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Hope in Africa


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Leaders of the [i]Great African Congress[/i] have finally come to agreement for a new government to forge a new union for and of the African continent. The Congress offered a Declaration of Existence to the world audience as well as to their Africa constituents, presenting this grand achievement.

[i]We have be brought together in seeing the need for unity has far and long surpassed the traditions of division inflicted upon us by war and nation collapse as the African motherland has faced throughout its history. Turmoil has made us resilient and experience has made us wise to say that Never Again will Africa be brought to such divisions that in the past have crippled us. And so, together, we peacefully forge this indivisible union for the progress of Africa. We invite our brothers who share this common will and are touched by common inspiration to enter into our borders, let them be the arms to embrace you. To our brothers and sisters of the world, let ours be the hand that you grasp in hopes for a better way. The united armed forces of our union will oversee the electoral processes that is to establish formal government by the people and provide for any lack of stability that plagues the infancy of states. We declare the Union of Free Africa as a sovereign state of the former states of: the Democratic Republic of the Congo, The Republic of the Congo, as well as the remainder of the state of Gabon.[/i]

The Congress, in representation of the UFA welcomes all nations who seek peaceful ties with the new nation and boasts a friendly army of ambassadors ready for deployment to all corners of the globe.


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"Republique du Fleuve welcomes its New Neighbor, The UFA. We hope to see Prevailance, Unity, and Advancement throughout the Continent and we offer our new neighbor any support they may need to further establish their sovereignty in the world"

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"The Union of Arctica congratulates its African brothers on gaining their independence. This new wave of African independence movements is a fresh of breath air, but the fall of the great nation of Transvaal to terrorists tells us that things will not all be good in the future and that we must be vigilant in order to maintain our peace and our place in the world."

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