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Shonan Administration


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照南. That was what the former owners (if they could be called owners given their very short hold) named the area that was once called Singapore. Koryo had suddently acquired this land, along with its various problems, most of them international in nature. For now, it would retain the Japanese version of the name until the final decision was made.

The Chinese had landed with agreement if the governmen. 8000 Troops, 80 Amphibious Armored Vehicles would be the initial force for establishing order, and a defensive perimeter at sea and in the air was forced. Security-wise, there was no real problem for now until the Koryo forces arrived. The main thing was to fill this area with people. Merida said it was empty, and confirmation showed it was indeed empty. This would mean everything was a clean slate.

It was decided that the Japanese in Hainan, whose status are unclear (although Neo Tokyo/Japan declared they were citizens of Koryo), would be moved to Shonan as the first civilians. Since they did speak a Buyeo langauage (Japanese), actually giving them citizenship wouldn't be a problem. It would be after the Japanese were settled that immigration matters will be decided upon. For now, it wsa decided that [url="http://unpan1.un.org/intradoc/groups/public/documents/APCITY/UNPAN011498.pdf"]all Koryo immigration laws would be applied[/url].

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Chinese forces advise the Koreans that an attempt to turn Singapore into a homogenous state from what it is, is highly unadvisable. We urge them to allow for it to be a modern cosmopolitan city as it has been for centuries.

[quote name='king of cochin' date='15 July 2010 - 07:11 AM' timestamp='1279174292' post='2372492']
"What is the status of non-Chinese, non-Korean people resident in Singapore?" - GNN

Chinese RoEs include protection of these citizens.

Edited by Triyun
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The troops that had started from Dalian made a short stop around the South China Sea Islands to put basic troops, and landed on Shonan. The total numbber was 15,000 troops and 50 tanks. This would be enough to keep this secure.

Soon the first administrators arrived by plane and started surveying the new territory. There were a few Hakka Chinese and Malays (around 1,000), but overall it was the same as what Merida had said. The first 500,000 Japanese from Hainan would be moved soon. While the total number of residents had not been decided yet, the city would be international in the sense it would be more open than the Koryo mainland, but it will still be mostly Japanese. There needed to be somewhere to settle the new citizens, and the mainland was out of question, given the sentiments towards the Japanese.

The Shonan Administration will be comprised of the former island of Singapore and the South China Sea Islands, which will be named Sansha (三沙, Korean Samsa). It has not been decided whether to admit the territory as a full state or a special region, but that would be decided when all the people had been settled.

Preliminary studies were being conducted to find the most suitable area for naval bases. both for Koryo's future navy and for the USC navy. Any infrastructure jobs within the territory will be done by only Koryo or USC companies for the time being.

-Classified to United States of China-

As we have promised, the United States of China shall be allowed to have a naval base. We have selected Tuas Naval Base as the southernmost port of the USC Navy. We hope you are satisfied

[quote name=%26%2339%3Bking of cochin' date='15 July 2010 - 12:11 AM' timestamp='1279174292' post='2372492']
"What is the status of non-Chinese, non-Korean people resident in Singapore?" - GNN

"Assuming there are any non-Japanese/Korean/Chinese who did not leave the island, they will be under the jurisdiction of Koryo until their status is finalized."

Edited by Kankou
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OOC: My navy was organized in a defensive perimeter around Singapore.


"Chinese Warships will not allow the Korean Ships to land until they answer Cochin's question satisfactorily. We've tolerated quite a bit but we are not sold on this policy."

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"The status that they choose, whether to become citizens of Merida, Koryo, or USC. Until thre is a final decision, they will be considered to be without nationality."

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A census of the Japanese in Hainan was taken, with the resulting number of 2,334,500. With this done, it was decided to move 151,200 Koreas to Shonan, to make Japanese/Koreans 74.2% of the proposed resident population of the territory (3,350,000). The immigrants would be adjust so that Han Chinese would make up 13.4% and Malays 9.2%. The remaining 3.2 % will be decided upon in the future. In addition, only citizens of Koryo, China, and Merida could have permanent residence, until everything was settled.

Preliminary studies showed that there seemed to be various SOSUS lines around the new territoral waters of Koryo, mainly around the Nansha islands (南沙, Korean: Namsa, International: Spratly Islands). Those lines will soon have to be cut, otherwise the security of Koryo would be endangered. An announcement would be made about it soon

Finally, it has been decided that after reclaiming more land, the southern part of Pulau Tekong was ceded to USC as the site of the new Chinese naval station. With the island already the site of the Shonan training base, having a full-scale naval base would fit in with making Shonan the southern defense line of the Confederation, and of East Asia in general. The Chinese had [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=85326&view=findpost&p=2374885"]started construction[/url], and the results will be the best base in the world.

Edited by Kankou
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OOC: It won't be the best in the world. There is going to be a much bigger one somewhere else soon enough with the help of some friends ;)

IC: Chinese troops now numbering 16, 000 total had dug themselves in on the Island while the 1st Fleets Combined Action Group remained anchored off shore. Their carriers would substitute as airports as supplies were flown in from Vietnam, Guangzhou, and Kiaoshiung. Hakka Chinese were used as much of the labor, as Guangdong, the home of many of the nations largest construction companies, and its richest province had significant populations, as a result Hakka-hua was not an uncommon language for many supervisors to know.

China's own SOSUS systems would be installed in place of those from other governments, and a new SOSUS would be built within Singapore's waters at various highly classified points.

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Tens of thousands of Singaporeans and their descendants - men and women who had lived in Europe since the fall of their small island-nation - are eager to return to their home as soon as they can.
They would be attempting to reach Singapore as legally as they could, for as long as they could, taking double-citizenship or, if necessary, rescinding their old citizenship soon as they were allowed to.

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[quote name='Triyun' date='19 July 2010 - 05:24 PM' timestamp='1279553055' post='2378866']
"China assumes these citizens if admitted would become loyal citizens of the current Singapore?"

OOC: And the RP property of those who are there now.
"Those who wouldn't become "loyal citizens" as you call them will most likely be applying for dual citizenship so that they can legally live in both nations. There's only relatively few of these as per current estimates, some hundred perhaps. All others have applied for full Citizenship and are ready to rescind VDL-citizenship if asked to. Most of these people are from very loyalist families who have kept their ties to Singapore alive since the destruction of their nation through a nuclear disaster."

OOC: Effectively making those thousands come under Kankou's reign. And it's of course up to him whether to accept only the to-be loyalists or the dualised people, too. Or any at all.

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[quote name='Lynneth' date='19 July 2010 - 01:29 AM' timestamp='1279524574' post='2378639']
Tens of thousands of Singaporeans and their descendants - men and women who had lived in Europe since the fall of their small island-nation - are eager to return to their home as soon as they can.
They would be attempting to reach Singapore as legally as they could, for as long as they could, taking double-citizenship or, if necessary, rescinding their old citizenship soon as they were allowed to.

"The naturalization process of Koryo is very strict, which was partly why the amendment to the constitution was made for streamlining the process for those close to Koreans. It would be better if the former Singaporeans apply for Chinese or Meridan citizenship, and even then they must rescind VDL-citizenship."

[quote name='Cataduanes' date='19 July 2010 - 09:40 AM' timestamp='1279554012' post='2378877']
The Malay Federation would like assurances that the Malay population on Singapore will be allowed full linguistic and cultural rights?, which we assume has been granted to the Ethnic Han Chinese populace.

[quote name='king of cochin' date='19 July 2010 - 09:50 AM' timestamp='1279554611' post='2378888']
The Kingdom of Cochin hopes that the ethnic Indian origin population, including the large Tamil diaspora, would not be discriminated against?

"Full linguistic rights? Discrimination? We believe our policies already shows what we are going to do."

[quote name='Lynneth' date='19 July 2010 - 09:56 AM' timestamp='1279554971' post='2378896']
OOC: Effectively making those thousands come under Kankou's reign. And it's of course up to him whether to accept only the to-be loyalists or the dualised people, too. Or any at all.

OOC: Restraning from commenting on the gender.

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Chinese special visas are available for all people's who wish to apply to live in Singapore. The requirements will be selected from those who pass the following background check: passing a mandatory health screening and drug test, graduation from high school or enrolled in high school, demonstration of applicable skills: high tech, construction, engineering, finance, academics, mandarin and hakka fluency, mandarin and malaysian fluency, mandarin and korean fluency. If you have heritage in Singapore you may apply for citizenship through China on a probationary passport, you must surrender your passport from another nation too Chinese Authorities and take the Chinese pledge of allegiance.

OOC: If you apply for Chinese citizenship you give up the rights to RP these citizens later on.

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Approximately 2.2 million Japanese had been moved to Shonan, leaving the last group. Soon Hainan will be completely empty of Japan, which is a win-win situation for all. After all the Japanese had arrived in Shonan, the transplanting of Koreans will began. It had been decided that the official languages would be Korean, Japanese, and Chinese (both Mandarin and Hakka). The fate of Malaysian as an official language would be decided later, but it is for certain that there would be no other official languages besides it.

Soon the first units of the Shonan Defense Division would be established. Recruitment agents have been sent.

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[quote name='Kankou' date='20 July 2010 - 02:31 AM' timestamp='1279607459' post='2380180']
Approximately 2.2 million Japanese had been moved to Shonan, leaving the last group. Soon Hainan will be completely empty of Japan, which is a win-win situation for all. After all the Japanese had arrived in Shonan, the transplanting of Koreans will began. It had been decided that the official languages would be Korean, Japanese, and Chinese (both Mandarin and Hakka). The fate of Malaysian as an official language would be decided later, but it is for certain that there would be no other official languages besides it.

Soon the first units of the Shonan Defense Division would be established. Recruitment agents have been sent.

OOC: Be careful of how you RP things such as that, because it could be seen (in some cases) as trying to RP my civilians.

Although I recognize that their are Japanese individuals elsewhere, just making sure.

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[quote name='Kankou' date='20 July 2010 - 07:31 AM' timestamp='1279607459' post='2380180']
The fate of Malaysian as an official language would be decided later, but it is for certain that there would be no other official languages besides it.[/quote]
We hope that the new administration will see fit to recognize and protect the Bahasa Malay language, any measure that will seek to sideline it will not be looked upon kindly by the Malay Federation.

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Upon deliberation, it has been decided to not grant Malaysian as an official language. There are hardly any Malays within Shonan, and there has been discussions of lowering the percentage of Malays in favor of Chinese. With cultural relations between the Koreans, Japanese, and Chinese at a historical high, it was only fitting that Shonan, a Koryo territory, should be under the East Asian Character zone. While it is suspected that there will be accusations of cultural and ethnical genocide, those will be ignored. Shonan was empty in the beginning when it came under Koryo, and there is no reason why the Confederation should let others come into its territory under terms different from its own.

[quote name='Elrich von Richt' date='20 July 2010 - 03:12 AM' timestamp='1279617113' post='2380329']
OOC: Be careful of how you RP things such as that, because it could be seen (in some cases) as trying to RP my civilians.[/quote]

OOC: I'm taking care of those former Neo Tokyo Japanese. In this world where there are several Japanese countries, I don't see why you're so worked up.

[quote name='Cataduanes' date='20 July 2010 - 04:47 AM' timestamp='1279622837' post='2380373']
We hope that the new administration will see fit to recognize and protect the Bahasa Malay language, any measure that will seek to sideline it will not be looked upon kindly by the Malay Federation.

"The opinions of the Malay Federation has no bearings on the decision of Koryo. The territory had been almost completely empty of any Malay population, and it is only the benevolence of the Emperor that we are allowing a select few to come back."

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[quote name='Kankou' date='20 July 2010 - 12:02 PM' timestamp='1279623722' post='2380382']
Upon deliberation, it has been decided to not grant Malaysian as an official language. There are hardly any Malays within Shonan, and there has been discussions of lowering the percentage of Malays in favor of Chinese.

"The opinions of the Malay Federation has no bearings on the decision of Koryo. The territory had been almost completely empty of any Malay population, and it is only the benevolence of the Emperor that we are allowing a select few to come back."
We are disappointed by this turn of events, and the fact that the [s]Shonan[/s] Koryo govt is now seeking to 'lower' the percentage of ethnic Malays is something we view as disreputable. Therefore the Malay Federation will not be seeking any diplomatic ties whatsoever with [s]Shonan[/s] Koryo, citizens of Koryo will not be granted the right to visit or be resident within the Malay Federation.

[s]OOC: is their a demonym? Shonanese? or would it be simply Japanese?[/s]

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[quote name='Cataduanes' date='20 July 2010 - 05:08 AM' timestamp='1279624073' post='2380387']
We are disappointed by this turn of events, and the fact that the Shonan govt is now seeking to 'lower' the percentage of ethnic Malays is something we view as disreputable. Therefore the Malay Federation will not be seeking any diplomatic ties whatsoever with Shonan, Shonan citizens will not be granted the right to visit or be resident within the Malay Federation.

OOC: is their a demonym? Shonanese? or would it be simply Japanese?

Currently the Malay population is 0.004% right now. We will allow at least 5%, but below the original proposed 9.2%.

OOC: Shonan is a territory within Koryo. You would want to cut relations with Koryo, not Shonan.

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[quote name='Kankou' date='20 July 2010 - 12:19 PM' timestamp='1279624764' post='2380392']
Currently the Malay population is 0.004% right now. We will allow at least 5%, but below the original proposed 9.2%.

OOC: Shonan is a territory within Koryo. You would want to cut relations with Koryo, not Shonan.
Regardless of the numbers involved the fact that Malays will not have their language and culture recognized under the law is abhorrent to us. Malays are the indigenous populace of Malaysia and Singapore.

OOC: Cool, I will amend my last post.

Edited by Cataduanes
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