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Imperial Announcement

Elrich von Richt

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Mr. Hachirou Saburou would arrive at the Narita International Airport aboard a Royal Cochin Air Force Executive Fleet Merat. Despite having Japanese ethnicity Hachirous had never been to Japan before. Having learned the Japanese language from his parents at their home in Yining, Hachirou later used his multi lingual skills to rise up the Ministry of External Affairs heirarchy thus becoming one of the top diplomats of Cochin.

As he alighted from the aircraft accompanied by his aides Hachirou Saburou was amazed at the brilliant gaiety with which Tokyo was decorated. While being escorted by the Japanese officials to the Imperial Palace Hachirou would enjoy the surroundings while leaving his aides to take care of the routine diplomatic rigmaroles of entry for the time being.

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Until Prince Andraz arrived, the Austrian Foreign Ministry had left the diverseness of the Asian Community untapped, but the Japanese had been resurrected to the world stage and likewise for Austria to have just newly gained independence it gave the perfect opportunity for two nations, with so many differences and on the other side of the world to come together on common ground. He arrived with the pageantry in the Japanese capital in full bloom, it was a wonderful sight to behold and walked over to the diplomatic personnel of the Japanese government to be in turn escorted for his audience with the Empress.

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Sergei Kotlin looked out the small window next to him on the executive jet as they descended towards Narita International Airport, the skyline of Tokyo in the distance. It was his first time to Japan on business, and he hoped that he would be able to make a positive impression on the delegations there. With almost all the senior Foreign Office ministers unavailable, as well as the President, it was on his shoulders. He took another sip of champagne lightly, as the pilot up front confirmed their landing authorizations, and made his final approach.

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As the delegates began to arrive, Wakamoto got out of the chair he was sitting in and waved to the other members of his party to join him. He began to make his way over to the individuals who had already begun to arrive, although it appeared as if only three parties had shown up so far. According to reports though, the rest would arrive shortly. While they waited, the Japanese men found themself trying to make small talk with the Austrian, Couchin, and Caspian delegations (which they found out after introductions) in the waiting area. The atmosphere in the air was rather relaxed, considering the occasion. One of the guards even took time from him very serious-looking pose to yawn.

After waiting roughly an hour, more jets and transportation aircraft began to arrive at the area outside Terminal #17. When they walked through the terminal, they would be greeted in the waiting area by Wakamoto and his delegation, whom would introduce themselves as the arrival party. After being able to figure out who was who and whom had shown up, Wakamoto motioned the delgates and his own group to the front doors/drop-off area of the airport. Making their way there at a rather steady pace, the walk from the Terminal in the huge airport only took them a mere five minutes.

Waiting outside the doors were several limousines, each able to fit about 4 or 5 delegates each. Wakamoto and his party climbed in the first, and directed the foreigners to take the remaining limousines, which would be their transportation to the Palace. Covering the front of the motorcade was a scout vehicle armed with a machine gun. Another one just like it was in the back of the motorcade as well. As the limousines passed through Tokyo after a short accountability check, the majesty with which the city was decorated was apparent. Cherry blossoms, appearing every so and often, bloomed gracefully with their light pink petals blowing in the light breeze. The weather in the city was perfect today, with minimal clouds, and no signs of rain or other extreme weather.

Wakamoto looked ahead of the scout vehicle and saw the sizeable main gate of the Palace come into view, flanked on its' left and right by a guard post. After passing through security checks, which were directed by the Japanese delegates in order to lessen misunderstandings, the motorcade passed through and continued to the Kyūden, stopping outside of the Chowaden Hall, in the Kyuden Totei Plaza. The festivities were about to begin.

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hirakime Gakei, the most decorated soldier in Korea, attended as an observer. She came by boat, driving an armored Hyundai Equus instead of coming by plane. When she reached the Palace, she smiled as how the [i]newly built[/i] gates shone in the sun. The Japanese were fast at rebuilding, as expected. They could so easily bounce back after having much of central Tokyo destroyed.

Shirakime's role was simple: Observe what was going on. The real relationship building with Japan would be done by the Premier himself, after Korea reopens its doors.

OOC: Where the Imperial Palace was destroyed. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=97109&view=findpost&p=2591554

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OOC: It's amazing to see how you can roleplay random areas of my former nation, whilst I was gone (and it was under a protectorate) getting hit by missiles.

Oh well, not like I recognize half the stuff you post anymore, anyway.

IC: Imperial Navy ships picked up the presence of the unidentified vessel whilst it approached the harbor. Rather than firing on it, police in the area were put on a higher alert status than usual, in case the 'possible intruder' was dangerous. The Provisional Honor Guard at the Imperial Palace were put on the highest status possible for their unit, just in case they needed to protect the entrance. Any further arrivals at the gate, beyond those on the roster (those living in the Palace) and the accountability sheet for the foreign delegates, would go through a thorough check.

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Because of the various problems in communication, it seemed that the notice to Japan had been misplaced. Another notice was sent to Japan, telling how Shirakime Gakei would attend as the representative of Greater Korea.

OOC: Before Operation Han.

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Amyante made her way from the terminal to the meeting area, still trying to get rid of the last vestiges of sleep. She had overheard a young aide talking to a friend of how she always had her child sleep during trips to avoid motion sickness, and she figured what would work for motion sickness would work for aerophobia as well. Truthfully, it did, though she still had to work with waking up after some six hours of sleep.

Reardless, she would show up, stifling a yawn as she spotted Wakamoto among those present to greet her. She had met the man before, but this would be the first meeting on an official governmental level.

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General Cheng Nangjia went along with the guidance of the Japanese government officer Wakamoto, following him and his delegation. He had been sent, as a high ranking representative of a fellow East Asian nation, to make this first, small but significant move towards facilitating a cordial relationship between Xinyan and Japan.

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  • 2 weeks later...

On the balcony above, a figure began to make her way towards the crowd below. She wasn't dressed in some form of Imperial dress, but wore a traditional Japanese summer yukata for this event. Behind her was a the aged Wakamoto whom had accompanied the delegates from the airport to the Palace. She looked down from the balcony through the bulletproof glass and eyed the delegates that had come here to see her country and her Palace. Coughing momentarily in preparation of speaking her first words as Empress to these foreign guests, she finally began to speak.

"Greetings, emissaries of nations across the globe that have come to visit us. Allow me to humbly introduce myself as the Empress of this nation, Minori Chihara, the one whom invited you here amidst pomp and circumstance to join the festivities this nation is now undertaking. The rebrith of the Japanese Empire has sparked much celebration among the civilian masses, something which the government has joined in on by inviting you here today. By inviting you here, we hope to restore old bonds that have been lost in time, and secure new bonds with all of you which will hopefully result in friendly, and mutually respectful relations for the continued existance of our Empire on Planet Bob. I invite you now to walk through the doors, and follow the aides into my Throne Room. Consider your respective audiences, and your tour of the palace, granted."

She walked away from the balcony, headed down to the throne room, and sat on the Chrysanthemum Throne she had personally rebuilt. Today would be enjoyable, and the days following would be filled with enjoyment. Japan was alive this day, and the foreign visitors whom had chosen to come would be invited to see Japanese culture in full swing.

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"You majesty," the Marscurian ambassador said, bowing to the empress, "I have been sent with the purpose of discussing the joint development of some maritime facilities on the coast of your Russian holdings. I hope that you will grant permission to engage in this discussion."

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Amyante listened to the speech, already knowing most of what was going to be said due to the way the invitation had been worded. While she had had a greater hand than most present in the reformation of the Japanese Empire, she decided to keep things formal for now, there would be plenty of other meetings in the future where she would be able to talk freely. In her opinion, while it was sometimes good for a leader to be able to take the reins, being seen as a revolutionary often did more harm than good... with a few notable exceptions, of course.

Finishing her drink, she joined the other guests walking into the Throne Room, looking around to see if she could spot the changes before the aides would point them out to their audience.

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