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1st Annual Republic Arms Expo


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[b]PRESENTING[/b] the Minmatar Republic's military as a leading force in regional peacekeeping and stability in central Asia has always been a prime goal for the Republic government. We have developed our armed forces with this singular goal in mind.

[b]WHEREAS[/b] the Republic has grown in size, stature and recognition in the last year, we cordially invite all the nations of the world to exhibit their finest military ground vehicles at a special EXPOSITION at the Minmatar People's Theatre two weeks (Two RL Days) from receipt of this invitation.

[b]THE STIPULATIONS[/b] require that no nation engaged in an existing conflict may enter Republic territory, regardless of stature. Further, a maximum of five vehicles or equipment may be exhibited at the arms expo. Please be sure to bring your latest hardware, to ensure the best presentation of your nation's military. Lastly, no live firing mechanisms, ammunition or trained crews may be permitted to travel with the equipment. "Dummy" mock up or dearmed versions of equipment only, for the safety of our guests and visitors.

[b]The Minmatar Defense Forces will be displaying the following five items:[/b]

[url="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e9/S-400_Triumf_SAM.png/800px-S-400_Triumf_SAM.png"]SA-1 Surface to Air Missile System[/url]
[url="http://pds14.egloos.com/pds/200902/05/41/a0109941_498af140d0192.gif"]BMP-3 IFV[/url]
[url="http://www.textures.es3dstudios.com/blueprint/t80u-5.gif"]T80P Project[/url]
[url="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1e/Amd_2s6.jpg/300px-Amd_2s6.jpg"]2K22 Tunguska[/url]

Edited by Maleatu
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An M7 main battle tank, along with an M18 tank destroyer have been loaded onto rail cars at the Pyotrgrad dry port, and are currently on their way to the arms expo in Minmatar. As per the regulations, key elements of the firing mechanisms for both the primary and secondary armaments have been removed, so the vehicles are completely safe. Two crew members, the commander and driver, will be travelling with each vehicle to deliver them to the expo, but will not enter the vehicles while they are on display.

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The Republic welcomes both the delegations from Portugal, and Siberia. We remind the public that the Arms Expo begins next Sunday at eleven am, local time. (OOC: I will start the Expo RP in this thread tomorrow evening. )

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The Xinyan Republic will send the following vehicles:

[url="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/51/Stryker_ICV_front_q.jpg"]MORAG Piranha[/url]
[url="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/77/UkrainianT84Tank.jpg"]T-84 Main Battle Tank[/url]
[url="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/af/MoscowParade2009_7.jpg"]S-300 Surface to Air Missile System[/url]
[url="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2f/RSZO_Smertch.jpg"]BM-30 Smersh Heavy Multiple Rocket Launcher[/url]

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Procinctia Armament (in conjunction with Procinctia) requests premission to deploy five dummy Procinctia Sedan Combat Technicals, the finest (and only) vehicle currently produced in Procinctia, at the first Annual Republic Arms Expo event.

[quote]The Procinctia Sedan Combat Technical is available for foreign export for $560.
Built with Procinctia’s highly developed Schizo Tech from Bering Wars era leftovers scavenged from multiple wastelands, this sedan combat technical was designed specifically for post apocalyptic warfare and has been tested in the unforgiving rigors of the Saint Paul City Wasteland.

Procinctia Sedan Combat Technical Specifications
Crew: Two, with capacity for two additional
Speed: 11-13 mph armed, 33-37 mph disarmed
Armor: Wielded pieces of scrap metal
Armament: 50-mm anti-tank gun
Advantages: cheapest infantry vehicle on the market, reliable performance, requires little service, thoroughly expendable
Disadvantages: negligible Armor, poor gas mileage, relatively slow, aiming requires pointing the entire car at a target

Additional Unintended Utility: Procinctia Sedan Combat Technical is the cheapest motorized vehicle, civilian or otherwise, on the market today, making it a cheaper alternative to more conventional personal automobiles
Procinctia Sedan Combat Technical is also significantly less expensive than most country’s mobile targets, making it an excellent platform for military mobile gunnery training

Procinctia Sedan Combat Technical, now available for export[/center]
Thousands of Procinctia Sedan Combat Technicals have already been sold to various militaries as mobile targets. [/quote]

Edited by Generalissimo
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[i]"The Nation of Nod shall utilize this Republic Arms Expo to dangle tempting morsels of Nodic equipment, whose sale or proliferation outside of Nodic holdings is explicitly banned on pain of death by the Executive Ministry's [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=77405&view=findpost&p=2074711"]Arms and Munitions '09[/url] declaration."[/i]

[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=59602&view=findpost&p=1613239"]NDII Chaperone Light Tank[/url]
[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=65298&view=findpost&p=2460712"]NDII Obliterator Heavy Front Line Fire Support Unit[/url]
[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=65298&view=findpost&p=2461194"]NDII Fervor Multiple Munition Launching System[/url]
[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=59602&view=findpost&p=1741856"]NDII Hunter Light Reconnaissance Vehicle[/url]
[url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=65298&view=findpost&p=2053545"]NDII Terminator Armored Being Carrier (ABC)[/url]

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[quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1293949605' post='2560657']
OOC: Maleatu, sorry for the OOC, but at 20 tech, I do not think you can use the T-90, the BMTP, or the BMT-4, as those three were produced after the fall of the Soviet Union (until 500 tech you can only use Cold War era technology).

OOC: Even though my ingame tech says I have M1A2 equivalent tanks? Anyhow, the T90 is just a modernized T80U.

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[quote name='Maleatu' timestamp='1293978107' post='2560819']
OOC: Even though my ingame tech says I have M1A2 equivalent tanks? Anyhow, the T90 is just a modernized T80U.
OoC: Rules in CNRP are different from IG. Anyways: modernized. Rxactly. You can't use it. Rules are rules. Just use teh T80U then.

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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1293981461' post='2560843']
OoC: Rules in CNRP are different from IG. Anyways: modernized. Rxactly. You can't use it. Rules are rules. Just use teh T80U then.
OOC: This. T-90 was developed after the fall of the USSR and therefore is simply beyond your tech level. You could use the T-80U if you wished (honestly, the T-84 is far more effective, but up to you) but it cannot be 'modernised' because you do not have modern tech.

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[quote name='dotCom' timestamp='1293981934' post='2560845']
OOC: This. T-90 was developed after the fall of the USSR and therefore is simply beyond your tech level. You could use the T-80U if you wished (honestly, the T-84 is far more effective, but up to you) but it cannot be 'modernised' because you do not have modern tech.

OOC: Okay, thanks for the heads up. I will go ahead and modify that tonight. Can I assume that the cut off year is 1990/91 for the Tech I can have?

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[quote name='Maleatu' timestamp='1294017882' post='2561305']
OOC: Okay, thanks for the heads up. I will go ahead and modify that tonight. Can I assume that the cut off year is 1990/91 for the Tech I can have?
OOC: 1991, being the year the USSR fell, is the cut off year, so whatever you use has to have entered production by then.

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OOC: Everything has been updated.


With the remainder of the delegations arriving, the Republic display has officially gone active. As citizens of both foreign states and the Republic itself mill about, they can clearly see the newest addition of the Minmatar infantry fighting vehicle family, the BMP-3. It's engine is started up, and the vehicle's dummy turret is swiveled slightly to provide a dramatic effect. Representatives from Minmatar Munitions Incorporated (MMI) are on hand to discuss their product and to answer questions.

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The Selenarctan Strategic Defense Corporation display features the following items:

[b]Self Propelled Artillery[/b]

The [url="http://cnrp.wikia.com/wiki/Selenarctos_Ground_Force#XM1203_155mm_Non-Line-of-Sight-Cannon"]XM1203 155mm NLOS Cannon[/url] is a self-propelled, auto-loading field gun and one of the most advanced artillery pieces in the world. While significantly more expensive than towed artillery, the XM1203 reduces crew requirements to a bare minimum of two while maintaining a rate-of-fire of ten shells per minute (one shell every six seconds). The XM1203 automatically calculates trajectories, wind speeds and other factors traditionally handled by the crew, leaving the gunner free to focus on target selection and target elimination. The XM1203 can even fire two shells along two different trajectories, one high and one low, to land both shells on a single target simultaneously effectively doubling the firepower of a single gun. Per unit, the XM1203 costs 11,500,000NSC (eleven million, five hundred thousand National Selenarctan Coins) but when you factor in the reduced training costs for a significantly smaller and more effective crew, the advantages become pretty clear.

[b]Main Battle Tank:[/b]

There are numerous Main Battle Tanks available on the market, many highly specialized towards speed, excessively heavy firepower or other unnecessary features. Of all those available, the M1 has proven it's versatility on more battlefields than any other tank. While the M1 is utilized by many nations around the world, only the [url="http://cnrp.wikia.com/wiki/Selenarctos_Ground_Force#M1A2_SEP_Main_Battle_Tank"]M1A2SEP MBT[/url] manufactured by the Selenarctan Strategic Defense Corporation offers all the advantages of Selenarctan manufacturing, production and technological prowess. At a unit cost of 6,500,000 (six million five hundred thousand National Selenarctan Coins) per unit, each vehicle comes with a remote weapons station, reactive armor over depleted uranium mesh plating and the TUSK add-on standard.

[b]Infantry Fighting Vehicle/Armored Personnel Carrier:[/b]

Built from the ground up by the late-Singapore for combat in a tropical-jungle environment, the [url="http://cnrp.wikia.com/wiki/Selenarctos_Ground_Force#Bionix_II_Armored_Fighting_Vehicle"]Bionix II Armored Fighting Vehicle[/url] fills the IFV/APC roll for the Selenarctos Security Division and the Sri Lankan Armed Forces. Per unit, the BX-II costs 1,800,000NSC (one million eight hundred thousand National Selenarctan Coins) and comes armed with a 30mm Bushmaster II chaingun, two 7.62mm machineguns and a 76mm SDS-93 grenade launcher. Is this configuration, the BX-II requires a crew of three and can comfortably transport seven infantry.

[b]Speciality Light Tank:[/b]

The [url="http://cnrp.wikia.com/wiki/Selenarctos_Ground_Force#Black_Knight_Unmanned_Tactical_Combat_Vehicle"]Black Knight Unmanned Tactical Combat Vehicle[/url] fulfills a unique roll as an light, unmanned recon and harassment vehicle. Fitted with the latest optical technology, a 30mm cannon, a 7.62mm machine gun, a smoke grenade launcher and a laser target-painter, the Black Knight UTCV can provide fire support and reconnaissance where aircraft are unavailable or not an option without putting a crew at risk. Each Black Knight UTCV kit including a control station costs 6,500,000NSC (six million fire hundred thousand National Selenarctan Coins). For best results, an encrypted satellite uplink is recommended.

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