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Just Scratching Around



Welcome to my litter box, the final destination of a majority of the world's twinkie stocks. Excuse the mess, Moridin will be calling in later to do some scooping.

I've never had a blog until now. So, with so many people hanging to here my thoughts about the goings on around here I finally caved to the pressure and started a blog.

As it turns out it coincides with a time when I can't be bothered saying much at all so I'll just post this picture.


It is a Prius too, so I have no doubt the license plate reflects the attitude of the driver quite nicely too.

Anyway, TV to watch so I hope you all enjoyed my first little nugget in the litter box. I'll be back some other time with some hard hitting opinion on something...maybe.


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lol..i had a convo with you before and you said you were a north melbourner, lying will get you in trouble..tch tch tch....I used to live out on the mornington peninsula. So I am now immune to the effects of rain.

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I've had a Prius since 2006. In 2006, having a Prius was a little smug-worthy. Lots of celebrties had them, South Park did that hilarious spoof on their drivers. There were 6 month waiting lists to buy one....

But now, first of all, the 2010 Prius is affected by a software recall for its breaking system, second, every friggin' other car on the road is a Prius. Its like being Smug because you've got a job, when 85% of the country has a job. Not exactly smug-worthy.

And yes, I miss those Smug-filled early years.

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lol..i had a convo with you before and you said you were a north melbourner, lying will get you in trouble..tch tch tch....I used to live out on the mornington peninsula. So I am now immune to the effects of rain.

I was, but I moved. ;)

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