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Tagruato Annoucement


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[b]Fort Africa, Abidjan[/b]

The atmosphere in Fort Africa was tense.
Only hours after a sudden and violent attack had ended news began filtering through of the most recent incident. The Ministry of Defence patched orders through to the unit based in the Fort. Company commanders rallied their units and began preparing the walls of the Fort for an attack. Their weapons would remain conealed behind the walls, but they were there none the less. The Kings palace was visible from top cover. Top Cover was a large watertower structure which overlooked alot of the eastern city. The Recon company sniper platoon dubbed it Top Cover as it gave them the largest all round view of the city.


[b]In the Atlantic[/b]

HMS Endeavor and HMS Hope ditached from the Ivorian fleet and made their way norwards to rally with the Rest of the Royal Navy which was steaming southwards from a humanitarian mission in the Canary Islands.
The attack submarine squadron of nine Astute class attack subs, the most advanced submarine in the world began creeping around the Atlantic ahead of the fleet, ensuring no Ivorian submarine was in the way. Their orders were to stay silent to avoid detection. The other nine ballistic missile boats stayed with the main fleet providing a ring of submerged steel to protect the fleet from submerged attack.

The surface fleets main formation was an all round defence with HMS Ark Royal in the center surrounded by Type 45's and Horizon class Frigates, specialised anti air ships. Both classes nearly identical. Just one Type 45, or one Horizon class could track more airborn targets than five Type 42's. The Type 42's and Type 22's stuck to the outer and leading edges of the formation.

[b]Back at Fort Africa[/b]
The Ivorians delivered the images as requested aswell as the apology from the King.
Both were placed into the Forts saferoom until the British Forces were sure that the crisis had abated.

They had to be positive they would not come under attack from with Chunia, the Ivorians or be caught up in any reactionary attacks by the Empire or Ireland.

Edited by Zoot Zoot
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OOC: Cut it down girls, like I said before the violation of ic/ooc lines in regards to Fizzy(and former incarnations) and SMH is getting too obvious.

Fizzy you have a lot of writer's freedom but this is just getting close to ooc harassment and you simply have no IC grounds to keep going on. Cut it down or I will talk to the other gm's for a more decisive ruling.

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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1298757433' post='2645602']
OOC: Cut it down girls, like I said before the violation of ic/ooc lines in regards to Fizzy(and former incarnations) and SMH is getting too obvious.

Fizzy you have a lot of writer's freedom but this is just getting close to ooc harassment and you simply have no IC grounds to keep going on. Cut it down or I will talk to the other gm's for a more decisive ruling.
OoC: OoC harassment? I gave up on this and just sent out a satellite which he promptly shot down. But that's fine, I'll stop.

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[quote name='LBT88' timestamp='1298760408' post='2645628']
We of the Free State are concerned over this satellite that may have flown over our territory before it was shot down.


The DEFCON was lowered to Level 2, and all forces of the MDF readied themselves in the probability of open war.


due to our allies concern about territorial violation, 4 Brigade has been put on alert, ready to deploy if necissary

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[quote name='Pravus Ingruo' timestamp='1298755539' post='2645572']
[b]Imperial Announcement[/b]

The reason we shot it down is because that is what we do with any suspicious/unauthorized satellites passing over our territory. Since we are protecting the region that encompasses the former nation of Labrador, our policy regarding suspicious/unauthorized satellites extends to them as well. Your satellite was shot down as a matter of policy, not as a part of some grand cover-up.

However, with your admission that you knowingly and intentionally sent a spy satellite over our territory, along with England, a supposed ally of yours, the Empire calls for international sanctions on the Ottomans. Further review of this incident will be conducted before we take any further action.

The messages would be delivered by hand to the UFE and Irish embassies within the Empire.

[b]Dispatch from the United Federation of the East[/b]

The United Federation of the East imposes economic sanctions on the Ottomans and encourage our allies to do the same.

[b]Classified Dispatch to the PI[/b]

We got your back.

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OOC: This is ridiculous, Fizzy. Blatant OOC crossing, again.


Classified response to Pravus Ingruo:

The Kingdom of Ireland stands ready, willing, and able to fulfill the terms of our treaty. The Kingdom's paratroopers in Miami, numbering 10,000, can be prepared to deploy along with the Empire's soldiers immediately.


The Kingdom of Ireland condemns the Ottomans for sending a spy satellite over Kingdom of Ireland territory, as well as the territory of multiple treaty partners. As such, with the Ottomans seemingly unwilling to do more than sling baseless accusations at an ally of the Kingdom's, there is no recourse but to henceforth cease economic ties with the Ottoman state. Continued, unwarranted aggression, will result in more actions from the Kingdom of Ireland.

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[quote name='Voodoo Nova' timestamp='1298756569' post='2645590']
"It's good to know you'll let your allies suffer at the hands of incompetence."

"Heres a tissue, Please pass it down throughout your government. It is needed."

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