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The Saint Patricks Day Announcment

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Over the last two weeks we in the Saint Patricks Brigade has been witnessing excellent growth. We talked with the alliance NUDE and worked out a merger to double our original total NS. With that and excellent recruiting we are 4 times are original strength! That may not be much for a larger alliance however for a micro-alliance this is a blessing. This blessing has given birth to our current government ......... now introducing the Saint Patricks Brigade Government!

General: Micheal Collins
General: AllenKalashnikov
General: General Eze

Minister of Foreign Affairs: skable
Minister of Defense: Micheal Collins
Minister of Internal Affairs: AllenKalashnikov
Minister of Economics: dueces11
Minister of Recruitment: General Eze

We the Saint Patricks Brigade thank you for your time.

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[quote name='Karl von Hardenberg' date='17 March 2010 - 05:37 PM' timestamp='1268847790' post='2228351']
Dumarest, we know that you don't like em.. Making it just clearer isn't really needed.

Well actually, it seems it does need to be made clearer.

NUDE was protected by WAPA. SPB most emphatically is not. That fact doesn't seem to have been made clear to the former members of NUDE.



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[quote name='Earl Dumarest' date='17 March 2010 - 01:51 PM' timestamp='1268848607' post='2228366']
Well actually, it seems it does need to be made clearer.

NUDE was protected by WAPA. SPB most emphatically is not. That fact doesn't seem to have been made clear to the former members of NUDE.



They have already been told to change, however such a trivial matter such as this is no need to insult an alliance. SPB is not claiming to be protected by WAPA we are protected by The German Empire and we would have it no other way. Things such as this is expected to happen.

Edited by AllenKalashnikov
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[quote name='AllenKalashnikov' date='17 March 2010 - 05:56 PM' timestamp='1268848898' post='2228372']
They have already been told to change, however such a trivial matter such as this is no need to insult an alliance. SPB is not claiming to be protected by WAPA we are protected by The German Empire and we would have it no other way. Things such as this is expected to happen.

Spare us the lies.

These guys are showing 4 and 5 days seniority. When were they told to change? How long does it take to edit a bio?

As to being protected by TGE and having it no other way. TGE were NOT your first choice; micheal collins asked WAPA for a protectorate nearly 2 weeks ago.
[quote name='micheal collins' date='Fri Mar 05, 2010 9:11 am ']lasd how would you feel about a potectorate being drawn up ASAP :P
i think we may be merging with EPIC nations or NUDE as the new name[/quote]

Unfortunately for you, we will not support terrorist sympathisers.

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[quote name='Earl Dumarest' date='17 March 2010 - 02:24 PM' timestamp='1268850611' post='2228392']
Spare us the lies.

These guys are showing 4 and 5 days seniority. When were they told to change? How long does it take to edit a bio?

As to being protected by TGE and having it no other way. TGE were NOT your first choice; micheal collins asked WAPA for a protectorate nearly 2 weeks ago.

Unfortunately for you, we will not support terrorist sympathisers.

First of all I will be lodging a complaint with your leadership as to your unbecoming attitude towards your allies protectorate. Second fate decides all, it was fate who gave us TGE and we would not change it for all the infra in the game. Third who are referring to as a Terrorist Sympathizers?

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[quote name='AllenKalashnikov' date='17 March 2010 - 07:36 PM' timestamp='1268854899' post='2228457']
First of all I will be lodging a complaint with your leadership as to your unbecoming attitude towards your allies protectorate. Second fate decides all, it was fate who gave us TGE and we would not change it for all the infra in the game. Third who are referring to as a Terrorist Sympathizers?

Dumarest is the leadership.

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I don't know who's in the right here and who's in the wrong, and I am ambivalent in either matter.

But this looks to be a happy announcement of growth and new elections that's getting hampered by a separate topic. I feel PMs would be more suitable for the debate to continue.

For now, congrats on the new gov and Happy St. Patrick's Day.

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[quote name='Earl Dumarest' date='17 March 2010 - 07:24 PM' timestamp='1268850611' post='2228392']
Unfortunately for you, we will not support terrorist sympathisers.
Hahahaha. Wow, just wow.

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God dame there really is no such thing as a nice peacefull announcment from the irish :P

ok Earl we all know at this stage that u and many other members do not like us for what ever reason, now this is a happy announcment and a good day for our alliance and is not to be ruinned or brought to an agument by you or anyone else

jus to be clear this is from Skable the founder off NUDE

[quote]NUDE was down to just 8 members. We lost more than we gained. I was already planning to merge with another alliance, but I just wanted to choose the right one to merge with. Then micheal collins suggested that we merged together, and since he'd done a lot for NUDE, I decided that it was a good idea. After waiting for General Eze's and 66thPrinciple's approval, we went ahead with the merger. It's a lot more beneficial to our smaller members for several reasons, reasons that I can't be bothered to explain right now.
I don't care about the theme, in fact I like it.

I can't think of anything else to say right now, but I think some people of WAPA need to lighten up. They're being prejudice. I could probably go as far as saying they're being a bit racist, but that's not something I plan to discuss further[/quote]

let this be the end off an agument which was started by real life issues not game

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yes thats true and why should they know?
the idea on which the alliance was going to be based upon has been scraped completly i thought that was clear

and i find it very childish so continue bic$%*ing about this
aswell as the fact off de- masking all off our Diplomats on your forums and closing our embacy without even a warning

Edited by micheal collins
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[quote name='micheal collins' date='24 March 2010 - 09:38 AM' timestamp='1269423465' post='2235095']
yes thats true and why should they know?
the idea on which the alliance was going to be based upon has been scraped completly i thought that was clear

and i find it very childish so continue bic$%*ing about this
aswell as the fact off de- masking all off our Diplomats on your forums and closing our embacy without even a warning
Hmm I think you will find our embassy was closed too. No point starting silly arguements now. The matter is dead. Lets forget it and ya'll should move on...we have.

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[quote name='Earl Dumarest' date='20 March 2010 - 09:05 PM' timestamp='1269119132' post='2231519']
Skable clearly fails to understand the true theme which you have concealed from NUDE, and from the CN community.


Are you getting at what I think you are ?

Edit: Turns you were and they don't try to hide it all and I think we already had a IRA themed alliance. Its just a theme get over it the early IRA are heros not terrorists

Edited by steodonn
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  • 2 weeks later...

[quote name='Earl Dumarest' date='17 March 2010 - 06:30 PM' timestamp='1268850611' post='2228392']
Spare us the lies.

These guys are showing 4 and 5 days seniority. When were they told to change? How long does it take to edit a bio?

As to being protected by TGE and having it no other way. TGE were NOT your first choice; micheal collins asked WAPA for a protectorate nearly 2 weeks ago.

Unfortunately for you, we will not support terrorist sympathisers.

After the merger, I sent messages to everyone stating that we were no longer protected by WAPA, but were protected by TGE.
I knew exactly what the theme was about as I had signed up as a diplomat to SPB before merging. The original and now scrapped IRA theme really doesn't bother me at all.

That's all I need to say on the matter.

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