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Remember the Auric Armada?

King Vences

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[quote name='Zoomzoomzoom' date='17 July 2010 - 06:00 PM' timestamp='1279407638' post='2376380']
Yellow is a political hell hole and always will be.

[quote name='rabonnobar' date='17 July 2010 - 09:03 PM' timestamp='1279418601' post='2376549']
But yeah, heh@yellow.

Love you guys, too :wub: You were the reason we came to Yellow in the first place ;)

Anyways, I remember dealing with this whole issue back then. At the time I was Lord Protector of VA and we were just preparing to move to Yellow. Auric had moved to Yellow first, then one of our 2 closest allies at the time, DefCon, was planning to make their move and we planned to go with them. First, they moved to Yellow and did their thing. Then this whole drama unfolded. Month later, we made our move to Yellow, then DefCon went back to White. Alliances like DoC then later FLY, Auric, Pyramid and others all eventually disappeared. I remember hearing about how FAN was gonna infiltrate VA and crap like that, but we have never once had a run-in with our Yellow brothers in FAN, and we don't see any reason to ever have issues with them. We're not close allies, but we're cordial and get along just fine :D

You guys (Auric, DoC, etc.) made the HORRIBLE decision to move to a sphere and think you could just take it over. I find it funny that of all the alliances that moved to Yellow at that time, VA is the only one left standing. FAN and R.O.C.K. were here before us and continue to do so, and we respect them for that tremendously. Yellow isn't easy by any stretch of the imagination, but we've worked pretty damn hard to make it better.

Anyways, to KV's OP, there are some truths, and some stretches. But overall, the OP is somewhat what I remember. I wasn't involved on the NPO side, but knew our friends in DefCon very well and were familiar with their feelings on the situation.

All in all, I really don't see a need for this to be talked about 2 years later. It was a rough time for VA as we had friends bickering and having to eventually disband/merge, but it's well in the past. Best to just let it die and hope to not relive those mistakes.

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[quote name='rabonnobar' date='18 July 2010 - 07:57 PM' timestamp='1279501016' post='2378025']
Conner, pfffffft. Heh can mean many things sir. It was meant to be more of a 'heh crazy times did that all really happen lol.' Let's not forget I was recently in your alliance.

If you wanna get offended though, well, who am I to stop you. ;)

haha...come on now rab, you should know when I am being sarcastic...hence the :wub: and ;)

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[quote name='StealingPandas' date='18 July 2010 - 05:10 PM' timestamp='1279491013' post='2377834']
I do remember AU! I was a member for 2 weeks or so, and left just before the big mess.

I thought we knew all of this stuff already, I don't exactly see the point of this thread, unless I missed something in the OP.

Pretty much this, except I was a member for a couple months. Was my first AA and all I really remember is the forum inactivity as stated in the OP. I think it was the week span of no posts that pushed me to leave. Thankfully, before the bigger mess started.

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I think the most hilarious part about this thread is all the things you aren't admitting, and all the (resulting) things that we did [i]within your very own alliance[/i] that you [i]still[/i] aren't even aware of.

Vences, you crossed a group of people who had a particular set of skills, and you got owned, [b]hard[/b]. Take your medicine like a man and bow out. We'll tell the real story from here, if we feel like it.

We may not.

One never knows how FAN will do things.

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[quote name='JWConner' date='19 July 2010 - 08:10 AM' timestamp='1279498224' post='2377955'][b]You guys (Auric, DoC, etc.) made the HORRIBLE decision to move to a sphere and think you could just take it over[/b]. I find it funny that of all the alliances that moved to Yellow at that time, VA is the only one left standing. FAN and R.O.C.K. were here before us and continue to do so, and we respect them for that tremendously. Yellow isn't easy by any stretch of the imagination, but we've worked pretty damn hard to make it better.[/quote]

The highlighted segment reflects my opinions.

With regards to the OP, I feel sad that R.O.C.K. is only mentioned once. :(

Hi Brass! I am glad to be your neighbour too, if only you guys can stop firing your guns at night :P.

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Brass and Rebel Virginia spelled it all out very nicely and there is no need to comment further on this topic other than [img]http://fangamers.net/imagehosting/414b7df9e3903ec.gif[/img]

There is one other thing though. FAN Members, where is your obligatory gun pron?


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King Vences,

While we certainly don't agree 100% with your retelling of events, we also don't want to dredge up the past. What's done is done and the fallout has long since settled. We're glad that you look back on those long ago events with fondness, we do as well.

While we don't apologize for what we did (it was necessary and justified) we are sorry that the circumstances surrounding our existance at that time made it so imperative that an over-the-top response to your actions was required. To put everything in context, at that point we were marked by 9 seperate alliances for total destruction. No peace, no negotiations, nothing but death. We were pushed deep into a corner, fighting for our very lives and had been for almost a year.

We in FAN are not big into quoting movies or characters but one quote from "The Outlaw Josey Wales" describes our circumstances and outlook so perfectly I will reproduce it here:

[QUOTE name='Josey Wales']"When things look bad and it looks like you're not gonna make it, then you gotta get mean. I mean plumb, mad-dog mean."[/QUOTE]
For FAN in early 2008 it was looking bad and looking like we might not make it. We were fighting for our life and that meant we were plumb, mad-dog mean. Then you guys moved to Yellow and started saying things like you were going to "clean up yellow" and "take out the trash". That was in the sphere we consider to be our home. Then you sanctioned Brass, our senator. It really doesn't matter why you sanctioned Brass but your words coupled with the fact that your alliance was officially protected by an alliance that was at war with FAN was pretty much all the info we needed. Connecting those dots were easy. We had to put a stop to you and we had to do it in a way that would also serve as a warning for anyone else who thought that following your example was a good idea.

The details of the operation and the results have been hashed over many times and the threads are epic for anybody who wants to revisit them. But the end result was clear, try to mess with FAN in our own front yard and you will end up like the Auric Armada.


KV, we see you've deleted your nation and assume you are leaving (or already gone from) CN. If that is so then farewell. FAN wishes you no ill-will as the past is the past and we want to look forward rather than back.


Jocko Homo
The FAN Centre for Historical History
"We're in your history, tonkin' your doodz"

Edited by Jocko Homo
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