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Coup d'état ongoing in Scotland

Sargun II

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[font="Trebuchet MS"][b]BBC Scotland's Kirk Gallen is reporting from Glasgow.[/b]

Hundreds of thousands of Glaswegians woke this morning to gunfire and explosions - unfamiliar sounds in the Scottish nation. While many residents stayed in their homes
and frantically called relatives, many more whipped out their recording cameras and peered out their windows. Scottish military units in Glasgow, Edinburgh, and
Aberdeen have defected and declared a coup against Egalitor Scrymgeour, the existing head of state of Scotland Egalita. Several influential politicians on the local
and federal level both issued statements declaring allegiance with the coup and issuing a list of complaints and grievances against the Egalitor and the existing government
of the nation.
Headlining the list includes:

- Economy that has been going downhill for over a year
- Lack of effective economic reversal policies - eight months of no growth despite risky efforts
- Doubling of unemployment rate
- Farmland is operating at 20% efficiency and there has been no effort to fix it, resulting in rising food prices and increasing hunger
- Military spending has risen more than 55% with nothing to show for it
- Unexplained loss of nuclear weapons
- The price per barrel of oil has skyrocketed
- Crumbling infrastructure
- An increasing gap between the rich and the poor

Junior Egalitor [b]Brothaigh MacArthur[/b] is leading the coup. J.E. MacArthur, age 30, rose swiftly through the ranks of the Scottish government at a young age when the men
above him wereindicted and arrested in a scandal enveloping the ranks of the Glasgow local government. As one of the few in the scandal who emerged unscathed, he became
one of theyoungest senior local ministers and one of the youngest junior federal ministers as well. Before his role in government, he spent six years in the Scottish military and was
given anhonorable discharge after becoming a minor officer but wishing to have a role in the civilian governmental infrastructure. Now, exactly a year after the scandal, he has
organised oneof his own as he leads a third of the Scottish military troops through the three largest and most important cities in Scotland.

J.E. MacArthur and Egalitor Scrymgeour alike have declared this an internal Scottish issue and any outside interference will lead to a united defence while talks are scheduled
for later today while troops engage in skirmishes in the cities.

[i]Junior Egalitor Brothaigh MacArthur.[/i]

[[[b]OOC:[/b] Closed to myself - foreign opinions, reactions, and offers are legitimate, welcomed, and will be responded to. Any interference will not be replied to, because I am operating on a separate timescale. Things happen in this thread more slowly than outside of the world and the outcome is already planned.]]

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A message was sent from the embassy in Edinburgh to Paris where King Richard was staying while overseeing the incorporation of the new French territories into the Kingdom. Following the message, the King lowered the nation's Defcon from 5 to 4 while at the same time ordering the Scottish consulates and embassies to add extra marines to the security shift and bar entry to any non-U.K. citizen. A message was sent from Paris to Egalitor Scrymgeour informing him the United Kingdom stands behind his government as the legitimate government of Scotland. Further, the Kingdom offers and and all support for his forces.*

OOC: Message is classified, of course.

Edited by Yawoo
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[quote name='Yawoo' timestamp='1300048855' post='2663289']
A message was sent from Paris to Egalitor Scrymgeour informing him the United Kingdom stands behind his government as the legitimate government of Scotland. Further, the Kingdom offers and and all support for his forces.*
A classified response was sent back stating that Egalitor Scrymgeour had no intention of bringing in outside forces, even if it were Irish forces. This is a Scottish issue, but he appreciates the concern.

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1300058964' post='2663459']
"Zaboor recognizes this new regime change, Maybe the new Regime will be less conformist and more open minded to dispute the former imperialist Scotland."
Several dictionaries would be sent to Zabadoor so they could read the meaning of imperialism and understand how Scotland has never been imperialistic.

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The PRA supports our allies, Egalitor Scrymgeor, and retains our recognition of their government as the true leaders of Scotland Egalita. The PRA is ready to provide aid to Scotland, if requested.

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[quote name='King Timmy' timestamp='1300059097' post='2663462']
Several dictionaries would be sent to Zabadoor so they could read the meaning of imperialism and understand how Scotland has never been imperialistic.

"Scotland supported Novak in cutting off all movement in and out of Zaboor. They did say that communication should be established, [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=99720&view=findpost&p=2661523"]then said that even if it wasn't they supported the EEZ to totally cut off Zaboor from the world.[/url]"

[quote]im·pe·ri·al·ism noun \im-ˈpir-ē-ə-ˌli-zəm\
Definition of IMPERIALISM

: imperial government, authority, or system
: the policy, practice, or advocacy of extending the power and dominion of a nation especially by direct territorial acquisitions or by [b]gaining indirect control over the political or economic life of other areas[/b]; broadly : the extension or imposition of power, authority, or influence <union imperialism>[/quote]

"They attempted to establish the Imposition of their Authority over Zaboor, in attempt to also conquer its sovereignty. Perhaps the Maine Nation should get more in touch with world politics and read the definition themselves."

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1300059659' post='2663481']
"Scotland supported Novak in cutting off all movement in and out of Zaboor. They did say that communication should be established, [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=99720&view=findpost&p=2661523"]then said that even if it wasn't they supported the EEZ to totally cut off Zaboor from the world.[/url]"

You need to learn more on reading comprehension if you cannot see that he is not saying that "hey did say that communication should be established, then said that even if it wasn't they supported the EEZ to totally cut off Zaboor " but instead said that even if Novak did not [b]relinquish[/b] his EEZ that he would still support him. Those two statements are quite different, and his reasoning behind the statement he actually said is legitimate and not imperialist, considering that it was you who initiated hostile actions by declaring the EEZ to be void, instead of going through the proper diplomatic channels.

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[quote name='Axolotlia' timestamp='1300060117' post='2663506']
You need to learn more on reading comprehension if you cannot see that he is not saying that "hey did say that communication should be established, then said that even if it wasn't they supported the EEZ to totally cut off Zaboor " but instead said that even if Novak did not [b]relinquish[/b] his EEZ that he would still support him. Those two statements are quite different, and his reasoning behind the statement he actually said is legitimate and not imperialist, considering that it was you who initiated hostile actions by declaring the EEZ to be void, instead of going through the proper diplomatic channels.


Samiya Laughs

"Is this guy really talking about reading comprehension? Hes just another one of those nations who cant make it on their own so they suck up to power blocs to gain protection, There too weak to stand on their own. PRA wouldn't join the League of Africa due to Red Dawn was stronger and now they converted to socialism simply to join and follow Red Dawn. Hahahaha the PRA is just showing how weak it is to the world."

Edited by Rotavele
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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1300060269' post='2663517']

Samiya Laughs

"Is this guy really talking about reading comprehension? Hes just another one of those nations who cant make it on their own so they suck up to power blocs to gain protection, There too weak to stand on their own. PRA wouldn't join the League of Africa due to Red Dawn was stronger and now they converted to socialism simply to join and follow Red Dawn. Hahahaha the PRA is just showing how weak it is to the world."

Your leader is pathetic if she truly thinks this way. We joined Red Dawn because we were [b]founded[/b] on socialistic values, and felt a stronger tie to that than to Africa. We never converted to socialism, as unlike your fake Islamic ways, the PRA does not [i]convert[/i] between values and systems to attain what they feel like. We have been and shall remain a socialist-run nation.

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[quote name='Axolotlia' timestamp='1300060614' post='2663540']
Your leader is pathetic if she truly thinks this way. We joined Red Dawn because we were [b]founded[/b] on socialistic values, and felt a stronger tie to that than to Africa. We never converted to socialism, as unlike your fake Islamic ways, the PRA does not [i]convert[/i] between values and systems to attain what they feel like. We have been and shall remain a socialist-run nation.

"Red Dawn supports the above statement."

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1300060960' post='2663558']
"Red Dawn supports the above statement."

Your lack of acknowledgment of my factual statements against your ruling just shows that you do not have the will to admit it. You are probably asking for how you have not followed Islam. One example is legalizing Marijuana, which is Haraam in Islam. You also fail to recognize my points in regard to your reading comprehension, while instead talking about my membership in Red Dawn. You avoid my statements in an attempt to cover the truth.

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1300059659' post='2663481']
"They attempted to establish the Imposition of their Authority over Zaboor, in attempt to also conquer its sovereignty. Perhaps the Maine Nation should get more in touch with world politics and read the definition themselves."
The president was amazed at how the dictionaries arrived so soon to say the least.

Also, many facepalms were had at the reply of Zabadoor none the less.

"Where was Scotland's authority? Just because you support something it does not mean you have authority over it."

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[quote name='King Timmy' timestamp='1300061141' post='2663573']
The president was amazed at how the dictionaries arrived so soon to say the least.

Also, many facepalms were had at the reply of Zabadoor none the less.

"Where was Scotland's authority? Just because you support something it does not mean you have authority over it."

"It means you support the authority over it. Also for the nation of Dictionaries you misspelled the name of the country your arguing with."

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[quote name='Axolotlia' timestamp='1300061094' post='2663568']
Your lack of acknowledgment of my factual statements against your ruling just shows that you do not have the will to admit it. You are probably asking for how you have not followed Islam. One example is legalizing Marijuana, which is Haraam in Islam. You also fail to recognize my points in regard to your reading comprehension, while instead talking about my membership in Red Dawn. You avoid my statements in an attempt to cover the truth.

"No just because we allow something against Islam does not mean were not Islamic, it means we support freedom. Allah gives us a choice, he doesn't force us to do things, such as your nation."

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The Imperial forces at INB Ireland (Imperial Naval Base: Ireland) immediately took a defensive posture when news of the Coup d'état reached them. All entrances to the base along A814 were closed off, and the only people allowed onto the base were Imperial military personnel. All leaves were canceled and all troops were recalled. The base entered DEFCON 4 and Winter Contingency. A short coded message was sent to Imperial High Command informing them of the unrest and the base's situation. A quick coded return message informed the base to maintain defensive posture, but not to fire unless fired upon.


Please do not be alarmed by the activity of our troops at INB Ireland. They are simply entering a defensive posture due to the unrest currently ongoing in your country. If you wish their assistance, please do not hesitate to ask. However, should no assistance be requested, they will not leave the base until such time as the unrest has subsided.

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We, as a nation behind the citizens, support this coup. If the Scottish leader cannot keep his economy going, who will stop him? These soldiers. Of course, a corrupt leader standing around doing nothing has support of the world due to a few friendships. Perhaps it is time to take your blindfolds off, take your heads out of the sand and stop looking at the ground. This naiton is in turmoil, and their "leader" has done nothing. He must go.

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1300062364' post='2663641']
"No just because we allow something against Islam does not mean were not Islamic, it means we support freedom. Allah gives us a choice, he doesn't force us to do things, such as your nation."

So you claim to be an Islamic state while permitting Haraam things as well as committing aggressive acts and having a female leader who fails to wear a hijab or cover other parts of her body for that matter. These actions are pure hypocrisy.

Also, in what way have we forced your nation to not be free? We have done nothing to hamper your sovereignty. All we have done is supported our ally's sovereignty which you threatened.

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[quote name='Pravus Ingruo' timestamp='1300062527' post='2663649']

The Imperial forces at INB Ireland (Imperial Naval Base: Ireland) immediately took a defensive posture when news of the Coup d'état reached them. All entrances to the base along A814 were closed off, and the only people allowed onto the base were Imperial military personnel. All leaves were canceled and all troops were recalled. The base entered DEFCON 4 and Winter Contingency. A short coded message was sent to Imperial High Command informing them of the unrest and the base's situation. A quick coded return message informed the base to maintain defensive posture, but not to fire unless fired upon.


Please do not be alarmed by the activity of our troops at INB Ireland. They are simply entering a defensive posture due to the unrest currently ongoing in your country. If you wish their assistance, please do not hesitate to ask. However, should no assistance be requested, they will not leave the base until such time as the unrest has subsided.

[b]Classified to the Empire[/b]

The Egalitor appreciates your concern, but will not request assistance. No foreign blood should be spoiled because of our domestic troubles. When I told you I was having domestic issues at home, I suppose I may have underestimated it, but this will eventually blow over. Scotland will prevail, regardless of who wins.


INB Ireland quickly because a rallying point for evacuees streaming out of the three cities - while they steered clear of the base, they would camp all around it as far away as possible without disrupting activities but as close as possible otherwise. No violence or unrest came on, and many evacuees piled up letters for family members abroad, asking the Empire to deliver them if Scotland could not return to normal activity.

[[b][OOC: [/b]I said foreign opinions and reactions are welcome, not debates over Islam or anything else. Take it out of my thread.]]

Edited by Sargun
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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1300062301' post='2663637']
"It means you support the authority over it. Also for the nation of Dictionaries you misspelled the name of the country your arguing with."
"Well as you support the authority of the attempted coup against the legitimate government of Scotland, you must know you are being awfully hypocritical.

Also, I don't recall speaking the name of your worthless nation aloud."

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[quote name='King Timmy' timestamp='1300063170' post='2663691']
"Well as you support the authority of the attempted coup against the legitimate government of Scotland, you must know you are being awfully hypocritical.

Also, I don't recall speaking the name of your worthless nation aloud."

"We recognized the change, Never supported it. We only recognized their new regime in power."

[quote name='Axolotlia' timestamp='1300062800' post='2663664']
So you claim to be an Islamic state while permitting Haraam things as well as committing aggressive acts and having a female leader who fails to wear a hijab or cover other parts of her body for that matter. These actions are pure hypocrisy.

Also, in what way have we forced your nation to not be free? We have done nothing to hamper your sovereignty. All we have done is supported our ally's sovereignty which you threatened.

"Just because we are an Islamic state does not mean we enforce our civilians to follow the laws of Islam, There are many other religions here aswell, mainly Islam rules through these parts. We dont force our civilians to do anything. Also there are many forms of Islam so do not Stereotype us into any specific type.

Also, You supported us being trapped onto our island, there is where you hampered our sovereignty. Then you turn around and say 'NO U!' when we say we will not follow something that forces us to be trapped on an Island.

Kay. Thanks. Bye."

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[quote name='King Timmy' timestamp='1300063170' post='2663691']
"Well as you support the authority of the attempted coup against the legitimate government of Scotland, you must know you are being awfully hypocritical.

Also, I don't recall speaking the name of your worthless nation aloud."
Scotland's government is more of a lazy, slobbish filth than a legitimate ruling party.

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