge> kekeke

[22:07] <Star[Vox]> lol

[22:07] <Star[Vox]> neh, we were talking about perma-ZI

[22:07] <Kassad> Bakunin is an Anarcho-Communist, thus he can't be too cunning.

[22:08] <MegaAros[Vox]> lol

[22:08] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> lol

[22:08] <MegaAros[Vox]> I resent that.

[22:08] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> should we get forums?

[22:08] <Cheyenne[Vox]> The Andromeda MoFA wants to be an honourary member, Y/N?

[22:08] <Cheyenne[Vox]> He's a pretty cool guy.

[22:08] <Star[Vox]> hell no

[22:08] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> no

[22:08] <Star[Vox]> hell no

[22:08] <MegaAros[Vox]> N

[22:08] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> they insulted us

[22:08] <Kassad> LOL

[22:08] <MegaAros[Vox]> He joined Grey.

[22:08] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> they ruined our friendship

[22:08] <Doitzel> oh my god it's like !@#$ting on Dilber's face

[22:08] <Doitzel> I love it

[22:08] <MegaAros[Vox]> lol

[22:08] <electron_sponge> lol

[22:08] <Starfox[Vox]> andromeda in our membership?

[22:08] <Star[Vox]> also my sig + avatar combo is better than your sig + avatar combo

[22:08] <Starfox[Vox]> ahhhhhhhhahahahaha

[22:09] <Cheyenne[Vox]> I think we should do it simply for the lulz.

[22:09] <Doitzel> RV give me SOPs in #vox_populi

[22:09] <MegaAros[Vox]> lol

[22:10] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> This game is so much more fun when you just don't care anymore

[22:10] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> Done Doitzel

[22:10] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> Chickenzilla{Vox}

[22:10] <Rebel_Virginia[Vox]> Aye.

[22:10] <Cheyenne[Vox]> RV: Can we keep him? Pleeeease?

[22:10] <MegaAros[Vox]> This game is great when you don't care.

[22:10] <MegaAros[Vox]> God.

[22:10] <MegaAros[Vox]> o/ Not caring!

[22:11] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> o/

[22:11] <Starfox[Vox]> SGA-Ford wants to join

[22:11] <MegaAros[Vox]> lol

[22:11] <Star[Vox]> no.

[22:12] <Star[Vox]> he's not a very bright one

[22:12] <MegaAros[Vox]> The guy who wanted to reform IAA, and then said it was a joke?

[22:12] <MegaAros[Vox]> lol

[22:12] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> Our PR will be shot :/

[22:12] <Starfox[Vox]> lol yeah

[22:12] <Starfox[Vox]> true

[22:12] <MegaAros[Vox]> Yep

[22:12] <Cheyenne[Vox]> As opposed to now, when all the big alliances love us.

[22:13] <Star[Vox]> lol.

[22:13] <Star[Vox]> a lot of people love us

[22:13] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> We should get forums

[22:13] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> lol

[22:13] <Star[Vox]> the group of people is epic

[22:13] <MegaAros[Vox]> Indeed.

[22:13] <Cheyenne[Vox]> We should get a fan club.

[22:13] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> All known trouble makers and rabble rousers

[22:13] <Cheyenne[Vox]> NPO has GGA, we need one too.

[22:13] <MegaAros[Vox]> lol

[22:14] <away_srqt[PG13]> sup bpys

[22:14] <away_srqt[PG13]> *boys

[22:14] <MegaAros[Vox]> Sup.

[22:14] <Star[Vox]> watch your nations guys

[22:14] <MegaAros[Vox]> Go king, go go go.

[22:15] <Jonathan_Brookbank|Vox> away_srqt[PG13], why is PG13 not in this war

[22:15] * Schattenmann[Vox] is now known as Schattenmann

[22:15] <Moridin[Vox]> I spy a Sponge in the channel

[22:15] <Star[Vox]> because TORN sucks

[22:15] <Star[Vox]> and PG13 is a protectorate of TORN

[22:15] <Jonathan_Brookbank|Vox> Protectorates are !@#$@#$ ODP for the protected alliance.

[22:15] <Jonathan_Brookbank|Vox> I already had this convo with RAD

[22:15] * Schattenmann is now known as Schattenmann[Vox]

[22:16] <MegaAros[Vox]> Poor RAD.

[22:16] <MegaAros[Vox]> Ah well.

[22:17] <Kassad> Seeing Sponge reminds me that I need to get pissed at Adult Swim for not showing Sealab anymore.

[22:17] <MegaAros[Vox]> lol

[22:17] <Kassad> I'm tired of Squidbillies. I want more Aqua Teen/Metalocalypse/Sealab.

[22:17] -subzero.coldfront.net:@#vox_private- Doitzel invited kingzog into the channel.

[22:18] * Lavo has left #vox_private

[22:18] * kingzog has joined #vox_private

[22:18] <MegaAros[Vox]> Kingzog?

[22:18] <MegaAros[Vox]> In my IRC?

[22:18] <kingzog> Shhh.

[22:18] <Kassad> Invite Umbrae into the channel. xD

[22:18] <kingzog> It's not what you think.

[22:18] <MegaAros[Vox]> lol

[22:18] <away_srqt[PG13]> Wat to announce my name before I resign as leader of an alliance XD

[22:18] <away_srqt[PG13]> 8way

[22:18] <away_srqt[PG13]> **

[22:19] * Kassad sets mode: +o kingzog

[22:19] <Moridin[Vox]> lol

[22:19] <Moridin[Vox]> Srqt, does the PG13 charter say anythintg about not joining other alliances?

[22:19] <Moridin[Vox]> *anything

[22:19] <MegaAros[Vox]> LOL

[22:20] <kingzog> Not a bad question. Most Charters don't....

[22:20] <MegaAros[Vox]> That would be a funny loophole.

[22:20] <kingzog> Many, anyways....

[22:20] * Rebel_Virginia[Vox] has quit IRC (Ping timeout)

[22:20] <Jonathan_Brookbank|Vox> Hey kingzog.

[22:20] <kingzog> Evening, JB.

[22:20] <Jonathan_Brookbank|Vox> Been a while since we were in the same alliance.

[22:20] <away_srqt[PG13]> lol Moridin[Vox] technically the charter says what I want it to say

[22:20] <Moridin[Vox]> Well there you go

[22:20] <kingzog> I bring you all greetings from TheraFlu Country.

[22:20] <Moridin[Vox]> What's the conflict?

[22:20] <MegaAros[Vox]> lol

[22:20] <away_srqt[PG13]> there is nothing that limits me from ammending it

[22:21] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> Are we attacking soon?

[22:21] <Moridin[Vox]> Fire when ready, Chicken

[22:21] <Cheyenne[Vox]> We've been attacking for a while now.

[22:21] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> I hit valhalla last night

[22:21] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> NPO attacked me

[22:21] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> DoW them

[22:21] <Star[Vox]> Government Type:

[22:21] <Star[Vox]> [Anarchy]

[22:21] <Star[Vox]> - Anarchy

[22:21] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> !!!

[22:21] <Star[Vox]> lol, I love noobs

[22:22] <Moridin[Vox]> Can't wait to be down in those strength ranges

[22:22] <Jonathan_Brookbank|Vox> If anyone itc anarchies a GGA nation, query me the link of it.

[22:22] <Moridin[Vox]> My wonders might shoot up my bills a bit though

[22:22] <Jonathan_Brookbank|Vox> And I'll PM them as soon as I make my nation.

[22:22] <Moridin[Vox]> And I hate to get rid of them

[22:22] <Moridin[Vox]> Also

[22:22] <Moridin[Vox]> If anyone needs aid

[22:22] <Moridin[Vox]> they need only ask

[22:22] <Moridin[Vox]> I have a 150 mil warchest currently

[22:22] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> <Bob_Sanders> did you Polar really too stupid to read?

[22:22] <kingzog> heh

[22:23] <kingzog> Oh dear....when will that get old?

[22:23] <kingzog> Hopefully not for a while.

[22:23] <Star[Vox]> should I kill another noob?

[22:23] <Kassad> Best CN meme ever.

[22:23] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> We are pro NpO yes?

[22:23] <Jonathan_Brookbank|Vox> Not as long as my V sigs are going around

[22:23] <Jonathan_Brookbank|Vox> Of course.

[22:23] <Jonathan_Brookbank|Vox> Kill GGA

[22:23] <electron_sponge> I am anti NpO

[22:23] <Jonathan_Brookbank|Vox> And then query me names of your anarchied targets.

[22:23] <kingzog> Understandable.

[22:23] <Jonathan_Brookbank|Vox> So I can PM them to get them out of the war.

[22:23] <electron_sponge> lol

[22:23] <electron_sponge> I was just kidding

[22:23] <Kassad> Sponge is teh super traitor.

[22:23] <electron_sponge> I could never go against mah bebbies

[22:23] <Star[Vox]> got to find someone with at least a chance of being active

[22:23] <Kassad> Sponge hates the Order.

[22:23] * kingzog puts Sponge in the 'Neutral' category

[22:23] <away_srqt[PG13]> I eally wish you guys waited like an hour

[22:24] <away_srqt[PG13]> I have so many queries

[22:24] <away_srqt[PG13]> lol

[22:24] <Moridin[Vox]> lol

[22:24] <kingzog> Tell them it's a tragic mistake.

[22:24] <Moridin[Vox]> ^

[22:24] <electron_sponge> if this was an RPG my alignment would be chaotic neutral

[22:24] <Moridin[Vox]> or amend the charter

[22:24] <Moridin[Vox]> either way

[22:24] <MegaAros[Vox]> Yo Jonathan_Brookbank - http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=227157

[22:24] <MegaAros[Vox]> One of mine.

[22:24] <Jonathan_Brookbank|Vox> Query, or I'll lose it.

[22:24] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> yay

[22:24] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> I attacked one

[22:24] <Jonathan_Brookbank|Vox> I don't have a nation until update.

[22:25] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> Sponge

[22:25] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> in case you didn't know

[22:25] <MegaAros[Vox]> Woo!

[22:25] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> thaks for defending me

[22:25] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> If I didn't do that already

[22:25] <kingzog> Oh just kiss him already.

[22:25] <Starfox[Vox]> We're getting alot of support

[22:25] * Chickenzilla{Vox} huggles SF

[22:25] <Star[Vox]> http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_display.asp?Nation_ID=250877&Extended=0 < think I'll pwn this guy at update

[22:25] <Jonathan_Brookbank|Vox> I still wish Sponge would have been Emperor instead of $@! when The Dominion was around.

[22:25] <Star[Vox]> had the audacity to declare on 3 nations

[22:25] <Jonathan_Brookbank|Vox> So that The Dominion would still be around.

[22:25] <Star[Vox]> wait no

[22:25] <Jonathan_Brookbank|Vox> That'd be a chunk out of MA on this side.

[22:25] <Star[Vox]> he's attacking none.

[22:26] <Star[Vox]> damn :(

[22:26] <Star[Vox]> ghost

[22:26] <Starfox[Vox]> <someguywholeadsanalliance> atarax, sta, bleu are all getting hit before they declare anything

[22:26] <Schattenmann[Vox]> Big surprise

[22:27] <Star[Vox]> found a target, going to get him at update

[22:27] <Schattenmann[Vox]> Gremlins is attacking NpO, NPO is attacking MK

[22:27] <MegaAros[Vox]> lol

[22:27] <MegaAros[Vox]> Great.

[22:27] <Star[Vox]> NPO is attacking MK < called that lol

[22:27] * away_srqt[PG13] is now known as king_Srqt[Vox]

[22:27] <Kassad> I need to know when Pacifica declares so I can get really high.

[22:27] <Kassad> And laugh it up.

[22:27] <Starfox[Vox]> sorry you were away, srqt

[22:27] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> lol

[22:27] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> so

[22:27] <king_Srqt[Vox]> its ok

[22:27] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> anyone weak need targets?

[22:27] <Schattenmann[Vox]> When is OBR declaring - they've got a GR MDP

[22:27] <Doitzel>

[22:27] <Doitzel> Your nation is too new to declare war at this time. Your soldiers need time to train and your economy needs time to adjust to your new government. You may officially begin declaring war on 8/14/2008.

[22:27] <Doitzel> shut

[22:27] <king_Srqt[Vox]> just required more explaining that I expected

[22:27] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> Check my nation

[22:27] <Doitzel> !@#$

[22:27] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> get the people I am fighting

[22:28] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> Starfox

[22:28] <Chickenzilla{Vox}> Is that confirmed?

[22:29] <Star[Vox]> Doitz - lol

[22:29] <MegaAros[Vox]> I thought the GR treaty with OBR was an ODP.

[22:29] <Star[Vox]> it's ok, that's tomorrow

[22:29] <MegaAros[Vox]> Plus, doesn't the Writ act as a NAP?

[22:30] <Starfox[Vox]> it's from a trusted source

[22:30] <Jonathan_Brookbank|Vox> Doitzel, did you just create?

[22:30] <Jonathan_Brookbank|Vox> If so, $%&@.

[22:30] <Jonathan_Brookbank|Vox> Because I will have to wait too

[22:30] <Star[Vox]> oh poop

[22:30] <Star[Vox]> 2 fighters doesn't work with level 1 LOL

[22:30] <Star[Vox]> err, 2 bombers

[22:31] * Disconnected

Session Close: Wed Aug 13 22:31:01 2008

Session Start: Wed Aug 13 23:57:11 2008

Session Ident: #vox_private

[23:57] * Now talking in #vox_private

[23:57] * Topic is '<Bob_Sanders> did you Polar really too stupid to read? | As He died to make men holy, let us die to make men free!'

[23:57] * Set by Doitzel on Wed Aug 13 04:57:54

[23:57] * MegaAros[Vox] sets mode: +o Schattenmann[Vox]

[23:57] <Schills> Schattenmann!

[23:57] <Schills> Hiya.

[23:57] <Schattenmann[Vox]> hey

[23:57] <Nintenderek[vox]> Hello

[23:57] <Cheyenne[Vox]> And good old Walfy's applying!

[23:57] <Schills> Your nuclear attack against Heath was a success. Heath lost 37175 defending soldiers, 0 defending tanks, 0 cruise missiles, 46.049 miles of land, 57.51 technology, 172.53 infrastructure, and 75% of their aircraft and nuclear vulnerable navy force. In addition to these losses Heath will experience many days of economic devastation in their nation.

[23:57] <MegaAros[Vox]> o/

[23:57] <Schattenmann[Vox]> Walford?

[23:58] <Kassad> Keep forums private for now.

[23:58] <MegaAros[Vox]> lol he registered.

[23:58] <MegaAros[Vox]> How did he know about them?

[23:58] <Cheyenne[Vox]> Why do we need to keep them private?

[23:58] <Kassad> I meant to ask if we needed to.

[23:58] <Kassad> Replace . with ?

[23:59] <Schills> I'm the biggest nation

[23:59] <Schills> ^_^

[23:59] <Cheyenne[Vox]> The forums can go public now, I think.

[23:59] <Cheyenne[Vox]> We have a special mask for members.

Session Close: Thu Aug 14 00:00:00 2008

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Thanks for posting those Schattenmann. I've lost my logs from 2008 and prior, so it's nice to be able to take a trip down memory lane once in a while.

Also, man, we were really dumb to let Doppelganger into the channel.

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I think I actually posted on Vox's forums a couple times. :P

I recall being rather close to joining at one point, but I decided against it. But got stomped to the curb in NoCB anyway :P

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