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[quote]Private To Great Britain

David sent a message in inscription directed to the leader of Great Britain,

"In an act of good will I must warn you of something. The Central Intelligence Agency of my nation has warned myself that an African nation may attempt to use severe acts of terrorism against a nation in the British Isles which would more likely by either I, or especially you. Emergency measures have been taken in my nation and I suggest you do the same for yours.
David O'Reilly, The President of The United States."

OOC: I know this post is on hold but if it is re-activated then... I think you get the point.[/quote]

That message was sent to Great Britain by the President of the United States.

The Central Intelligence Agency warned the President that an attack against a nation in the British Isles, by terrorism, may be possible because the military of the offending African nations has been depleted and they may resort to lower means. Here is a link to the RP of that in my nation. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=98716&st=20

Everything can be found there.

I didn't know that was controversial. It is kinda like if you shoot at a heard of buffalo at close range you might think that there is a possibility they might stampede.

EDIT: It is the last post

Edited by PresidentDavid
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[quote name='PresidentDavid' timestamp='1299125793' post='2650703']
That message was sent to Great Britain by the President of the United States.

The Central Intelligence Agency warned the President that an attack against a nation in the British Isles, by terrorism, may be possible because the military of the offending African nations has been depleted and they may resort to lower means. Here is a link to the RP of that in my nation. http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=98716&st=20

Everything can be found there.

I didn't know that was controversial. It is kinda like if you shoot at a heard of buffalo at close range you might think that there is a possibility they might stampede.

Lol, Just L-O-L if the Mods approve this, This game is more screwed than just Zoot Zoot.

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1299125122' post='2650669']
Holy s***! Haha that was pretty good. It was 400m Pre-War but due to the war I had to start all over.

Im sorry but Karma does strike sometimes :(

Your juvenile antics do not change the fact that this is a nation RP. If you want to do spy rolls you need a nation to launch them from. I have no problem if you want to try and get land for another nation and try spy rolls. However, nobody gets to just generate stuff out of the blue. Either play by the same rules everyone else does or get out of CN RP. I am sick of your bull !@#$ and thread spamming.

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[quote name='Zoot Zoot' timestamp='1299122028' post='2650562']
I'm contesting rotas recent post.

He has to allow me a chance to respond to him.
[b]Moreover he wouldn't just simply get a job in the ministry of defence due to him not being British born, or have any of the paperwork, or the twelve month security clearance anyway.[/b]

He can't RP my citizens, he also wouldn't get 300 bloody people into my country past almost a dozen navies operating between Africa and Britain, secondly with the Irish, British and Herman airforces locking Britain down, how?

A roll per player for their fleets, a roll per player per airforce.

[quote name='Triyun' timestamp='1299122178' post='2650566']
Cochin I gotta say, allowing contact with the minister of defense is not something that should be allowed especially on an infiltration. Getting those types of govt jobs typically IRL include having multiple polygraphs for both you and your spouse, you also have all your neighbors around you interviewed. Getting a counter intel clearance typically takes years. On top of that you generally are required to have several years of experience in matters relating to national security and they contact your supervisor. Doing a deep cover which puts you in that position is damn near impossible to do without at least a decade of putting yourself in place.

http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=99359 <--- doing something like this is simply cannot be RPed properly. I'd have no problem with an infiltration if done over the course of say the next eleven months IRL, but it simply would not work for getting any sort of government job. There are safeguards.

In hindsight I agree that the permission given for getting a person a position in Zoot's MoD is unwarranted. It would need more RP than that.

Sorry Rota, you would have to do some other ops with that second roll win, :(

@Everyone, sorry for screwing that ruling. When things get hectic, some posts dont get read. Dont worry, I will pay greater attention.

As regards the set of spy rolls asked for my Rotavele, I need to clear it with the other GMs on the whether one needs an IC nation to do the spying or not. Besides since my office PC does not have photoshop it will take me at least another 9 hours to get the rolls done.

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1299125443' post='2650685']

Clearly and Utterly Metagame.


There is war in Africa between Great Britain and a nation that has repeatedly threatened Britain of acts of terror. In such an IC setting there is nothing wrong with the private warning given by President David to Zoot's nation. He has not referred any specifics that he would not know ICly. While his IC post may be triggered by your request for spy rolls OOCly, IC background that he referenced already exists before your spy roll request.

He did not say that so and acts are [b]going [/b]to happen, he only warned that some thing [b]may [/b]happen, which is natural in times of tension.

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[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1299126949' post='2650741']

There is war in Africa between Great Britain and a nation that has repeatedly threatened Britain of acts of terror. In such an IC setting there is nothing wrong with the private warning given by President David to Zoot's nation. He has not referred any specifics that he would not know ICly. While his IC post may be triggered by your request for spy rolls OOCly, IC background that he referenced already exists before your spy roll request.

He did not say that so and acts are [b]going [/b]to happen, he only warned that some thing [b]may [/b]happen, which is natural in times of tension.

But this is a duh statement that Britain would know anyway.

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[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1299126542' post='2650728']
As regards the set of spy rolls asked for my Rotavele, I need to clear it with the other GMs on the whether one needs an IC nation to do the spying or not. Besides since my office PC does not have photoshop it will take me at least another 9 hours to get the rolls done.

Its kind of a duh thing that they dont. If it is please point to the Nations of Al Qaedah, Taliban, Hezbollah, and Irish Republican Army on the real globe. If you can do it I will agree that you need an RP nation to RP terrorist attacks.

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1299127267' post='2650750']
But this is a duh statement that Britain would know anyway.

Precisely, but that does not stop President David from sending his own warnings nevertheless. Hence not a metagame.

[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1299127361' post='2650755']
Its kind of a duh thing that they dont. If it is please point to the Nations of Al Qaedah, Taliban, Hezbollah, and Irish Republican Army on the real globe. If you can do it I will agree that you need an RP nation to RP terrorist attacks.

Well CNRP is not Real Life. Then again I am waiting for the inputs from other GMs on it before granting your rolls, which at the earliest would happen only after 9 hours.

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[quote name='king of cochin' timestamp='1299127488' post='2650760']
Well CNRP is not Real Life. Then again I am waiting for the inputs from other GMs on it before granting your rolls, which at the earliest would happen only after 9 hours.

Its based on Realism, Which realistically its possible. The only reason its not approved so far is because someone wants to QQ.

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1299127361' post='2650755']
Its kind of a duh thing that they dont. If it is please point to the Nations of Al Qaedah, Taliban, Hezbollah, and Irish Republican Army on the real globe. If you can do it I will agree that you need an RP nation to RP terrorist attacks.

Just a note, after the first part of the Afghanistan War, Al Qaeda was pretty well scattered, and Al Qaeda 1.0 destroyed when they no longer had a national base of operations from which to plan attacks. Al Qaeda was then reconstituted basically as cells in places like Yemen, Somolia, and Iraq all of which had areas of the country which they controlled to base attacks from. You still need nations to base attacks IRL. Hezbollah controls Southern Lebanon, the Taliban controls much of Pashtun tribal lands both on the Pakistan and Afghan sides of the border. As our friendly GM Cochin will tell you, the Pakistani ISI also provides significant assistance. There is no terrorist organization in the world able to mount simoultanous infiltration and attack operations anywhere on Earth that does not have the base support of some nation state or part of a state that is not under the control of the central government.

Edited by Triyun
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2 Spy RP rolls, 1st roll to infiltrate the Tunisia's border through an airdrop from a plane passing through the country. 2nd roll to infiltrate Tunisia's meeting with allies, by impersonating the delegation from Ottoman Republic's Islamic People. The goal of the spy op is to collect intel on Tunisia and allies' plans.

Edited by Axolotlia
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[quote name='Axolotlia' timestamp='1299130117' post='2650810']

2 Spy RP rolls, 1st roll to infiltrate the Tunisia's border through an airdrop from a plane passing through the country. 2nd roll to infiltrate Tunisia's meeting with allies, by impersonating the delegation from Ottoman Republic's Islamic People. The goal of the spy op is to collect intel on Tunisia and allies' plans.

Random Spying. Couldn't be because Tunisia just released a Classified Spy attack, Could it? Lol.

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1299130496' post='2650819']
Random Spying. Couldn't be because Tunisia just released a Classified Spy attack, Could it? Lol.

I have been wary of them since they called for a meeting with their allies. I wanna see what's up, considering their leader is very strongly rooted in Islam, and they are my neighbor. Therefore I want to make sure my border with them is going to remain safe.

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Christ, everyone shut up with their insults. Problems? Fine, discuss, but at least have some dignity and stop acting like children. This is not the first time I have said this, but I really hope it will be the last...

Sorry for the off topic.

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[quote name='Axolotlia' timestamp='1299130643' post='2650823']
I have been wary of them since they called for a meeting with their allies. I wanna see what's up, considering their leader is very strongly rooted in Islam, and they are my neighbor. Therefore I want to make sure my border with them is going to remain safe.
Good enough.

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[quote name='Lynneth' timestamp='1299142161' post='2650989']
Requesting GMs to go through the map's OP and tell me which rules need to be changed, added or removed.

As a Unofficial Self-Proclaimed GM im commanding you erase all nations from a map and color it all Purple and Put "ROTAVELIC EMPIRE" All over it.

Rules: Do not enter Rotavele's land. It is simple. DO ITTTT

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[quote name='Rotavele' timestamp='1299142656' post='2650994']
As a Unofficial Self-Proclaimed GM im commanding you erase all nations from a map and color it all Purple and Put "ROTAVELIC EMPIRE" All over it.

Rules: Do not enter Rotavele's land. It is simple. DO ITTTT
Stop being immature.

Fake edit:
>>Minister of Insanity
Fits well.

Edited by Lynneth
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[quote name='Germanic Republic' timestamp='1299126812' post='2650736']
Two rolls:
Roll to identify forces moving into Maine, and roll to identify size of the force

50% Odds. 0-50 is a fail, 51-100 is an win. You have one win and a fail.

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[quote name='Axolotlia' timestamp='1299130117' post='2650810']

2 Spy RP rolls, 1st roll to infiltrate the Tunisia's border through an airdrop from a plane passing through the country. 2nd roll to infiltrate Tunisia's meeting with allies, by impersonating the delegation from Ottoman Republic's Islamic People. The goal of the spy op is to collect intel on Tunisia and allies' plans.


90% Odds. 0-10 is a fail, 11-100 is an win. You have an pair of wins.

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Yes another ruling:

After internal discussions among the gm team we have come to a joint ruling in regards to spy rolls.

Regardless of if you are occupied or not as long as you have a nation ooc'ly you are entitled to spy rolls in line with an insurgency. However if you OOC'ly relinquished control of your land(ie re-roll) you lose that right.

As Rotavele has a new nation her rolls as her old nation are not valid. For all rolls after her DoE she needs to use the one she has now

Edited by Centurius
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