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DoE of the Kingdom of Chunia


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In the land of Central Africa, a new nation has formed. And this nation was called the Kingdom Of Chunia, this monarch was founded by George Vi Tania a man of great promise and a great hope for the people of Chunia. George ruled his nation along side his queen Marie La Tania, while his children Joesph Vi Tania, Henry Vi Tania, Margo Vi Tania and Jassy Vi Tania ruled the provinces out side the capital of Chunia. Who are proceeded as governors of their given provinces. King George have it easy claiming his rightful place as ruler of Chunia, it was hard as the African tribes in Central were chaotic and seemed that no man could of stopped villainous rampage in Central but with George Vi Tania's strategy and great leaderships skills he was able to defeat the African tribes and unite the area of Chunia.

The map of Chunia

Chunia National Flag: [img]http://brian.hoffert.faculty.noctrl.edu/HST265/NewRepublic.Flag.png[/img]

The nation was named, after a river which flows over the Central Siberian Plateau. This name was also the name of George Vi Tania's father Alexandre Vi Tania. The man who's life was lost, during the battle for Chunia against Carlos Christan who was trying to use militarism over the land of Chunia. But the battle was won, when George took the life of Carlos in a one on one duel in the throne room of palace in Chunia. The Vi Tanian family which ruled Chunia, was mostly Spanish and African mixed but some of the African natives in Chunia didn't like having European half African people ruling over them or their country. Which resorted for many riots, assassination attempts, and allot of discrimination.But the Vi Tanian family went through it all over the years, but now after showing the people how much they can help the people and their country by helping the poor, strengthening the military strength of the country and keeping the economy of the country strong but the country has been through isolation until today.

And after many years of building Chunia, from the bottom up to taking it too what it is now. George Vi Tania will announce the Declaration of Establishment of the proud Kingdom of Chunia to the world.

At the Palace of Chunia George Vi Tania is making his announcement to his people and the world."My people of Chunia, I have asked you all to come out here today to hear a great announcement that I would like for you all to hear today. Ahem! Today we shall leave the shadows of isolation and bring forth a light that will lead us into the real world, we will be able to contact with other nations exchange resources and allot more!. So my people live free and LONG LIVE CHUNIA!!". The crowd roars in excitement, over the great news to happen in their nation and to know that Chunia is no longer isolated from the world.

Edited by lutai
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[quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1298502761' post='2643196']
The Xinyan Republic is utterly baffled as to why a Central African nation would name itself after a river in Siberia.

"Republique Du Fleuve is French for 'Republic of the River'. We cannot locate any data of a Siberian River named Chunia."

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1298506994' post='2643245']
"Republique Du Fleuve is French for 'Republic of the River'. We cannot locate any data of a Siberian River named Chunia."

"The nation was named, after a river which flows over the Central Siberian Plateau."

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1298506994' post='2643245']
"Republique Du Fleuve is French for 'Republic of the River'. We cannot locate any data of a Siberian River named Chunia."
Apparently the Republique did not bother to read the announcement, because it was stated that the Kingdom of Chunia, in central Africa, named itself after a Siberian river. Therefore the comment was not directed at you.

However, indeed we know nothing of a river called Chunia. There is however a genus of flower of the Hamamelidaceae family called Chunia. Perhaps the Kingdom of Chunia is named after the flower?

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[quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1298507442' post='2643258']
Apparently the Republique did not bother to read the announcement, because it was stated that the Kingdom of Chunia, in central Africa, named itself after a Siberian river. Therefore the comment was not directed at you.

However, indeed we know nothing of a river called Chunia. There is however a genus of flower of the Hamamelidaceae family called Chunia. Perhaps the Kingdom of Chunia is named after the flower?

"Right we were just stating we are also named after A river. Anyways please find out which definition your trying to insult this new nation with and stick to it to destroy your relations with them. Cheerio."

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1298508244' post='2643267']
"Right we were just stating we are also named after A river. Anyways please find out which definition your trying to insult this new nation with and stick to it to destroy your relations with them. Cheerio."
Insult this new nation? Kindly clarify.

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The Islamic Union of Maghreb recognizes the independence of the Kingdom of Chunia and does also welcome Chunia to the world stage. We applaud the efforts of the people of Chunia and Central Africa for being willing to set aside their differences and come together as a single state for the common good of all.

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