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Children of Luna


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Thanks to everyone for all the well wishes!

[quote name='Voytek' timestamp='1289606498' post='2511446']
Vaaaaguely remember this. Don't expect it to get too far in this "political climate" however[/quote]

I will get exactly as far as I plan to.

[quote name='bakamitai' timestamp='1289611497' post='2511506']
I wish you luck. Until GOONS discovers you, then I wish you a LOT of luck.

I think there are two GOONS, right? It looks like the only surviving GOONS are moon GOONS. I was more surprised to see the Goon Order of Oppression Negligence and Sadism here than I was to learn that the Continuum turned on itself. Moon GOONS and I go way back. I don't know if they like me, but I don't dislike them. I don't know why people are warning me about them, but I can handle myself, thank you. If anybody knows how little I care about threats, it's these GOONS.

:wub: GOONS :wub:

[quote name='Lurunin' timestamp='1289612506' post='2511518']
have to say that's the most artistic flag i've ever seen :wub: [/quote]

[quote name='Squid33' timestamp='1289625031' post='2511680']
Good luck with this, and good luck to whatever unfortunate soul has to try and re-create that flag :smug:

It's not a flag, but it is very nice isn't it? :)

[quote name='Sardonic' timestamp='1289613668' post='2511538']
Long time no see, Artemis.

Hello Sardonic! I'm happy to see you here :D

Did you know that GOONS noticed me? Wish me luck!

[quote name='Baltus' timestamp='1289614225' post='2511544']
Interesting. Dual Membership, you say? I must congratulate, for you are the first alliance to offer that. You guys may still want a protector of some sort to protect those who remain on your AA. Quick Question, are you a neutral?

We are not neutral.

[quote name='uranium' timestamp='1289615432' post='2511549']
where would we join this children of luna

Other than the obvious places, also right here


[quote name='Hereno' timestamp='1289619598' post='2511593']
I hope this doesn't get you guys into as much trouble as I feel it will..[/quote]

Unlike our good friends back on the moon, we do not aim to misbehave.

[quote name='Mr. Teets' timestamp='1289626095' post='2511695']
I was told dual membership in Hydra was not allowed, can I be considered an honorary non-member?

Consider yourself considered.

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[quote name='Hereno' timestamp='1289619598' post='2511593']
I hope this doesn't get you guys into as much trouble as I feel it will..

Considering this is the only alliance I know of that actually allows dual membership I don't see them actually getting a lot of dual members anyway. It's an interesting offer nonetheless though.

Good luck to you.

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*Says in his best Francis voice* I hate the moon.

Seriously though, good luck. With the whole dual membership thing you are going to need it. Also if one of your members from another alliance is in a war with another alliance, wouldn't that mean you are also at war?

Edited by ACSephiroth
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[quote name='ACSephiroth' timestamp='1289688575' post='2512216']
*Says in his best Francis voice* I hate the moon.

Seriously though, good luck. With the whole dual membership thing you are going to need it. Also if one of your members from another alliance is in a war with another alliance, wouldn't that mean you are also at war?

No it would not.

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