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Unable to do damage in a loss anymore

Jack Shepard

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So in rounds gone by, when you attacked with certain low odds, you would be abel to 'lose' a battle but still do your opponent half the damage you would do in a ground battle victory.

This appears to no longer work, after hundreds of low odds battle reports from this round, no-one has reported any doing the 'half damage' in a loss that used to be possible.

The reason I'm classifying this as a 'bug', is because this is a large fundamental change to gameplay which hasn't been documented in the game update log.

It is a large change to fundamental gameplay because it robs the player who is losing a war the ability to do a little damage to their dominator.

Where in the past, they could go hard and occasionally do some damage while getting losing, now they can't, the rich get richer, the poor get poorer and are better off just turtling.

I don't think this is best for TE, and hope the change hasn't been made in SE... So I am just wondering if this was intentionally removed.

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I guess I just don't get why.

Please, admin, I know you've said for a long time you don't want to disrupt years of fundamental gameplay, but removing this does just that.

People on the losing end of a war have few options available to them already, this takes one of their biggest guns out of their holster and makes curbstomps more profitable, turtling more prevalent, and less strategic warfare overall.

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It definitely has been removed, and like Jack I think that it's a mistake. In some ways, the half-damage losses didn't make a tonne of sense, but they certainly did keep nations on the losing side of wars engaged; in a non-nuclear war you could still do damage to a much larger opponent, whereas now there's little point in continuing in a lopsided fight...sure, you might win one of six battles that 15%, but at lower levels you'll have donated so much money in the process that you'll have paid for the damages severalfold.

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I also belive it's a serious mistake. Before; with >5% <15% odds using anything other than Cautious attacks; you could reasonably do half damage while losing $ (~ 1 Tech, 10infra per successul hit; with the monetary loss of a normal defeat). If this occured against someone with considerably higher infra than you had - the opponent lost far more then they gained. It wouldnt happen every time; but occured often enough to be a viable option to inflict damage.

Remove that ability; and it's nigh impossible to reliably do damage to someone with 3-4x your infra level (and that's with myself having the improvments of someone with 4x my current infra level; so 5 GC, 5 Barracks and some others at 200 infra vs someone with 800 infra; and comprable improvements). Now imagine someone with the improvments of 200 infra; vs that same opponent.

Now; you can still attempt the attacks; doing no damage other than casualties; and get maybe 1 win out of 8 if you're lucky; all while adding to the opponents cash reserve; and getting nothing in return. If you've got significant cash reserves; it's better to just sit and turtle/lob 2 CMs per day then give the opponent $10k+ per useless GA in lost equipment.

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I've been getting closer and closer to writing off TE completely, myself. If there's no viable option for the underdog than to turtle, it's not very likely that the player is going to want to come back after having to turtle for days. I've been on both sides of the underdog attack in the many rounds I've stuck around. When I was not the underdog, I expected to take that damage and was glad when it happened--it meant my opponent was still engaged and plotting. When I was the underdog, it kept me logging in to take that chance to do a little damage on my way down.

Having the ability to pull off those attacks is the only reason to even keep trying. Without it, there's absolutely no consequence at all for picking a target less able to fight back, and I'd hope that we could see the ability reinstated. I hate to say especially in SE, as I'd prefer its return to both, but there's a lot more time and effort to lose in SE, naturally. That's the venue I worry about more, as I've put quite a bit of time, effort and cash into it, and have built a reputation for being willing to fight tooth and nail to the bitter end if necessary--not to get to a certain point and just stop trying.

If these wars turn into a simple matter of trouncing a target without having to worry about sucking up a little damage in the process (there's enough of that anyway, regardless of the underdog attack), more will simply stop wasting their time, and poof without so much as voicing a complaint.

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[quote name='admin' timestamp='1291358307' post='2528836']
I located the spot in the code that was causing the trouble. Things should be working as before now.

Outstanding. +5 happiness.

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