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Screaming out of Both Sides of the Mouths


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So the war is just because he got pissed they called him names. OK.
And then told him to bring it on. I mean, if they're asking for it, it's kind of on their own heads, isnt it?
That was in relation to talking about CNARF and regarding tech raiding as being the reason for war. Didn't you just say it had nothing to do with tech raiding?
You're the one that said the comparison was valid, while knowing better. In addition to joining in on the attempt to paint this as a hypocritical anti-raider war:
Are they going to be attacking all alliances that tech raid then?
I said the problem was if it was being disguised as it being a crusade against tech raiding alliances. Reading comprehension, it helps.
They never said it was a crusade against tech raiding, they said it was a crusade against standards of conduct. You and others were the ones pushing the strawman of it being about tech raiders.
Nice to see that someone is disregarding the actual reason for this war.

As a response to:

Disrespectful and vulgar behavior has consequences. Maybe this matter will convince some of the truth of that statement, or at least compel them to be more respectful in the future. I am sick and tired of the OWF being a cesspit of degradation and assorted crudity. These days, intelligent debate is insulted and degraded rather than encouraged. That needs to change; and those who involve themselves in such behavior need to consider becoming more constructive in dialogue.

Nice hat trick, though.

First of all I never care for analogies and I never argue them, so don't expect anything there.

As well:

<Hoo[AWAY]> I believe he said "as long as you follow common raid guidelines" or something like that

He was there doing something, basically putting his nose where it didn't need to be.

So what was that "thing", which he was "doing", that was sticking his nose into other people's business, other than being a part of the peanut gallery? A single out of context comment doesn't cut it, Warriorconcept. Come on, show me the good stuff.
Well I and my friends and even bzelger seem to grasp what that is. Just because you can't is your own fault.
You do a lot of complaining in public, sorry if I'm confused due to the sheer volume of positions you've taken on the same subjects.
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And then told him to bring it on. I mean, if they're asking for it, it's kind of on their own heads, isnt it?

On this we'll just have to agree to disagree as I see him being the provocative one by telling \m/ what kind of standard tech raiding practice they can follow.

You're the one that said the comparison was valid, while knowing better. In addition to joining in on the attempt to paint this as a hypocritical anti-raider war:

It is hypocritical if the main reason he even had demand anything in the first place and threatened the war for (before the actual disrespect mind you) is that they raided an alliance. It's hypocritical because he's still allied to those that tech raid alliances.

They never said it was a crusade against tech raiding, they said it was a crusade against standards of conduct. You and others were the ones pushing the strawman of it being about tech raiders.

Okay then it's not all about \m/ tech raiding FoA.

As a response to:

Nice hat trick, though.

What? Grub's DoW was because of the comments on IRC, not because of the OWF. Unless you're about to change that story again.

So what was that "thing", which he was "doing", that was sticking his nose into other people's business, other than being a part of the peanut gallery? A single out of context comment doesn't cut it, Warriorconcept. Come on, show me the good stuff.

Threatening war over their tech raiding practices. That's the thing which he was doing. Sorry I have more proof than you in that matter.

You do a lot of complaining in public, sorry if I'm confused due to the sheer volume of positions you've taken on the same subjects.

I do a lot of arguing, whether you call it complaining or not I could really care less and I know the people who's opinion matter to me know that I am being consistent on this issue.

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On this we'll just have to agree to disagree as I see him being the provocative one by telling \m/ what kind of standard tech raiding practice they can follow.
That entire meeting was about telling \m/ what kind of tech raiding practice they could follow. What makes Grub's rather innocuous comment so dastardly?
It is hypocritical if the main reason he even had demand anything in the first place and threatened the war for (before the actual disrespect mind you) is that they raided an alliance. It's hypocritical because he's still allied to those that tech raid alliances.
Isn't that how negotiations work? You start from two extremes, and then work to a mutually satisfactory compromise? It's not hypocritical if \m/ didn't want to play ball, and decided they'd rather let Grub roll them.
Okay then it's not all about \m/ tech raiding FoA.
I'm happy to see you've finally seen the light.
What? Grub's DoW was because of the comments on IRC, not because of the OWF. Unless you're about to change that story again.
Comrades, we are a community, all of us have an obligation to our community. Maybe some of you consider your job done just by showing up, but I firmly believe that there is more to be done. I believe in boundaries of common decency, I believe in a spirit of fair play and consideration, all whilst engaging in a lively and spirited debate. The call is often raised, ''do something about it'' and all that is required for our community to slide further into obscurity is for good men to do nothing.

Today, the New Polar Order, believing strongly in the protection of our standards, stands on the boundary. Our resolve has been tested but be assured even if we stand alone, we will not tolerate the behavior exhibited in recent times, we will not accept your freedoms without reminding you of the responsibility to the community that comes with it.

Threatening war over their tech raiding practices. That's the thing which he was doing. Sorry I have more proof than you in that matter.
Mind showing it? I mean, it's not like you care about proving yourself to folks who dont have opinions that matter to you. Well, then again, you have been churning out ridiculous arguments this entire time, so I can't say I'm surprised that you'd play a card you just accused me of not even a page ago.
I do a lot of arguing, whether you call it complaining or not I could really care less and I know the people who's opinion matter to me know that I am being consistent on this issue.

"I dont really have anything else to say so I'm just gonna say you dont matter and take my ball and go home." Or something to that effect, right?

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As far as I can tell, WC is criticizing NpO for preaching about morals and "community standards" when they should have just said "We don't like \m/ so we declare war".

Obviously you need to be schooled in the flowery language of diplomacy, but that is the essence of what he said.

The NpO doesn't like \m/'s lack of morals. It was couched in diplomatic terms and explained each point in detail but that is essentially what this is about in my opinion.

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When \m/ tech raids do they care about the reason for war or just laugh at everyone who tries arguing their should be reason for war? They attack because they can and now the same logic can be applied to them, I don't see any reason for moral outrage at this. Ever since \m/ was made to disband the first time its been clear how NpO feels about \m/, those getting closer to \m/ despite that weren't being good friends to NpO in aligning themselves to a reformed enemy. Its good to hear \m/ won't be forced to disband this time though, very merciful of Grub.

o/ Polaris

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Why does the opinion of Warrior Concept have anything to do with either \m/ or NpO? He's fairly irrelevant as far as I'm concerned.

And for the last goddamn time, NOBODY is complaining about the war itself, except maybe Starfox because he's a hypocrite. What the issue is is that NpO is playing this whole thing off as a massive PR stunt when all they're really doing is acting on an old grudge. Once they stop going on about how they're "morally superior" because they're putting down the evil meanies in \m/, all the crap on the forums will go away.

Meanwhile, we'll all be enjoying a nice war and having a helluva fun time of it.

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Why does the opinion of Warrior Concept have anything to do with either \m/ or NpO? He's fairly irrelevant as far as I'm concerned.

I dunno, maybe you should actually read the tl;dr provided?

Tl;dr: Warriorconcept, get off your high horse. You’re a damn hypocrite, and everything you’re saying right now reeks simply of playing up the moral crusader for the sake of looking good.

I didn't do this one for you, baby.

And for the last goddamn time, NOBODY is complaining about the war itself,
What was being discussed for 77 pages, then? In addition, plenty of people, WC included among them, complained about the war. Edited by Chron
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I dunno, maybe you should actually read the tl;dr provided?

I didn't do this one for you, baby.

What was being discussed for 77 pages, then? In addition, plenty of people, WC included among them, complained about the war.

Sorry, I should have phrased that as nobody in \m/.

That's right, the only people who are complaining are Starfox and people not actually in the alliance. What do you make of that, I wonder? Oh, right, people like other people's drama. <_<

As to the part about WC, I apologize for not reading the tldr, I skimmed and saw a lot about the war and a lot about him. Thought you were using him as an example of people complaining overall.

Edited by Godwin
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Sorry, I should have phrased that as nobody in \m/.

That's right, the only people who are complaining are Starfox and people not actually in the alliance. What do you make of that, I wonder? Oh, right, people like other people's drama.

See, and notice how this thread isnt about \m/.

So...what are you complaining about here?

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