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To the CSMs and Van Hoos of the world

Those people who cared when NPO did it suddenly dont care when Gramlins do it. If it makes you feel better when it happens to you dont make a fuss and I will pledge not to care.

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You should care about injustice committed anywhere, because if you say that it is no problem, you can't complain when it happens to you or your friends. Requiring unconditional surrender of an alliance to end a war would be a terrible thing to let slide – something I'd have thought people who liked the first \m/ would appreciate.

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The thing is, Bob, I know that its a crap move but I'm still finding it hard to care. I know its a crap move and that Gremlins shouldn't be allowed to do it. But I still literally can't find a reason to care about it. I don't know, its weird.

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To the CSMs and Van Hoos of the world

Those people who cared when NPO did it suddenly dont care when Gramlins do it. If it makes you feel better when it happens to you dont make a fuss and I will pledge not to care.

Oh, I agree it is a crappy thing to do, don't get me wrong. I am just not, and never have been, huge on moral outrage ... especially contrived public shows of it like we have been seeing as of late. One can disagree without stomping their feet all over the forums about it.

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Another good point. I only joined Vox and signed up with the pacifican outrage crew because of years of NPO's actions. I'm no saint myself. I didn't say a word when WUT stomped FAN. I've even OOC attacked a few people in my day. If Gramlins continues to do stuff like this, I would get up in arms about it. But the temptation to impose harsh terms can be hard to resist and Ram is only human. The time-honored tradition of holding everybody else to a higher standard than you do yourself and pretending you prescribe to some lofty standard of invented and ever-changing moral righteousness doesn't really interest me. I get it now.

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Oh, I agree it is a crappy thing to do, don't get me wrong. I am just not, and never have been, huge on moral outrage ... especially contrived public shows of it like we have been seeing as of late. One can disagree without stomping their feet all over the forums about it.

Fair enough.

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