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The Pilgrim is Searching for a Home

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Morning All,

I have a two-day old nation that is currently looking for an alliance to call home. I've received lots of very helpful messages, but unfortunately many of them seem similar so its hard to tell where a good pilgrim should lay his head. So I thought I'd come here, post what I think I'm looking for, and see if anybody self-identified as being a good fit.

Here's a nutshell of what I think I'd like after reading through the help files and thinking about my own interests:

1.) A non warmongering alliance. I don't mind fighting when it becomes necessary, but if CN is like other games I've played in the past, its not something I'm looking to do much of. I much prefer to build my nation and see it grow rather than fight and take down other nations and alliances.

2.) A fairly active forum. Let's face it, the game itself doesn't take more than a couple of minutes each day to play so most of the enjoyment comes from the interaction with other players. I'd like to join an alliance with a fairly lively forum, either because of the large number of members or because the member base is particularly active. I can't promise that I'll be the most active person there, but I'll try to do my part.

3.) A Christian and/or conservative base. I don't necessarily like to spend all my time beating my head against my computer screen. It would be nice if the alliance I joined had a fairly well represented Christian and/or conservative player base. The entire alliance doesn't need to be centered around it or made up of it, but its always nice to come into a community and have something in common with some of the members.

4.) Respectful and helpful members. This one also ties into not liking to beat my head against my computer screen. I know every group has a few bad eggs, but its nice if they are kept to a minimum and dealt with appropriately.

I know this may be a lot to ask, but if you are in an alliance that you think meets most or all of the above requirements, please post a reply and let me know what it is and why its awesome. I look forward to my time on Cyber Nations and wish all who read this a good day.

The Pilgrim

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I suggest the Green Protection Agency. They are neutral, so they stay out of inter-alliance politics and have only been at war once when they were attacked for sport 3 years ago. They have a vibrant internal political scene, so their neutrality doesn't mean boredom, and they have some of the best nation-building tutors in the world. Once you have been there a while, run for President, and then after your term as President you are eligible to apply for membership in Cult of Justitia.

Also, you can find more detailed info beyond the generic recruiting messages on the CN wiki: cybernations.wikia.com

Edited by Schattenmann
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Hey [b]The Pilgrim[/b],

Nice to see a new active player.

I would like to invite you to join me in [url="http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/The_Imperial_Order_(2nd)"]The Imperial Order[/url], TIO is a very respectful, active and fun alliance to be in. We know, that without a great community of friends this game would be pretty boring. Our government have strived to make our community as inviting and fun as possible. We have very active forums and IRC channels and there is always someone online to help you out.

We're a mixture of cultures, religions and nationalities and it provides for a very entertaining and equal community.

We're not an active warring alliance, though we don't shy away from it. (We just fought in this current war)

We're always looking to improve ourselves and our members, and have a fantastic mentor department and economics department to help you get the most out of your nation.

We're always looking for active, contributing members to train up for government roles.

I think this is what you're after, am I right?

Check us out:

#TIO on coldfront.net

Nice to meet you,

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Have a read [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=1175&st=0"]here[/url]

I'm not sure on what you really mean tbh on Christian stuff....were a mix of people like all alliances, makes for some interesting posts sometimes.

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