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Can't Sleep

Cybil de Blanc

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OOC: If you have a logical reason to be in the Australian Lillia Palace, then by all means, please join. :)

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She had the dream again - the one where Hank had her by the throat. She couldn't escape, couldn't breathe, paralysed internally as much as she was in the outside world. Though the nightmare moved fast enough that the details were weak and desaturated, like paint running along in a stream, she could still feel it hurt. Her throat being squeezed, and the laughing, and the extreme anxiety that caused her heart to race like mad.

Cybil paced uneasily around the room, trying to tire herself. She grinded her teeth, pulled at her hair, tried taking deep breaths and looking out into the gardens, all to calm her mind. Although she had told Hannah she was fine a couple of days earlier, Cybil had fibbed somewhat; the medication she had been taking was not as effective, her having built up some sort of resistance. The first night, the dreams had been only slightly worrisome, but now, she was in a cold sweat, so terrified by the nightmare that she felt nauseous.

It was not just the bad dreams that frightened her, however - it was also Hannah. The Asgeirsson Doctrine, which had made a bloc out of the Oceanic region, had been met with some - no, that was an understatement. It had been met with [i]much[/i] resistance, the Queen insisting that Borneo - which belonged to the People's Republic of China, an Asian nation - was in her bloc. Her reason? It had been old Hansa territory. Hannah had been saying it was for the region's own good, but Cybil knew better. She was a Smiler in all but name; she might have been a superwoman among Kintober's experiments, but she was not immune to the mental changes, no. The Queen was acting aggressively and pridefully, and frankly, Cybil was frightened of her for that, for it reminded her much of Hank.

The powers of the continents did not like mixing territories. North American for the North Americans, Europe for the Europeans, Asia for the Asians - it was a code that Cybil, but a newcomer to the world of politics, was intimidated by. The Scottish had invaded Spain because Louisiana's rulers had set up some sort of outpost there; Hannah was butting heads with some [i]very[/i] important people over a single island. Cybil, as cowardly as it sounded, did not want to be caught in some sort of war or fight - she had had enough of killing, of watching people die in ways unimaginable. It was the Smilers all over again, only on a bigger scale. Oh gods, she didn't want to think about that....

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...and unfortunately for Cybil, if she let her mind run, instead of taking her medication like she was supposed to, instead of telling the doctors that she was going crazy, instead of behaving, everything around her would get worse. It didn't help that her room was right above the gardens, as Hannah pushed open the gates of the gardens and walked slowly towards the fountain of Athena at the center of the garden. Her robes almost like the robes of a priestess, white silk that ran down past her feet, trailing on the ground below. Hannah's white hair hung low down her back, cascading in waves, her pale skin, but strong arms, easily seen by Cybil from a life not only from her military career, but what had happened in Eggman, a great strength pulsing inside her.

With a silver urn in one hand she dipped it into the fountain drawing the water out and looked up at the statue of the Goddess. "Athena, thank you for you wisdom, for your strength, for your purity. I strive to live as you have taught, to be understanding, to live in humility, to understand purity and I am in your debt. With your guidance I can continue down the path that you have set to me." She brought the urn to her mouth and drank the water. "Goddess, I live to serve you, I live to preach your name, and receive your wisdom. Goddess I am your servant." She turned and with the urn began to walk back towards the palace, the moonlight reflecting off of her white hair, beautifully, shining in the light. For a moment she glanced up at Cybil's window and a smile broke her face before she held the urn closer and continued to walk into the palace.

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The ex-Queen's mind was racing too much for her to notice Hannah, save for a flash of brilliant silver-white, like a piece of the moonlight itself had appeared on the grounds. The young Northanic paced and paced, not muttering, but mentally banging pots and pans together inside her head. Banging, clanging, lumping, tumbling, stirring, wheezing, shifting, sliding, breaking, coming, bashing and smashing - bang, bang, bang, [i]bang[/i]. Her thoughts were a cacophony, a disorganized mess without rhyme or reason, peace or prosperity.

Clang, shake, twang, shake, clang. It was like the crashing of the garden gates was echoing in the very centre of her mind, where there was no eye to the cyclone, only a foul core of irrational thinking. Sleep, sleep, she needed the sleep - but how could she sleep when [i]he[/i] was there? And Hannah, too, as she was a prisoner of Hannah's palace, trapped by her own injured mind and the need to rest, to recover, all because of the Smilers. Hannah was one of them.

Twisting, turning - oh gods, she felt cold. Wasn't Australia supposed to be warm and lush? No, it was the fall...fall would go to winter. Would it snow? Would it be like home, Cyneriice Northan? She wanted to see the tundra again. The tundra, Castle Northanholde, and her Royal Chambers, where she could be safe and sound, away from the Smilers, from the proud Hannah, from the blocs and the countries and the politics and the medicines and the nightmares and Oceania and et cetera and et cetera and et cetera -

Cybil winced. Her fingers were in her mouth, and the nails were jagged and uneven from being chewed. She had accidentally bit down on one of her fingers without knowing.

Edited by Cybil de Blanc
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And from the shadows, that trick of light, a certain pesky parallel jumping, time traveling, and very immortal pain in the butt of a goat emerges eating a mouth full of the Queen's prized petunias. The goat, Molly's Goat, looks back into the shadows and snickers a bit before wobbling up to the Queen, giving the Queen a lick on the back of the hand, and wandering off to reign havoc elsewhere in the world.

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And from the shadows, that trick of light, a certain pesky parallel jumping, time traveling, and very immortal pain in the butt of a goat emerges eating a mouth full of the Queen's prized petunias. The goat, Molly's Goat, looks back into the shadows and snickers a bit before wobbling up to the Queen, giving the Queen a lick on the back of the hand, and wandering off to reign havoc elsewhere in the world.

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And from the shadows, that trick of light, a certain pesky parallel jumping, time traveling, and very immortal pain in the butt of a goat emerges eating a mouth full of the Queen's prized petunias. The goat, Molly's Goat, looks back into the shadows and snickers a bit before wobbling up to the Queen, giving the Queen a lick on the back of the hand, and wandering off to reign havoc elsewhere in the world.

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Luis, being a proffesional insomniac, found himself wandering the corridors of the Lillia palace late at night, trying to think, trying endlessly to think...

He found himself walking near the Established Quarter, a section of the palace used for regular guests, men and women of rank, ambassadors, and one Cybil de Blanc, when he heard the most disturbing sound; a woman breathing raggedly, fearfully...it was a sound he thought he heard the last of in China. Coming to the door, he rapped thrice with his knuckles, quietly calling Cybil's name.

"My Lady Cybil, are you alright in there? It's Luis."

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What was up with this? It seemed the palace was actually more active at night than in the full light of day. Anthony, too, could not sleep. Though he had not even the comfort of insanity to quell the images of his past.

Hastily he threw on some outer garments. If he couldn't sleep, he'd get some work done.

But on the way to his office, he happened to pass Cybil's room, at the same time Luis approached it from the other direction. He studied the Marchar intently as he passed, listening to the man's nervous question to the woman inside.

"You care for her, don't you?" he asked, stopping for a moment to address Luis. "Just make sure to treat her right, and be there for her, like you were for Sarah."

With those simple words, he went on past, his mind already moving on as his body was now doing...

OOC: No Molly's Goat, please...and you may want to do something about that triple post. [img]http://forums.cybernations.net/public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif[/img]

Edited by Subtleknifewielder
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Shadows. Shadows and sensations. Cybil squeaked, giving a jump as something warm and wet brushed against her hand. Disturbed by the sensation, her palm immediately flew to the front of her face, only to reveal nothing but bare skin. Cybil breathed out shakily, grasping at the hand around her temples, and turned back to the window that displayed the Royal Gardens. Uneasily, the ex-Queen glanced down, trying to spot what she had seen out of the corner of her eye before.

Nothing. Nothing but the foliage and the quiet darkness. The Northanic sniffed, her hands at her sides now, and wandered toward the desk in the corner. Plopping herself down on the chair in front, the Queen crossed her arms, put them down on the wooden surface, and laid her head on the space they created.


"My Lady Cybil, are you all right in there? It's Luis."

She said nothing, not even as she heard a couple of murmurs from behind the door, as if someone was speaking to Luis. Most likely out of stress and tiredness, Cybil felt a headache coming on, and didn't want to bother with anyone at the moment.

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Luis was never one to be denied; it was simply not his nature.

"My Lady De Blanc; I am rather concerned after your health, and if you don't respond, I will feel it needful to enter and see the state of your person. Please, let me in."

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As Cybil lay with her head on her desk, part of the darkness seemed to become...blacker. The shadows twisted and morphed, the moonlight through the windows solidifying into a pair of white orbs. A pair of comically large, triangular teeth appeared in a human-like jaw, a pair of seemingly-feathered wings rising from the mass. There was a hissing sound, audible only to the ex-Queen, and human limbs pulled themselves out from the mass, followed by a slithering tail.

[i]"Ruff?"[/i] chuffed the shadow-thing behind Cybil, which she could only see and hear. The Queen wearily rose her head, still either ignoring Luis or now completely oblivious to his presence.

"Go away, Seeker..." Cybil said quietly. "I'm not in the mood."

Loki's minion whined, its mass instantly shifting, oily and slick skin bubbling and warping like wax. Instead of its more humanoid, truer form, the beast now resembled something between a wolf and the German Shepherd it was the size of. Trotting over, it nuzzled at Cybil's side, only to be gently swatted away by the Queen. The woman was laying her head down on the desk again.

"I'm fine."

Edited by Cybil de Blanc
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Seeker suddenly growled, abruptly turning around and baring his teeth. The minion's tail perked up, as did his ears - a sign of dominance. Cybil, startled to alertness, swung around in her chair, leaning back slightly toward the desk. It was cold all of a sudden in the room, and Cybil swore that there were footsteps. Her heart pounded.

"H-hello...?" she called out. "I-is anyone th-there...?"

Seeker, growling more loudly, took a step forward at snapped at the invisible presence. Where the silvery moonlight lit the floor, Cybil could see strange grooves in the floor's carpeting. She squeaked in fear, a chill running down her spine as she grabbed a pen for defence. (Yes, a pen didn't do much damage when it came to stabbing, but at least it was better than nothing.)

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Loki watched the scene from afar. He laughed. The permanent piranha grin on the face of his current manifestation seemed to stretch a bit bigger. He'd told the queen he was through with her. That he would never torment her again, and that he would leave her mind forever. This was true. He had no intention of going back into the ex-Queen's mind and mucking about in it. However, that didn't mean he wasn't going to watch the fruits of his labor. After all, why would you pour salt on a slug if you didn't want to see it squirm. Some would say Loki was a sadistic !@#$%^&. When you observed his "pranks," you couldn't help but think that was the cause. Loki denied this accusation, however. In his mind, it was all in good "fun." After all, the people he messed with eventually returned to normal. Most of the time...That said, he continued to watch the Northan girl struggle against her own shattered mind in amusement. The arrival of that obnoxious spirit dragon, however, soured his mood. He watched intently, eager to see what would happen.

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Maelstrom rumbled to Thor after he spoke to Loki, "I'll help." He looked at the shadow minion and sneered. "Gyt mutt before I scatter your black hide across the face of the ethereal." Cybil saw nothing, didn't hear his voice.. but the growl that followed was deep and strong enough to even cause the air to reverberate on the physical plane. To her it would sound as if another feral entity were in her room.

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Seeker stepped back, wary of the growl but still defencive of Cybil. His duty, first and foremost, was to protect Cybil's already-fragile psyche from outside influence; if any beings of a spiritual nature tried to crack open her mind again, it was Seeker's job to tear them apart. If it was a physical being inflicting some sort of trauma, then Seeker was to act as a shield, pulling Cybil to the safer depths of her mind and surrounding her with unconsciousness. Either way, if anything malevolent got in his way, then he'd fight to the point of non-existence in order to protect his Mistress - unlike Loki's other beasts, this one was meant to be benevolent, lest poor Cybil endure mental torture again.

Cybil on the other hand, was now scared out of her wits. She was the only one who could hear the growl, and her mind only said one thing was the source: [i]Loki[/i]. The young woman scrunched up, trying to look smaller, not knowing where to go since she couldn't see the beast. It sounded like it was in front of her...but who couldn't say that was a trick?! What if it was just waiting to pounce, right on the other side of the bed, on the ceiling above her, or somewhere else close?

"S-stay away!" cried Cybil, jabbing at the air with the pen. "I have a guard...dog...thingy! He's trained to kill!"

Edited by Cybil de Blanc
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Loki raised his eyes at both of them. [i]"Tch."[/i] He muttered. [i]"Have I been tormenting her since I left? No. I haven't touched her. I even left her a gift or two as a way of saying thanks. I'm merely observing. So far, the only time we've talked is if she's called me. I may have been 'bad,' as you say, but there are others out there worse then I. Now thanks to me, She has a chance of fighting them off."[/i] He said airily. He then withdrew from their presence and continued to watch Cybil from afar. [i]"Some people just never see the big picture."[/i] He muttered to himself smugly.

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"Very well then Loki, I'll let you off this time, however, this Seeker bloke has to be put to pasture. You take the high road, I'll take the low road and we'll cut him right down the middle," menaces Thor as he unlimbers his mighty hammer that has reined thunder from the heavens since the beginning of time. He flexes his muscles for a moment before looking at this Seeker and finally says, "Look buddy, it's smashing time and you are about to get smashed."

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"I wouldn't do that Thor. This entity doesn't seem to be here to harm her. If and when it does.. then we can smash it.." He quit growling and let out a yawn. Finally, he put enough effort to somewhat materialize. Before Cybil stood a somewhat translucent human sized silver dragon with 6 angelic wings.. it looked like a cross between a seraph and a dragon. It appeared garbed in a gray robe. It's green serpentine eyes fell on her and slowly it spoke with a voice that sounded hollow, like it were echoing from a distant place, "Don't worry, just protecting the Queendom and its people. It's.. part of my job. I'll leave you to your other protector, the entity of shadow whom I shall be watching.. very.. closely."

The image of the spirit seemed to blow away on the wind as mysteriously as it had appeared.

Edited by Maelstrom Vortex
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"That's it, I'm gotta smash something before I rupture a kidney from all the stress of not smashing something in at least two whole weeks," Thor grumbles. He looks around the place before doing a flying leap off the balcony and coming to a rest in the garden below leaving a sizable divot the shape of a human being adorned with a viking helmet and a large hammer. He staggers to his feet and with a grimace of silent anguish as he landed on the hammer he mutters,"Blasted rose bushes.."

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