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    New Pacific Order
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  1. I think it literally boiled down to our dude being the highest tech nation in range and was asked to throw him in as the Nuke Turret. But yes. Lots of people were getting in line.
  2. I didn't need a piece of paper to send the Wolves aid, or diplomatic support whenever necessary. But, The Wolves deserved an official treaty rather than solely my sentiment of having their back.
  3. Never had those issues in the ~10 years I've dealt with Al. Might be a personal problem.
  4. Oh get over it Kersh. I did this for Al because he's been awesome since I had AW as a protectorate over a decade ago and he deserves another treaty more than anyone else.
  5. It'll actually be pretty easy to rebuild the AA. Also less tech is even better, as you keep pointing out. I'm not seeing a downside here.
  6. Gonna make a prediction and state that NPO will still be standing, and at #1 AA long after several of your current allies are no longer interested in warring for you.
  7. I'm not in any rush. Your embassy is still open. 😂 Glad to be your obstacle.
  8. Not according to the logs that I've seen. But, hey, if neither side wants peace, then, that should solve this entire debate.
  9. No. You're throwing a tantrum on the OWF because we didn't agree to give the entirety of you WP until we were done with Polar.
  10. Frankly Krabs, you claim that you remember me from back in MI6, so, if that's true than you should probably know how little I care about pixels. Grind the tiers down as much as you want, it just makes it cheaper to keep them fighting. Legion is the only ground you have to stand on, and, I sat in the coalition channel and decided NPO would solo them, rather than having everyone piling on top. I told you when this started that Pacifica isn't surrendering under any circumstances. So, you can bring as many of your membership as you'd like on here to spin your wheels and pretend that we're the ones wanting peace. You aren't !@#$ to me, kid. Fight to ZI, ZT, ZM and then delete out. I won't miss any of you. In the meantime, Polar isn't being let off the hook yet. Fight or abandon them. Makes zero difference to me.
  11. Frankly, I don't believe that buying up to 2k, 3k, 4k infra each round makes one good at fighting, but hey, you do you and keep patting yourself on the back because you can do the same as anyone else and down-declare.
  12. Climate change and overpopulation resulting in crop failure/famine is the main talking point now.
  13. I love that you're so upset that I didn't buy above 1k to offset your Mars wonder and instead just nuked you that you have to whine about it on the OWF. Never change.
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