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[quote name='Sarah Tintagyl' timestamp='1301554815' post='2681285']
What about Endo-Skeletons? :ph34r:

Who needs an army when you have three super-powered Royals?


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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1301594287' post='2681506']
Back to the ooc thread all of you and keep this thread clean for gm matters like questions, rolls and issues. This isn't a topic for general chat.

Can someone rule on the Underground now?

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I feel I need to say something regarding these posts: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=100567 http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=100551&view=findpost&p=2682114

This is only one situation, and its happened before. Do not think I'm singling these posters out but it is important everyone realizes it. There is a military concept called fog of war and it exists in CN RP. People need to RP how you have such clairvoyance of events which occur on the other side of the world. I know I've called Kitex out several times on his GR thread claiming to know details of military operations that are not made public. You either need to have assets in theater to see something, satellite capabilities (yes you need the IG improvement), an agreement to have open access to someone else's satellites, or the details made public with IC knowledge.

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Yeah, and I have yet to RP where I have breached the border as well... so before you get JTF2 into the planes and your panties in a bunch... read my posts kids.

Plus, I know there are some powerful radars out there, but all the way from Mongolia? And how the heck does Canada know about this happening?

Edited by TheShammySocialist
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Several problems:

1) You cannot RP someone else's media
2) The forces have remained on the USC side of the border, you are assuming the USC is permitting its media to report on this exercise.
3) Considering the no mans land which is central Australia, it would be false to make assumptions that there really are local media.
4) The backwards state of living conditions in Pihanna, especially in the most rural regions cast doubt on the ability for independent reports to be made easily available to the rest of the world.
5) You have no evidence that the USC forces were aggressors. Considering there are two separate incidents of aggression from inside the Pihanna State, thats blatant god modding.

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Have to agree with Triyun there, Cherna. You need to ICly explain how you got hold of certain information before you can in any way reference that in your RPs. Things that are totally random do get missed.

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Two rolls on Cherna please.

One to infiltrate his nation disguised as a Canadian National, (passport et cetera)
One to smuggle in a briefcase filled with Ebolapox.

Edited by Zoot Zoot
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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1301844856' post='2683433']

Two rolls on Cherna please.

One to infiltrate his nation disguised as a Canadian National, (passport et cetera)
One to smuggle in a briefcase filled with Ebolapox.

90% Odds. 0-10 is a fail, 11-100 is an win. You have an pair of wins.


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Two more rolls for cherna.
90% odds

One to plant a Ebolapox release package in a train station at the morning commute and one to plant an ebolapox release package in an airport terminal.

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Requesting two rolls in order of success, first success is to have a mini-sub successfully conduct a torpedo strike with a signature similar to ammunition used by the Japanese Navy against a UFE mine laying boat of the coast of Kyushu in the East China Sea.

[i]Should[/i] this prove successful on the first roll, please then give me satellite photos of Japan's nuclear deterrent during the second roll. If the first one is not, the sub will disengage and try again so roll again for that.

Edited by Triyun
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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1301937598' post='2684053']

Requesting two rolls in order of success, first success is to have a mini-sub successfully conduct a torpedo strike with a signature similar to ammunition used by the Japanese Navy against a UFE mine laying boat of the coast of Kyushu in the East China Sea.

[b][i]Should[/i] this prove successful on the first roll, please then give me satellite photos of Japan's nuclear deterrent during the second roll. If the first one is not, the sub will disengage and try again so roll again for that.[/b]

I need to raise an objection over this bolded roll request. Most nations have quite a few hidden missile silos so I don't think it is logical to be able to see all of a countries nuclear deterrent with only one roll. In my opinion, that would require rolls to place in spies, etc... to seek out all of a nation's nuclear deterrent.

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Ok, I need to call zoot out on this. It is literally 100% impossible to combine Ebola and Smallpox. I don't care how much "RP" you put towards it, you'll have better luck making a Jelleyfish Tree than you would combining the two viruses. Ebola is a class V virus (single stranded RNA) and Smallpox is a class I virus (double stranded DNA) They lack the same genetic material for god's sake!

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[quote name='Yawoo' timestamp='1301945323' post='2684119']
I need to raise an objection over this bolded roll request. Most nations have quite a few hidden missile silos so I don't think it is logical to be able to see all of a countries nuclear deterrent with only one roll. In my opinion, that would require rolls to place in spies, etc... to seek out all of a nation's nuclear deterrent.

Triyun only requested rolls on the ones he could be able to see with satellites, this means he would only be able to see the non-hidden silos. In that context his request does not require more than one roll. Should the goal be to find all facilities to launch nuclear weapons I do agree more rolls are needed.

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[quote name='Centurius' timestamp='1301950078' post='2684142']
Triyun only requested rolls on the ones he could be able to see with satellites, this means he would only be able to see the non-hidden silos. In that context his request does not require more than one roll. Should the goal be to find all facilities to launch nuclear weapons I do agree more rolls are needed.

Would not a system of hidden silos be covered under the "hidden nuclear missile silo" wonder? In the event that a nation has a limited nuclear deterrent (such as Japan) unless it was RPed out its entirely possible they would be vulnerable to a first strike to wipe out most of their nuclear deterrent in a single major strategic strike. I would point to the Cold War nuclear strategies of both the USA and USSR looking to achieve that aim. The SS-18 Satan for instance was equipped with a 25 megaton warhead and designed to destroy US missile silos before they could launch.

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[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1301950460' post='2684145']
Would not a system of hidden silos be covered under the "hidden nuclear missile silo" wonder? In the event that a nation has a limited nuclear deterrent (such as Japan) unless it was RPed out its entirely possible they would be vulnerable to a first strike to wipe out most of their nuclear deterrent in a single major strategic strike. I would point to the Cold War nuclear strategies of both the USA and USSR looking to achieve that aim. The SS-18 Satan for instance was equipped with a 25 megaton warhead and designed to destroy US missile silos before they could launch.

The problem is, the Cold War is in the past. While the recent past it still is the past, the world has moved on from those strategies and tactics. I point you to North Korea, Israel, Pakistan, India, etc... all who are known to have nuclear weapons (or at least strongly thought of to have them) and most of these nations have these missiles hidden away. I think it would fall under the common sense rule to not expect your opponent to advertise the locations of his nuclear deterrents.

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[quote name='Yawoo' timestamp='1301950720' post='2684151']
The problem is, the Cold War is in the past. While the recent past it still is the past, the world has moved on from those strategies and tactics. I point you to North Korea, Israel, Pakistan, India, etc... all who are known to have nuclear weapons (or at least strongly thought of to have them) and most of these nations have these missiles hidden away. I think it would fall under the common sense rule to not expect your opponent to advertise the locations of his nuclear deterrents.

Actually it is generally thought that we do know the location of where these weapons are Yawoo. US Intelligence doesn't publish all its information on these. The North Koreans we have a good idea of their delivery mechanisms and could knock those out. Pakistan we have a fairly decent idea from all the information I've heard and read from talking to various people, international relations classes etc. The Israelis we knew damn well about their nuclear deterrent and were able to rightfully say when it was about to be used in Desert Storm after the Scud missile attacks against Israel. India we are trying to play down their nuclear deterrent because the US wants India to become a strategic ally and hopes to get it into some of the nonproliferation agreements. Your argument is not very good. Its not about advertising it. We knew where the Soviets weapons were and they knew about where ours were far earlier than the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaties which allowed for joint inspections under the trust but verify mechanisms.

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Strategic missiles are very hard to hide however, especially in a country the size of Japan and just like the requirement to have nukes ig, the SDI wonder, space wonders, etc. we have gone with quite a literal interpretation of ig on these matters.

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