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If you think my litterbox is full of crap...



Try stepping away from Cybernations for a month and returning last week!

An endless assortment of people blubbering about alliances having to pay reps and being held in wars longer than they think they should be. Not that hypocrisy and whining come as a great surprise to me..actually no surprise at all. The main thing that leapt out at me was the balls-to-the-wall manner in which alliances that happily plundered fallen foes are now crying rivers of tears whenever anyone demands reparations from war.

I've been around this place long enough to think I'd seen and heard it all but I think this war has stirred up more stupidity than perhaps any other before. And that is not even taking into account the manner in which the war started or the treaty cluster$%&@ that eventuated.

You have a member of the community running around bemoaning C&G's reparations requirements while he happily gorged himself at the reparations trough after the noCB war and seemed quite content with himself in doing so.

You have alliances that try to take advantage of a perceived foe's moment of weakness and go for the throat but come up with a mouthful of foot and then complain when those they attempted to take out don't give them a pat on the head and call a white peace.


For a while the whole "you are as bad as the Hegemony" routine was amusing, then it got old...but now it is back to hilarious as people continue to spout this nonsense as though it is actually an argument in itself.


Newsflash, the Karma War was never about a new era of white peace. If you kick of an aggressive war but take a large divot instead of nailing a drive down the middle of the fairway you don't get to run off, collect your ball and try again later. When people tell you there are no take backs and don't give you white peace the moment you realised you shagged up then you just look like a complete moron wailing on the forum about your foes being worse that the Hegemony. Most of the whiners were the goddamned "hegemony" at some point anyway.

Karma, to me, was about a new era of fair and reasonable terms for vanquished foes (something I advocated quite vocally at the time) and for the most part that has indeed been the case despite the noise generated by the terminally offended. If you and your allies decide to take someone out aggressively then if it goes bad expect to pay some reps. You started it so the people you attacked are within their rights to demand reparations for the damage your aggression caused them.

When the Continuum was running the show even the most peripheral alliance dragged in via treaties were forced to pay reps even when they were on the "defensive" side. Did any of you whiners complain then? Hell no. You guys were clearing your aid slots ready to accept the blood money you had demanded post war. Now you try and tell others they are just as bad as you for wanting reps when you attack them! As I said, it is just too funny.


You guys aren't convincing anyone with more than one firing neuron but, by all means, keep it up as it is still giving me one hell of a laugh watching you try and convince the world you are the victims of horribly unreasonable enemies...who you insult by claiming they are as bad as you. Not even close guys...not even close.


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I wish more people would follow the STA example of dealing with excessive reps demands, just keep fighting until it becomes agreeable.

The STA example only works when they are proposing truly preposterous terms, like when Tyga was told he would have to resign.

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No, I wasn't thinking of you when I wrote that but I left it open name-wise to see who'd bite.

I have to go to work now so I'll respond to some of the other comments later. I just didn't want you yo type up a big old rant for no reason. :P

I actually thought you were talking about TOP as a whole >.>

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There is mantra..."war is fun", yet then you wish to cripple the war making capabilities of opponents for some time with terms. Aren't these diametrically opposing concepts?

I cannot see where I asked for crippling terms.

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Haha, in review my comment does seem backhanded but I didn't mean it that way. I've had wtc moment with you on occassions where STA is far too black-and-white for my tastes, but I do like your style. The fanbois, not so much :awesome:

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I for one believe in more reps. More Reps for NpO. They started a war on a foe they thought they had the advantage on and ended up eating foot.

Do you agree tyga? ;)

If the NpO lost the war with \m/ and \m/ demanded reps for the damage done, you'd have no complaints from me. They didn't lose and a peace was agreed with \m/ in which no reps were sought from either party so I'll not complain about that either.

But I'm sure the NpO is delighted that you are out here agitating to get more reps for the NpO.

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