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Order versus Anarchy

Unko Kalaikz

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[quote name='Unko Kalaikz' timestamp='1285270211' post='2462381']
Yeah, I was one of those accounts. Remember my alliance was squashed and I was EZI'd. The difference is I got up, brushed the dirt off my tee, and learned from my mistakes.

I have read your history, by your own admission you admired the viciousness of NPO's persecution of you to such an extent you changed your identity and tried to join them while still on their eternal destruction list.

I still feel somewhat guilty for the war crimes I participated in while a member of NPO, particularly the persecution of FAN, Jarheads and the unjustified attack on Ordo Verde, things I have sought to atone for.

I believe you still have a lot to learn.

Edited by James Dahl
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[quote name='wickedj' timestamp='1285270753' post='2462390']
And what mistake did you make to warrant EZI and in hindsight do you still feel such punishment was warranted

Your [i]sovereignty and flag[/i]? Do tell how wearing your flag is such a crime
My mistake was one of strategic error and inadequate leadership. It certainly was a harsh penalty, but Comrade Moo felt it was in the interest of NPO's national security to EZI me. It was annoying but there were ways around it. Personally I don't think it's a huge deal althought I was vocal about it, and it is certainly nothing I hold a grudge over.

And why don't you tell me what crime a nation whose tech you covet is guilty of?

Edited by Unko Kalaikz
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[quote name='James Dahl' timestamp='1285271143' post='2462399']
I have read your history, by your own admission you admired the viciousness of NPO's persecution of you to such an extent you changed your identity and tried to join them while still on their eternal destruction list.

I still feel somewhat guilty for the war crimes I participated in while a member of NPO, particularly the persecution of FAN, Jarheads and the unjustified attack on Ordo Verde, things I have sought to atone for.

I believe you still have a lot to learn.
You misunderstand. The purpose behind my application as solidus was to probe whether the EZI sentence carried over to undercover accounts, which is why I gradually revealed my identity. My status was confirmed and I had another small PR weapon against my enemy. Afterwards I simply rerolled again as Mobius 1. I think you have much to learn about war and conflict, and why Order is superior.

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[quote name='Unko Kalaikz' timestamp='1285270211' post='2462381']
Yeah, I was one of those accounts. Remember my alliance was squashed and I was EZI'd. The difference is I got up, brushed the dirt off my tee, and learned from my mistakes.
So you're essentially Legion personified?

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[quote name='Trikoupis' timestamp='1285312326' post='2463134']
Here's some food for thought for you.

Anarchy [i]is [/i] Order. The cycle the "A" is in, is not a cycle, it's the "O" from "Order".
Whoa, man. That's like, far out.

Anyway Junkalunka, at least you joined up with the NPO after all your talk about how great they are. If you guys don't already have one you should set up a dedicated subforum for recycling Comrade Vlad's garbage, spare the rest of us.

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[quote name='Arcturus Jefferson' timestamp='1285313637' post='2463147']
Whoa, man. That's like, far out.

Anyway Junkalunka, at least you joined up with the NPO after all your talk about how great they are. If you guys don't already have one you should set up a dedicated subforum for recycling Comrade Vlad's garbage, spare the rest of us.

Thank you former comrade. I must admit NPO exceeded my highest expectations, I do think however you could do FCC some good taking some time to study our "garbage" as I noticed you have not grown at all since I left almost three years ago. :smug:

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[quote name='Unko Kalaikz' timestamp='1285315761' post='2463162']
Thank you former comrade. I must admit NPO exceeded my highest expectations, I do think however you could do FCC some good taking some time to study our "garbage" as I noticed you have not grown at all since I left almost three years ago. :smug:
Not only is the comparison between the two alliances spurious, but I am no longer in the FCC. :v:

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[quote name='Unko Kalaikz' timestamp='1285312020' post='2463133']
I'm guessing that's supposed to be a jab... but on the converse I'd much rather be like our ally Legion than your ally GOONS. :awesome:
That wasn't a "lol ur allied to lolegion" jab, it was a "you have Stockholm Syndrome - just like Legion" jab. Hope this helps.

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[quote name='Voytek' timestamp='1285324589' post='2463193']
That wasn't a "lol ur allied to lolegion" jab, it was a "you have Stockholm Syndrome - just like Legion" jab. Hope this helps.
[/quote]I suppose comrade Dementual and other former enemies also suffer this syndrome. Honestly, I don't feel much like a hostage, being a full Pacifican and the alliance bangah taking care of small problems. (ooc) although I do have a strong attachment with NPO... it stems from RL(/ooc)

Edited by Unko Kalaikz
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[quote name='Unko Kalaikz' timestamp='1285315761' post='2463162']
Thank you former comrade. I must admit NPO exceeded my highest expectations, I do think however you could do FCC some good taking some time to study our "garbage" as I noticed you have not grown at all since I left almost three years ago. :smug:
I can attest that AJ has done a fair bit of fighting in the past 3 years.

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