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Two Years of Righteousness


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I recently passed my two year anniversary on Planet Bob, but due to my two year anniversary in The Order of Righteous Nations following shortly behind, I chose to save this until that particular anniversary.


This is a little Autobiography from my time on Planet Bob, and opinions given are from the perspective of StevieG, ruler of Disturbed.

[b]A Prelude[/b]
I had started a nation roughly a year prior, and did join a purple alliance by the name of Allies of War, if I remember correctly. I don’t think I maintained my nation for much longer than a few weeks, but inevitably my nation sank away, under the sea. My return to Planet Bob was triggered by an email that the old alliance was to be reformed. I promptly made a new nation, and signed up on the alliance boards.

[b]My Beginning[/b]
As I entered planet Bob for the first time under my new ruler, I was bombarded by the standard recruitment messages that every new nation receives. My loyalty however, was already given to the reformation of The Allies of War. As I had not spent much time learning the best way to build my nation, I went to my alliance for help and aid.
I had seen numerous messages offering millions in start up cash for my nation, so I went to my alliance to see what they could help me with. It was then that I learned that my alliance had no cash for me. I came up with an ingenious plan then, to go to one of the other alliances that offered cash, and then would return to The Allies of War.
My criteria for selecting what alliance I would join was as simple as first in, first serve. I checked my inbox for whoever messaged me first, and proceeded to follow a friendly message from nikko, to go and apply for membership to The Order of Righteous Nations.
Upon acceptance into the rank of member after a brief chat and a couple days completing my membership application and test, I ventured cautiously into the TORN bank. Curious as to how I could grow my nation with aid I was shown the art of tech dealing. I learned here that I could make massive profit, and so I started exporting tech gleefully.
After a little while I had gotten comfortable and accustomed to life in TORN, and so it was with regret that I informed The Allies of War that I would be remaining among the ranks of TORN membership, and wished them luck.

[b]Nation Growth[/b]
Reading and understanding all the guides wasn’t easy, especially as we had quite a magnitude of economic guides available, so I had to slowly go through the process of getting into a trade circle, and practicing my infra jumping. I cannot remember who got me my first trade circle, but I wish they would have put my resources of Cattle/Pigs into the standard 3br set, instead of the Luxury Set I got. (shakes fist)
Most of my learning was done through queries with Choop, when I would come on for a chat at 19 days of inactivity to ask what to do. It wasn’t till later on, when I was a little more knowledgeable that he finally informed me that he was getting pissed off with my constant queries, and proceeded to tell me that most of the others could help me with what I needed. :P This is where I turned to annoying the likes of Calderone and Imperator, with help for my nation. I also gained valuable help through regular PMs by at the time, Head of Finance Keith Abelawadge.
My First Conflict
Up until now, things seemed to be flowing along smoothly, and although I didn’t venture into world politics much, it became aware to me that my alliance was in a pretty decent political position, and any wars we would have would be fairly decisively won without taking much damage. My first involvement in a war confirmed that.
As a tiny nation I engaged Greenland Republic mainly, and Mushroom Kingdom. My nation actually grew in this time period, as I was aided to bulk up . The war ended pretty quickly, with white peace on our front I believe, and after this time I started to become a little more interested in what was happening in global politics.
Later on, TORN declared war on BAM, but I don’t believe I was fast enough to get any targets, as the war was over within 24 hours.

[b]Vox Populi[/b]
Things started to get a little interesting for me, and I enjoyed reading the Vox Populi posts that started to really roll out on the OWF with regularity. Plots and sub-plots countered by twists and turns really kept me entertained, along with my regular infra jumps, and tech programs :D.

[b]My Middle Stage[/b]
After the first few months of excitement, and growth it was time to settle down into the routine of bills, bills, collection. Along with the odd infra jump, and tech purchasing. Things started to get a little boring, and I started to lose interest in all the drama happening on the world stage.
I didn’t care too much for leadership roles in my alliance, didn’t have too much knowledge to get involved in discussions or debates on alliance issues either. I didn’t even have a job really, as I was probably too lazy and busy. I just listened and learned when I could, while maintaining my nation.
Things were starting to get a little boring know for me as a rank and file member, but at least my nation was looking nice and shiny, and a had a few shiny new wonders, namely the SDI and MP .

[b]The Ordo Verde Saga[/b]
A couple of months before the start of Karma things started to get interesting. Our former protectorate had merged to become Ordo Verde, and their friendship with us started to fail as they moved closer to the Viridian Entete it seemed. Treaties started to get dropped, with allegations of spying cited etc.
A few times during this period we seemed set for war, as defcon levels were raised (or lowered) and war readiness was being tested, military wonders were being purchased and it seemed we were preparing for inevitable war.
A date was finally set, and with negotiations falling, war was declared. It seems we moved with a late DoW, with communication between allies failing. All of a sudden, dark, oblong matters were being propelled with increasing velocity towards the fan. Information started streaming in of treachery and backstabbing taking place etc.
After the Continuum War, we had also signed a treaty with the Mushroom Kingdom, citing mutual admiration of war fighting ability. This treaty now started to play into the sub plot of what was happening. Information started streaming in from Archon and MK, throwing suspicions and doubt on what was to follow, The one place information was not available was from the NPO, and seeing as we had just committed ourselves into war with them, things started to deteriorate.
It was at this time that certain ultimatums were put to us, with the Government opening up most information to the general membership. The next 24 hours or so were awash with speculation and debating as to what steps to take, and quickly.
From my perspective it seemed that we had a lot of NPO haters in the ranks, along with high government being close and loyal to the NPO. Over the next few hours and into the next day the general feeling was that we were being betrayed by the NPO. Another crucial element for us to consider, was not wanting to leave the rest of our allies such as IRON and Vahalla out to die without us if they were going to be dragged into the fray.
In the end, for better or for worse, the government decided to pull out of the war early, peacing out, and agreeing to pay reps towards OV for the destruction caused in our entry. I was a little dissatisfied that I would not get to launch my first nuke.
I remember feeling for the NPO in the initial days of Karma, as a host of alliances cancelled on them in support of us, and to send a message to the NPO. Little was I to know that they would still follow in and honour their obligations through Q.

[b]The Fallback of Karma[/b]
This was a testing and trying time we were entering. Our relationships with long term allies and or honour was to be seriously questioned to those not knowing the full details of what had went down. Our FA path was also unclear, as we still held ties to those close to the NPO, whom with relations were pretty much frozen. We also had our treaty with MK still in tact, and it was unclear whether we were now going to follow down the path with them.
Many members, including those holding government positions started to leave in what seemed like a never ending exodus. The reasons for these resignations were not fully known or divulged, but its generally accepted that they would have ranged from disillusion, disagreement in FA path, jumping ship, and embarrassment from leaving allies out to dry.
Our government and charter were restructured in the hope that we could resurrect ourselves. More people stepped up to government positions, and subsequently retired do to other commitments, or left, leading to more, inexperienced people needing to take charge.

[b]My Responsibilities[/b]
During this period of restructure I decided to step up and become more active in the alliance. I proceeded to take over trades at first, followed by commerce as a whole which included trade treaties, trade circles, nation building, and tech and aid programs. There was also a bit of pressure on me during this period to perhaps step into a government position of which I was reluctant.
Notably, during this time, one of my recruits, Lord Curzon, stepped up into Government position, and started to take major strides in his role, and more than justify his appointment. TORN owes a lot to him, as we were able to stride past the questions of disbandment in emphatic fashion with his appointment.

[b]The Cluster&*$% War, or whatever you like to call it[/b]
At this point in time, TORN having sat out the majority of Karma, was for the most part ready for war, and almost itching for it. NpO and Grub got the ball rolling, and if it were to break into a global conflict it was pretty much a matter of what side we would end up on.
The pre-emptive nature of our entry has been beaten to death in recent time, so I wont go down that road here. For many TORN nations who hadn’t yet experienced a major war, and even for those who had, it was a blast. For myself, it was my first war as a large nation (not massive, but big enough to have fun). 6k infra, and almost 3k tech, with a 750 million dollar Warchest was a blast. The odds turned out to be massively against us, but I didn’t hear anyone complaining :D. We had unlimited targets, but unfortunately I spent the last 2 weeks in peace mode restocking nukes, and then waiting for negotiations to end.
This was without a doubt the most fun I have had in CN. The sportsmanship of most of my opponents was also entertaining. We kicked some serious a$$, but then again we didn’t exactly go up against the best of the best. Maybe in the future I can go up against the much vaunted battle machines that I hear so much about.
I will also add that we were exited and happy to fight on the front lines along side our trusted allies, even in such a destructive defeat. We did feel that we owed a good showing this war to dispel any doubts about our commitment and loyalty.

[b]My Responsibilities Continued[/b]
After the war it was time for regrowth, along with reparations payments, and aidfalls. My responsibilities had now spanned finance, and so it was my pleasure to work with the various peeps at the ODN and IAA in order to facilitate this. Our allies in Valhalla were also awesome as usual in helping co ordinate with allies of theirs in paying off a portion of our reps in order to allow us to complete our reps in quick time, and get on to internal growth.
During this time I had temporarily taken over as acting Triumvir of Internal Affairs, with DDEShare going away, and not being sure of when he would return. Due to his extended leave, I have now been installed as a full time member of the Triumvirate.

[b]Where I am now[/b]
Well, I cant really spill everything I know now, being in Duckroll government and all. Our plans to take over the world could be undermined if I were to let you in on all the super secret things we get up to in our weekly Duckroll World Domination Meetings.
Well, thats me in two years of CN :D Gotta run, urgent Duckroll meeting being called.

Mods, Im not sure if this is IC or OOC, but the majority is IC

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[quote name='R3nowned' timestamp='1279970098' post='2387349']
TORN is 2 years old? Dammnnn... Time flies when you're having fun eh?
I have been in TORN for 2 years, and have been in CN for 2 years and 5 days.
[quote name='mike717' timestamp='1279985468' post='2387443']
congrats stevie....seriously, you made it pretty far!
Cheers mike, have a drink on me ;)

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