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The Fall of a Republic

Bull Run

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The Dominican Revolution birthed a republic, dead set on liberty & secure in its endevour for world wide freedom. The life of this new nation was checkered with heated tension, constantly braught to odds with neighboring empire's behind the lead of its great national hero, Che Guevara. Now, with the impossible conditions of life by lack of sustanance, low resources for a rapidly growing population of thousands seeking to basque in a victorious revolution, this life comes to an end. The fall of the Dominican Republic came by suprise announcement by the revolutionary government unable to fullfill its duties of governance. Anarchy has been declared throughout the nation, though a relative calm remains aside from heated spots of dissorder that now dot the island. Commandante Che Guevara has been expelled from the island and seeks asylum in the United States.

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"This is most unfortunate, though not entirely unexpected. I found this particular experiment most academic in its conducted. Commmandante Che is also welcome to reside within Greater Pacifica as a guest to myself if he so wishes it. I found our periodic discussions most enlightening." - Michael Atrevier, Crown Prince of Greater Pacifica


Edited by iamthey
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The Empire reaffirms its' claim on the islands, pursuant to the Pax Americana doctrine and its' Domination corollary. Troop deployment will begin immediately.

20,000 soldiers were deployed to the Imperial island to maintain order and begin distribution of Imperial goods. Meanwhile, mainland stockpiles of goods were turned over for management by the Empire to the Dominican Diocese, now in its' infancy for dispersal throughout the populace. Projects were started to tie the Dominican Province into the Empire's power grid and internet system. Additionally, high-mobility anti missile systems were deployed along with the soldiers, extending the Strategic Defense Initiative however tenuously over its' possession.

If all went as planned, the Republic would once more become a part of the Empire after a few mere formalities.

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Louisiana applauds the destruction and downfall of the terrorists in the Dominican Republic's Che lead government. Let us hope that as a part of the Holy American Empire law and order will successfully reign once more.

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[quote name='Yawoo' date='09 July 2010 - 08:44 AM' timestamp='1278683027' post='2364739']
Louisiana applauds the destruction and downfall of the terrorists in the Dominican Republic's Che lead government. Let us hope that as a part of the Holy American Empire law and order will successfully reign once more.
The terrorists? Mighty hypocritical of you to say such a bold statement.

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[quote name='Biohazard' date='09 July 2010 - 10:28 AM' timestamp='1278689309' post='2364831']
The terrorists? Mighty hypocritical of you to say such a bold statement.
"Not at all. There was a terrorist attack by Dominican guerrillas led by Che in Louisianan Cuba. The Dominican government, under Che, constantly supported terrorist activities targeting Louisiana."

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[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' date='09 July 2010 - 10:45 AM' timestamp='1278690304' post='2364846']
"Is the government of Louisiana run by /b/?"

-Random Blogger.
OOC: With all due respect, if you can not RP a response better than a "Random Blogger" then you shouldn't RP a response at all. "Random Blogger"s add absolutely no impact to a story as no government in their right mind would respond to a quote from those people, even if a miracle happened and they were made aware of the comment. Therefore you are posting just to put words down and increase your post count, which is not the purpose of this RP.

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[quote name='Yawoo' date='09 July 2010 - 10:33 AM' timestamp='1278689589' post='2364835']
"Not at all. There was a terrorist attack by Dominican guerrillas led by Che in Louisianan Cuba. The Dominican government, under Che, constantly supported terrorist activities targeting Louisiana."
Perhaps they were merely trying to overthrow the bureaucratic despotic regime that currently controls your imperialist nation. If they are, which I am sure they are, then I would completely agree with their attempts.

[quote name='Tidy Bowl Man' date='09 July 2010 - 10:45 AM' timestamp='1278690304' post='2364846']
"Is the government of Louisiana run by /b/?"

-Random Blogger.
OOC: Random bloggers are banned. as is that random.

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[quote name='Biohazard' date='09 July 2010 - 09:39 PM' timestamp='1278729568' post='2365420']
Perhaps they were merely trying to overthrow the bureaucratic despotic regime that currently controls your imperialist nation. If they are, which I am sure they are, then I would completely agree with their attempts.

Louisiana notes that your nation supports terrorism and as such there will be no relations of any sort in the future between our two nations.

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[quote name='Yawoo' date='09 July 2010 - 09:59 PM' timestamp='1278730777' post='2365453']
Louisiana notes that your nation supports terrorism and as such there will be no relations of any sort in the future between our two nations.
God forbid a nation miles from us, on another continent, whom we cannot reach [i]by land, air, or water[/i], won't have relations with us. I thought we had a serious problem here.

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We are saddened by the fall of Dominica and believe it's best for the HAE to reclaim it. On the note of Louisiana, we believe they are entitled to their opinion, and considering the tensions they had with the Republic, we don't blame their hostility towards the former Dominican Republic.

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Order was rapidly restored in the provinces; with the subsiding of anarchy, the curfew was lifted to the traditional midnight to 5 AM enjoyed by all Imperial citizens. However, rapidly the Dominican side of Hispanola was becoming a hub for trade and culture. It was decided at the highest levels, and with overwhelming support of the Imperial Senate, that the Dominican Diocese would be the Empire's "foreign reception" area, similar to enclaves in the past such as Hong Kong.

Immigration to the Dominican Diocese Exclusive Zone (DDEZ) is now open to all nations not inherently hostile to the Empire. Travel to the mainland and other Imperial possessions is still forbidden for any non-citizens. Foreign corporations may invest in the DDEZ as well as other nations purchasing rights to use ports and export goods. Allies may still ship their goods to Foundation, Imperial Center, Manuas, or Santiago.

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[quote name='Maelstrom Vortex' date='10 July 2010 - 12:05 AM' timestamp='1278738296' post='2365591']
Che is welcomed to the United States and granted Asylum.
Louisiana will note this and cut all relations with the United States of America as well.

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[quote name='Yawoo' date='10 July 2010 - 12:47 AM' timestamp='1278740837' post='2365614']
Louisiana will note this and cut all relations with the United States of America as well.
Just a question, before we leave this entire debacle alone; didn't you already cease and desist relations with them?

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[quote name='Biohazard' date='10 July 2010 - 12:53 AM' timestamp='1278741198' post='2365619']
Just a question, before we leave this entire debacle alone; didn't you already cease and desist relations with them?
We canceled an MDoAP treaty with them, but did not end relations until just now.

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"We do not quite understand why Louisiana would cut ties with a nation who is doing little more than giving a peaceful end to the life of a man who is no longer a threat to anyone, but that is its choice. You are may re-establish contact whenever you wish."

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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"Harboring a terrorist who has conducted attacks against Louisianans, as well as preaching the destruction of Louisiana is not someone that I would want to harbor. Why the United States chose to spit in the face of their neighbors is beyond me, but Louisiana will not allow a nation who harbors a terrorist hostile to Louisiana to keep having relations with Louisiana. Your ships are no longer allowed to go through our portion of the Mississippi river, your planes are not allowed in our airspace, your boats are no longer allowed to dock in our harbors, in short - nothing of United States origin is allowed in Louisiana. You want to harbor a terrorist hostile to Louisiana? That is your choice, but there are consequences to it."

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As always, we are eager to hear from our allies in China. Especially when it involves approval and solidity with our actions.

The Dominican Diocese, henceforth known as the DDEZ is open for tourism, immigration, and economic interaction with the rest of the world. As usual, this is the only part of the Holy American Empire open to such with limited exceptions in Imperial Center. Please contact Foundation if you have any questions regarding selling economic resources or the construction of factories and the like. Imperial citizens are hard-working and motivated to support the Empire.

An internal dividing checkpoint between the DDEZ and the Haitian Diocese was erected; the first line to differentiate between the Old Empire's provinces; closed to the outside world, and the Exclusive Zone which was other nations' chance to learn about the Empire and its' philosophy.

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